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Everything posted by Harette

  1. ROFL, Remind us what we did again when YOU banned us for finding your camp? So before you be a little bitch and QQ your way off the Admin list, why not reveal those logs? To really reveal who was hacking Locations of Tents/Vehicles/People...
  2. So... Server: US 1284. Camp location, Malinovka (SE of Polana / NW Of Dolina) They had At least 3 vehicles. A UH1H, UAZ, and URAL. From the looks of it my motorcycle, and someone elses Bike will be there too. As as we found the camp, the admin "Banned us for Cheating/Hacking" B.S. We found their camp, so they banned us from their server... Well, enjoy. Heres out Ban Appeal: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/79235-banned-from-us1284-after-finding-admins-base/#entry752492 And somone else this occurred to about an hour or so after us: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/79255-us1284-admin-abuse-and-using-illegal-weapons-as50-tws/
  3. Well Done WooT! People keep on looting! WE would of been nice, taken a gun/ammo/basic med supplies. And A single vehicle... Im hoping now, this camp gets ransacked and run over for being an abusive admin.
  4. I still would like to know how they/he/her/whatever knew we were there.... They must be running some kind of GPS/Locator script... illegal much?
  5. 2240? What time zone? My friend and I are just trying to find a new server to go to, our old one must have gotten turned off/didnt pay the bill. So we've been server hopping trying to find a new "home" We just stumbled upon 1284, since it was mid-pop, <30 ping, and current version.
  6. Since most likely nothing will come of our posts to the moderators. I figured the least I could do, is provide others with opportunity to get their spoils. Who knows. They've had about 12 hours to pickup camp and move it... This is why you shouldn't get attached to your gear or vehicles...
  7. I wonder how many people are now going to get banned for cheating/hacking too. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/79584-free-gear-at-least-3-vehicles-enjoy/
  8. Yeah. I was his partner on the back of the motorcycle. We didn't teleport... if we did, why the hell would we need/be on the motorcycle? We booked outta stary because things went nuts. Find a motorcycle Just East of Novy (where it spawns) Head NE towards Factory/Berezino. Cross a forest, and Blam find Camp with UH1H, Ural, UAZ... Get about oh 10 seconds there, then Kicked/Banned. My biggest question is how did you know we were at your camp?
  9. I got it about 30 minutes ago. I have no idea why. Here's what happened leading up to my ban: A friend and I connected to a server just outside Cherno, we make our way in and climb up top to do some sniping. We get into some light engagements at range, with some people. Whatever. About 10 minutes go by, we start getting worried about them server hopping. Sure enough I take a revolver round to the ass outta no where. I retreat behind a wall, toss a grenade boom. +1 Bandit kill. I go to loot his corpse, my bud (a floor up) tells me someone just server hopped in and has him pinned he took a Lee round to the chest. And is bleeding out. I climb up, guy doesn't see me coming, boom dead +1 Murder. We heal each other, bandage up, loot bodies. I take the Bandit's M24 he had (to add to our tents), we get some blood bags, food, spare toolbelt items (compass, maps), etc. I then get shot by two makarov rounds into my ass, Spin around plant 2 DMR rounds to into their chest. +1 Bandit kill. Some idiot tries climbing up the ladder. + 1 Murder. My friend and I decide to bounce before the next round of server hoppers jump us. We log back to our main server. Climb down ladders and stairs, do some running, etc. to get back into our McDonald's Yellow Hatchback. I go to dump the M24 into the the car, its not in my bag. I notice my health is full too, but I have all my bandit kills and murders. (I never healed from the 2 makarov bullets) We both go "Its in alpha" *shrug* "whatever" I get into the driver's seat to head back to camp. Blam "Global Ban #19ce" *Insert Cursing Here* First it was inventory not saving, Then (and still is) tents, and cars not saving/disappearing. Then it was hackers. Now its Battle Eye i gotta worry about f*** me. I have never ran a script, cheated or anything, this is nuts.
  10. Harette

    Admin Abuse US221 [GM] Clan

    I'm going to go with opinion one on this. And if you would like to accuse me of being a hacker... Show proof, as we have done. You have an awful lot of knowledge about scripts that are out there... hmm Don't just qq that your clan is finally being caught. Have some manners about the whole process.
  11. Harette

    Admin Abuse US221 [GM] Clan

    Let me get this right for you guys. As I said 4 days ago. He hadn't even fully logged in yet, when I put the barrel of my AK-74 into his back and pulled the trigger. As to why his god mode didn't activate. Good question, I can only assume he went and asked for a refund for the script.
  12. Harette

    Admin Abuse US221 [GM] Clan

    Well thank you for showing us you can provide proof to someone being Banned. Next time, try not to photoshop it (I'm Guessing) Because funny story, he is currently playing the game. As of 8/8/2012 at 18:00 est. Read the thread.
  13. Harette

    Admin Abuse US221 [GM] Clan

    I have had a few friendly encounters with you on your server Igor. So I am willing to entertain this idea (because every time you were not godly geared). BUT We showed you proof of him hacking, Show us proof that that someone was faking being him. Server logs that show two Defilez on at the same time? (From last week) Server logs when someone logs in under Defilez with a different CD Key, GUID ID, IP (within a short period of time, from last week)?
  14. Harette

