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Everything posted by Deathcall
Is there a way to permanently destroy tents?
Deathcall replied to narsil1's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I thought they despawned after being flattened since the last patch? Or at least that happened to me? Can anyone confirm? -
Wasn't (or isn't) Pegz part of the administration? I remember he was part of the Colony Security when I was in your server. Also, funny you say on your next post that there's is no tolerance for hacks and banned HGMReturns for map-hacks when Pegz was using them to troll people not long ago, and he only got 3 day ban... And on a final note... So nobody at Swift Gaming has large penises? Good to know I suppose... (totally understand if this deserves a warning, but it was totally worth it).
Private Hive: Billy Mays Remembrance Foundation |Advanced Whitelist|Custom Loot/Buildings|24/7 Admins|IRC Support|
Deathcall replied to peep's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Must say I'm really happy I joined this server, the community is solid (with the occasional douche, but that can't be helped), the game runs smoothly (besides some long load times if you happened to miss the last restart) and they listen to request (there is now mods online around the late-night hours). Highly recommended. PD: Perhaps you could look into that building model that the guys at the Asylum cooked up? That'd be a nice addition until the devs get their own system. (http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/87468-the-asylum-introduces-construction-and-more/page__hl__asylum) -
Private Hive: Billy Mays Remembrance Foundation |Advanced Whitelist|Custom Loot/Buildings|24/7 Admins|IRC Support|
Deathcall replied to peep's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
True, slow load times have been a constant as of late. Sometimes, when the server just restarted, it'll low quickly, but more often than not, it'll take about 3-5 minutes to enter the game. Still a pretty good server though. -
Private Hive: Billy Mays Remembrance Foundation |Advanced Whitelist|Custom Loot/Buildings|24/7 Admins|IRC Support|
Deathcall replied to peep's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
We had a good run yesterday, actually made some progress towards establishing our presence. It IS a nice server. Just wish more admins played during night time (my night time at least) so I could feel a bit safer. In any case, had a great time with my friends. Community is pretty good if you take what's the average in most other servers. Recommended. -
I just think it's my civic duty to link this: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/84986-swift-gamings-private-hive/ Please read it before joining this server... I know I wish I knew how things were before I wasted 4 days there...
Private Hive: Billy Mays Remembrance Foundation |Advanced Whitelist|Custom Loot/Buildings|24/7 Admins|IRC Support|
Deathcall replied to peep's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
The server is nice, was starting to have fun with some other guys who moved from another server but a hacker came by and pretty much killed everyone. I thought you guys had some sort of anti-hacking programs running? This guy was porting around, using god-mod, spawning zombies... Don't understand how he didn't get caught. -
Oh, and BTW... 99 slot server? HAH! Yeah right... The other day there were 70 something people on and it took 20 minutes to log in or respawn. Not to mention loot didn't appear and zombies were brain dead (well... more than usual). All lies.
Hypocritical child you are Hunter. The first day after the server started up as PH we found a helo atop the hospital at Cherno and actually had a whole bunch of people come together to try and fix it. What did you do? You came down to kill us with your fricking MK 48 Mod 0. You shot me in the head even though I just had a hatchet and had been running around getting the needed parts. Then someone kills you and you go away. Not an hour later you claim to have found a second helo at Rog Castle, so we go over there with our own helo and help you fix it (not that you were thankful for our help at all). What do I see on your hand when we get there? Another MK 48 Mod 0. Highly suspicious. Specially considering how the entire "colony" (if that can be called a colony) kinda popped up from nowhere. All those fenced wires, hedgehogs and tents there. Pretty quick work you did there... Hell, forget all that, when I logged that day the server had 2 helos, both functional and left in the hands of the Colony personnel. The next day, no helos to be around. Crashed pointlessly in some manner or another. Talking about the Colony, that didn't even work for a single day after the server turned into a Private Hive. You and your staff were more interested in trolling people than helping them. Which is kinda funny considering how you actually had to kick two of your underlings for using cheats to find some of my friends' camp and destroying everything there. Not only did they do that, but also decided it was worth the trololol to come down to the vent channel where we were at and brag about it. Also, another of your staff members got accused of hacking... BY YOU, because he killed you. Hell, you even kicked me for asking - and I quote - "Would it be cheating to ask you if there are any V3S currently spawned?". Just right out of the bat kick. And threatened to ban me if I asked again. I simply don't get your double standards. When the server first started, you told everyone on that there were like 4 helicopters spawned. You also mentioned a lot of information. Even said something like "the URAL is at