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Lockem Shoto

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About Lockem Shoto

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Lockem Shoto

    Stuck on ( Setup completed, Please wait...)

    When it gets to that point just clip/unclip your flashlight is how I get out of it. The only problem is that you have no debug monitor, have infinite water/food stat, and you're in the debug plains. Or at least I am. Support won't answer me :S
  2. Lockem Shoto

    Stuck on Loading

    Did you all remember to manually update the build version after using the update?
  3. Lockem Shoto

    Stuck on Loading

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/67383-hotfix-build-1725-rolling-update/ That's the one I used. The only downside is that I can't go into other servers that haven't updated yet without experiencing the loading screen as well. I'm also in the debug plains for an eternity, unfortunately, and I have yet to find a way out whilst debugging my bugged status.
  4. Lockem Shoto

    World without buildings or trees?

    What if I don't have a debug screen? I can't see my own blood. Once I get out, should I attempt to get myself killed?
  5. The latest hotfix finally allowed me to get into servers of the same version. After several minutes of waiting on the "Setup Complete please wait" screen, I pressed G and realised that I could see my inventory. To my surprise everything was there! But there was something strange. It was still completely black, so I played around with my flashlight and somehow allowed light to pour into my virtual eyes. What I saw was ... strange. There were a number of people just standing out in the open without any trees or buildings concealing them. I've attempted to respawn, but that only further duplicates my current items. Is there a way out of this the quick way?
  6. Lockem Shoto

    Stuck on Loading

    The hotfix fixed my thing!
  7. [Censored for the sake of the revolution]
  8. Lockem Shoto


    How do you know if you have been banned by BattleEye? Does it have an infinite loading screen or am I supposed to see a "YOU HAVE BEEN BANNED" from the BattlEye client (I see no BattlEye client running though)
  9. Lockem Shoto

    Stuck on Loading

  10. Lockem Shoto

    Stuck on Loading

  11. Lockem Shoto

    economy in Day-Z?

    When I could actually get passed the loading screen, both me and a group of friends did this thing where we would try trading morphine for ammunition and blood bags from people we saved (the people we saved were usually from the "DayZ Help Me" sub reddit for people seeking medical help. It's hard finding people who actually want to trade though :S especially when items are now being duplicated by hackers who have the money to buy premium
  12. Lockem Shoto

    Stuck on Loading

    I'm thinking that they're not going to ... maybe they'll be focusing on the standalone?
  13. Lockem Shoto

    Stuck on Loading

    They're busy ignoring our pleas ._.
  14. Lockem Shoto

    Stuck on Loading

    I played on yet another Steam account and it works ~_~ It's just my key
  15. Lockem Shoto

    Hackers killed the server in AU 1

    It's a shame that developers are so restricted ... does anybody know if its the mod that's easily hackable or the ARMA 2 client?