    Admin Abuse US221 [GM] Clan

    1. Check your logs, we have been playing on your server for over 3 weeks. All of those vehicles (1 ATV, 1 UAZ, 1 V3S, 2 Motorcycles) were legit. Hence why they would stay after restarts. We worked our ass off for them just for you to roll up with an god mode hack and destroy all of it. 2. The SINGLE AS50 TWS, that was in that tent, was the one I took off your dead body as I mentioned. Note how it was IN A TENT AND NOT IN USE, because I kept it hoping it could somehow be traced back to you. 3. Those tents we had, we actually SAVED after we took items out so they wouldnt dupe. We have been playing this game legit since day one. Period. We stuck it out on the server to get proof of your lies. THIS is why we have been posting on Server Reporting and in Cheating Report Forum about this. We report hacking to the Admins of the server. It is going to fall on deaf ears, because take a guess who runs the server.... Bingo.
  15. Harette

    Body armor.

    I only read some of the posts above but here's my opinion; If they are going to ever incorproate body armor, they should factor in: 1. Breaking/Cracking of ribs when shot. (Can only jog, and maybe you cough loudly or moan) 2. Gear affecting the amount of noise you make. 3. Increase in exhaustion, thirst, and food meter. 4. Limiting movements, ie, you can not snap up from prone or to prone in 3 seconds, and crawling under or vaulting over a fence, etc. 5. Overall weight limitations. 6. Gear should take Damage/Attrition/Wear. To me it would be useful to have a suit hiding in my tent, so if I needed to go raid the hospital in Cherno/Electo, hit up NWAF, etc. I would toss it on, due to bandits. But in no way would I ever want to run around in it long term, and there should require a cost to it. Everything about Day Z needs to have a cost. Before body armor, I just want a damn helmet. That can soak a bullet or three from any small caliber gun. And then its breaks. And just like in war time, if you clean it, its your canteene. But you lose visibility. Or a hat or shades that protects from sun glare. Maybe the hat prevents use of Range Finder, and NVGs, and the sunglasses Lower brightness for everything.
  16. I like the idea of having to have just a tool to hotwire the car maybe a different (or the same) toolbox, or just some wire cutters and screw driver, whatever. And maybe bolt cutters, crowbar to release the bicycle, and open some gates/doors, And maybe its just required the first time you start the car, and from there on our its hotwired, or whatever. If you want realism, even make some stupid mini-game where you get zapped, or take food/thirst away from exhausting yourself trying. Or if you fail your character yells from frustration and gets floaded by surrounding zombies.
  17. Harette

    Script Error #55

    Just happened to me, driving a tractor. Just found it, was about 300m down the road, i clipped a fence. Boom, kicked error #55.
  18. Harette

    Admin Abuse US221 [GM] Clan

    I've posted twice on the Server reporting forum about these guys (but they don't pass moderators approval apparently); 1. I killed him while he was logging in, he had an AS50 TWS on him and all end game loot, but just a regular coyote (8 slot bag). Then about 1 minute later, my leg got broke and I got nuked while inside a building with all the doors closed. 2. I was driving around on my bike, I saw him, he opened fire. I dodged all his bullets, then I peddled away. About 30 seconds later I got teleported to him, and couldn't move and he just shot me in the back at point blank range. This has been our home server for about 4-5 weeks. Only recently, when GM took it over originally it was just "hosted by igor" no its "hosted by igor & GM", almost almost every day, we get thunderdomed, teleported, find 3 helicopters in an open field, ammo box's with insane gear, etc. We've been trying to catch this clan in the act, and we finally did.
  19. I'm starting to get interested in hosting a server for Day Z Even before I realized it was outlawed to host your own , i decided I wasn't going that route. So I'm interested to hear from people who currently pay for outside/ 3rd party hosting. Their opinions on their current or previous server hosts. I mean from my experience its generally the same. But everything else I farmed out were for IIS hosts and virtualized 2008 servers for business use. Never before have I done this for private/video games use. So basically, recommendations? I'd rather hear from the community first about reliable uptime/downtime/GUIs/performance/hidden fees, etc.
  20. Thanks, I was really wondering about that. The idea sounded interesting to me, to mitigate server hopping, and to create a tighter nit community, plus run thrid party anti-cheat software, but I'd rather not "step" on the development crew and do something against them, as they are the people that have brought us this product free of charge. Has the higher cost and more time consumption, of the VPS been worth it? How has performance been on the VPS, I've read here on the forums, and some Terms and Agreements of VPS's that very few of them are will to dedicate hardware to your VPS and therefor create a lack of performance on the server.
  21. Awesome, thanks for letting me know HFB is actually in the running. Was HFB so bad that you stopped using them? But again, this is so out of the norm for what I used to when purchasing hosting I really have no idea. Also, what is the verdict on having a Public, Non-Hive server good/bad/waste of time/bannable offense?