XXX XXX (some sort of gibberish that didn't make sense)", get it if you can read that. Hell, we found the URAL fair and legit, just so you colony peeps could go fetch it and destroy it for some silly reason. Your staff made no effort to actually help people, only caring for their own fun. I overheard several of your TS conversations while playing and frankly I became quite disgusted by some of the comments, like: "I need to get a sniper so I can go troll people at Electro". Such comments you'd laugh at, but the next day you are kicking people for killing fresh spawns? Am I supposed to log into your forums every single hour to see what new crazy rule you have implemented (like spawning with tents, really? WTF, way to inflate the economy braniac, tents are supposed to be RARE) or should I just follow you on twitter or something? And what's this stuff with this "Swiftgaming" user? Who if not Hunter is talking for that community? The other two admins that you banned for hacking? The one that killed you? No wait, that one got demoted. The guys playing "colony security" who would just shoot people for fun in Electro? Bah, your blatant lack of responsibility is staggering. The only nice thing the administration of this server ever did for me was upping the ping threshold so I wouldn't get kicked all the time. Thanks, but you don't need to do that anymore. I'm taking my unwanted butt to some other server where I don't have to fight off zombies, bandits AND power-hungry admins. You are the impersonation of everything that is wrong with a server admin. Text-books could be written about your way of handling servers, so other people know what NOT to do. PD: There are some good people in this administration. Guys who actually tried to make the game more fun for everyone. Sadly, Hunter and his ilk just ruin it for everyone.
Sadly I must agree with Nox and Razor... Though I was able to meet a lot of good people in this server, the main admin (along with several of his underlings - not all though, there are some cool guys) is just a power hungry fool who has double standards and more often than not deters people from enjoying the game instead of helping. Thus, for all it matters, I must completely remove my support to this server and advice against it to everyone who happens by. Their idea of a colony was a joke to begin with and it's all but extinguished by now. Some of the sub-admins use hacks to troll people (like the case mentioned by Nox above) and I'm pretty sure hunter himself abuses his admin powers to spawn gear for himself and others. It's really sad because a nice group of people had come join the server and I was starting to really enjoy the game with them, but the administration ruined it.
Nooooo! What are you doing Hunter! Now people know where our perfect friendly survivor community is! What will happen to all the awesome loot we have amassed and stashed all over the map? What about our fleet of cars and choppers!? The least thing we need is an influx of bandits to come reck our lovely post-apocalyptic lives! Disregard the OP, he is lying! There is absolutely no awesome things to be had or cars to be stolen in our run-down - not at all organized - back-water colony. Hell, it's not even a colony, it's more like two troll-wires and a sandbag. You stay wherever you are bandits!
Of course people were gonna complain that you went on to some conferences and, thus, updates and fixes have been slower than usual. That's forseeable and fairly expected. Of course some are gonna support you and some are gonna curse at you. Doesn't change how things are. You got the crack and we are the whores. People want their "fix", there's no denying it. So haters gonna hate, and lovers gonna love, things remain mainly the same with a slight decrease in the player base. Which is pretty normal considering some of the current bugs, but which could be easily reverted when said problems are solved. What interests (and worries) me now is this new found "live and let live" attitude towards Private Hives. Not long ago private hive servers seemed to be "discouraged" because they didn't contribute to the alpha testing, right now, it seems you guys are starting to support the idea (seeing that we even got a new forum section dedicated to it). Is this because Private Hives can actually have their tents and vehicles saved (main concern for a lot of people)? Or is it simply a new turn in the development procedure?
Two suggestions: map and the economy.
Deathcall replied to avant gard's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
I don't think that Day Z can reach Eve Online level of economy... it's just too much for a game such as this. The good thing is, we don't need that level of complexity in a zombie apocalypse. We only need something that will fit the scenario and enrich the game. I'd like to argue about this further, but I'd like to know if the devs are actually interested in an economy system (or giving us the ability to create one) before we go into theory crafting. -
"Rocket" Please We need a Database wipe
Deathcall replied to Tain (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
So... If the hackers are gonna keep on hacking... If the dupers will just keep duping... And the honest players will benefit from it... Why not do a database wipe anyway? It's like when your OS disk gets full. Do you keep using a sluggish system that will eventually crash, or do you just format it and start over fresh? -
Server isn't showing to me either. I tried Day Z Commander, SixLauncher and the in-game launcher. Nothing works. I see the server in Day Z commander but it has 10000 ping and it sometimes shows as the server where the colony was before it got moved.
Similar to how MMO's handle different continents I believe. My only suggestion would be to make transition areas pretty big so people can't camp them. Supposing the nine-square areas are all in one server, there's nothing preventing you from moving from square A to square B and then switching to another server. As long as the system is standarized, you'd be in B but in another server. Overall, I'd prefer if characters where server bound however...
Two suggestions: map and the economy.
Deathcall replied to avant gard's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
I think that a lot of people are asking for the same thing but in different ways. Overall, what people actually seem to want, is the so called "social-experiment" that Rocket keeps mentioning, not the PVP experience we have now. It looks to me that what most "invested" players aim for is that feeling of actually being a post-zombie outbreak world and striving for survival. The value of life, the surplus (infinite) amount of available supplies,etc., that's what seems to bother a lot of the players who have been posting lately. I think we should gather all the like-minded people in this sub-forum and create a huge thread advocating (and compiling) all these ideas. Hopefully the devs will take notice. And if others don't like our "realism", there's always the possiblity for different kind of servers, isn't it? -
I think the whole dilemma of this thread goes around a very simple question: How "gamey" do we want Day Z to be? I believe that Rocket has stated (several times) that Day Z is an "anti-game", that it's supposed to be a social experiment. He has also said that he isn't aiming for "ultra-realism", hence, no sleep mechanics (so far) or vowel movements. Now, lets talk about weapon degradation and how "gamey" it is... Modern weapons are meant to last. You can't have a soldier with a broken gun in the middle of combat. Also, they are meant to be repaired (as long as it's not something major) and cleaned easily. I believe we can all agree on this, at least regarding the low to mid-tec weapons. Things with night or thermal vision are the exception (high-tec), but then again, you can just remove the sight and use the weapon without it (possibly replacing it with another sight if the thing about there being modular-weapons in the Standalone is true). Now... I'll bring this up again. What's the average life-expectancy in Day Z (mod)? Currently, 1 HOUR 5 MINUTES. This means that your regular, off the coast, survivor will spawn, go to a city, grab whatever he need and die to zombies, the environment or other survivors in pretty much just an hour. How can weapon degradation affect this player? It simply (and realistically) can't. Now lets assume we aren't all newbs and that we get an average life expectancy of, say, fivedays. Can a weapon degrade to a point where it actually starts malfunctioning in five days? This is Day Z, not Battlefield, people aren't going around firing round after round of ammunition. So what makes the weapon degrade? Do we add some kind of mechanic that represents the normal wear and tear exponentially (ex.: 1 shot fired = 100 shots in real life)? Or do we go for the weather approach and make it so rain and dirt actually affects your weapons (again, exponentially)? What about weapons well known for their durability (AKs for example)? It simply can't be done in any way even close to realistic, it would be out of tone with the game. People are already complaining that they have to eat and drink too often, what do you think they'll say when their weapons break down after a couple clips are fired? Disregarding that, are we going to be able to fix weapons? How hard will it be? I'm not against a mechanic that makes weapons degrade, I'm against a mechanic that just circumvents the problem. Think about the bandit and hero skins. Rocket himself said that he didn't like the idea, but he had to end up adding them back because an aspect of the game was running rampant and it was affecting everyone's experience. The extreme surplus of weapons is pretty much the same thing, and adding some sort of quick badly-thought patch to it like an unrealistic weapon degradation system has the same bad taste. For the people who are against this idea, I'd like you to actually elaborate (as the OP said) as to how do you think a weapon degradation system could be enacted to ACTUALLY help with the problem and not just become a bothersome mechanic everyone will come to hate (like when zombies broke your legs all the time).
I'd vote for you guys, but I can't find the "anti-game" category.
No, no, no... Why do people keep suggesting keys and simple stuff like that for protecting vechiles in a zombie apocalypse? What is stopping any survivor from bashing a window open or using a crowbar to pop the trunk of some car and get your gear? If you have the technical knowledge to replace a car's engine, you have the technical knowledge to jump start it. You want to make it harder for people to steal your car? Remove a "key" piece from the engine or some other vital area. Now, the person who finds it will have to replace the entire engine, which takes a lot of slots and time to find and lug around, while you can fix it with an item that should occupy less than one slot (probly even go in the toolbelt) of your inventory. Cars are supposed to change hands, as pretty much everything else in the game. The objective is not to prevent it, but to make it harder. PD: How about removing the sterring wheel? It has to be an item that doesn't spawn in the regular loot piles, something which you can only have if you own a car. That way, you cannot farm for it, you have to take it from someone else.
Calling all members of the coalition and any like-minded heroes or survivors!
Deathcall replied to The Friendly Bandit's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Have you even checked that post he linked? They aren't organized and most likely that thing is not gonna happen at all. They spent as much time flaming the OP as they spent trying to get the plan (what plan?) going. I think the best way to deal with this is not paying it much attention, it'll go away on it's own. -
Mhm... approaching the colony is truly a bit difficult now I think about it. Walking those open roads leaves you quite exposed to bandit snipers and walking all that distance takes a lot of time and zombies sometimes agro on you. Depending on how good you are on man-power, perhaps you could establish a couple "checkpoints" were people approaching the colony can meet with colony security for a body check and get escorted back? I strongly suggest the tin-can test to avoid satchel-charge video makers...
Suggestions for the DayZ standalone - thinking outside of the limitations of an Arma 2 mod.
Deathcall replied to ruarz's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Seasons have been suggested. Implementation is sketchy though... Do they go for real-time seasons (spanning months) or make it go faster? They haven't sped up the day/night cycle... Harsher weather perhaps? But Chernarus is too small for extremes and not precisely placed in an area prone to tropical storms... Maybe once more maps become available then we can get more weather conditions? Lingor Island could have tropical storms for sure. And then we could go for some desert like map (Mojave anyone?). Camera is a great idea! Make it an instant camera so you can get the pictures in your inventory and show it to people... or have people take it when they kill you! -
Your idea seems really similar to one I posted in another thread Mr. Two. Allow me to link it so you can see and compare... If you aren't up for the long read, I'll make it short. There must be some sort of "depletion" of the in-game resources for this game to evolve to the next level. Wear and tear for weapons is not a solution. It's a delaying patch. Even if you can't repair weapons, which, in all honesty would be a silly concept considering that our characters can repair freaking military helicopters, the problem will remain, it'll just get "slowed down". Besides, how long is the average life in Day Z nowadays? I think it'll hardly get to the point where your weapon is starting to break before you get killed. And even considering that the next person picks it up, he won't last long either. Eventually, it may be days and many many hands before the weapon starts showing signs of decay. On a secondary but still important note, can the hive keep track of all the weapons in game? Won't that cause too much traffic? Or will it be something server-sided? Overall, I'm not against the wear and tear mechanic, it's realistic. But as long as things just keep respawning all the time (at least at the rate they do now, where you can just loot an entire building, leave for a few minutes and come back to find brand new loot), it'd be useless. You can't quicken it like they've done to the food and water meters or it'll become too bothersome, and you can't make it take too long or it'll become pointless.
Fun day in the Colony, messy, but fun! About the axe-murderers in Electro... I feel your pain man. I was just recently spawned there and got myself an Enfield just to fill my primary. Some bandit guy spots me from the top of the hospital building and I shoot at him from the house behind it. A got really happy about that since the town was full of bodies and I presumed he had gotten them all, but a few minutes later I spot two survivors heading up the road from the town's Fire Station... when I came up to greet them (they had survivor skins and where armed only with axes) they start chasing me around and trying to axe me to death! I ran and popped one of them on the knees making him crawl but the other guy kept chasing me (instead of helping his friend) so I couldn't reason with them. Eventually I lost the other guy and sneaked my way to the hospital to catch them off-guard (they would go there for sure to get some morphine). Once there I fire some warning shots and try to talk but they just keep trying to kill me. Eventually I managed to get one of them eaten by a zombie horde (dinner bell indeed) and I accidentally killed the other (I was trying to hit his legs). Funny thing is, even though I had zero murders at the time and one bandit kill plus 2500 humanity, I still got a bandit skin myself (even though I had positive humanity!) But anyway... If you need help setting up those camps Welch, hit me up. I hang out in the survivor's lounge when not doing business with the colony. PD: I got the guy who killed everyone before the colony managers left! Sircause or something.