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Everything posted by Rampancy

  1. Rampancy

    Join Our DayZ Group

    IGN:Rampancy Age: 21 Location:Florida
  2. Hey guys, I've been interested in creating a program that will allow plays to report servers and/or players. This will include general information like the servers IP and Port, and then specific information such as the performance, bugs, or hackers. For players, it can be used to check the legitimacy of players and servers. I think this is something we can use to counter current metagame of shoot on site. The only downfall would be that players can change their names, false information may be posted, and not seeing hackers/greifers name. Let me know what you guys think or would suggest for this. I'm interested in getting more active in the community and I think this help me as much as it'll help the community.
  3. I see, I think it'll still be useful, but if it's that easy to change your sever, it may still cause issues. But at least it'll give someone a heads up if they find a server and there is reported info. This is for regular users, not server hosters. If you see someone in server that looks suspicious, you could check up to see if he has any reported hacking attemps. The only issue with that system is if they change their name.
  4. Rampancy

    Dieing on alttab.

    Died today from alt+tabbing today. I was at least 5k+ meters away from any civilization. Proned under a tree with a gillie suit on and it's pitch black dark, but I doubt anyone could see even with night vision unless they walked up on top of me. I alt tabbed for 15-20 seconds, then my friend tells me I died. He checks for my body and can't find it. I'm thinking either a really bad despawn bug or a hacker. The only way someone could have killed me that quickly is if they have been tracking me since I logged in, and I logged in the middle of the wilderness. P.S. There was a strange occurrence when logging on to that server. I was missed placed around 3k meters from where I logged out. Didn't notice until I tried to find my friend and noticed I was in a different location. Server was CA 12.
  5. I was just mass teleported to a top of a building... I've died before so dying isn't a big deal, but dying from a hacker just pisses me off. Going to avoid large servers for now, if this happens again, I will stop playing this game.
  6. Rampancy

    Just killed by hackers Fr 107

    The second quote pretty much sums up my reply to you. The hackers are way to free here. In a game where you can lose everything in a split second, a hacker can seriously make the game a sour experience. As I said before, if it was legit from another player, I would accept it and continue, but from a hacker... How am I to expect it wont happen again? Am I supposed to die instantaneously every time I get good gear?
  7. Give me a ring with skype if you have it: fel.joshua I don't like playing without a crew so I'm up to help out.
  8. Give me a ring with skype: fel.joshua
  9. Rampancy

    when you logout

    Guns are saved automatically. No need to save them. However, if you get a vehicle or a tent, you have to make sure to save it. You'll know because it'll give you the option too. If you need any help, feel free to message me. I'm only a week old player, but I've learned a ton from my friends and I'm willing to do the same. Just send me a PM.
  10. Rampancy

    Full screen NVGS.

    I think it would be considered hacking. It's third party mod that affects unfairly.
  11. Rampancy

    Six updater and xsplit

    No worries bud, I'm having the same issue as well. Not sure why.
  12. Here are some quick tips to think about before you post about game changes: 1) Gather information about the game: This means figuring out what kind of game this is, and what it's intended goals are (DayZ is intended as a survival simulator in a zombie apocolypse). 2) Understand it's gameplay mechanics: From here you should know what the game's direction is so it's not too hard to figure this out. In the case of DayZ, it's a simulation of a zombie apocolypse. Keyword simulation: immitation. Most simulators these days are based on real life. So if you say lower gun damage, you should research the real effects of gun shots to a body. In the case of a .50 cal, you will die in one shot. 3) Come up with suggestions that will better suit the game/simulator to meet it's goals. This can be opinionated, but nevertheless is should be recognizable that it's intended for achieving the game/simulator's goals. For example, the log out timer is a very good suggestion, because you don't just dissappear in realistic situations. However some people will disagree because of certain issues like hackers. So far, everything except for the log out timer makes completely makes NO sense towards DayZ's goals. People are flaming you because you are disreguarding the main reason people are playing this game... DayZ's goal to creating a zombie apocolypse simulator (based on realistic situations). Sure, some things might not seem as realistic, but this is also still in alpha and DayZ must also meet the requirements for a game to be playable. Breaking your leg would take weeks to heal... It's realistic, but honestly not a good move to make DayZ more replayable. P.S. There might be some confusion here about leg breaking. I think we need to consider fractures as well. You can still run and operate on a fractured limb, it'll just hurt a shit ton... Hence morphine is there to help you. P.S.S Here's an example of how to use these tips. Once again looking at leg breaks/fractures: Why not have it so that you have to splint the broken limb and apply morphine? This would make the experience more realistic and perhaps add a little limp that last for a set amount of time. Until I spot you with my AS50, good luck
  13. Hey guys. Me and friend were shot at while in barracks. My friend got hit, but I had a clear shot at him from the windows. I shot a full clip (about 30 rounds) at him, and nothing penetrated and the guy seemed well alive. Has anyone else had issues shooting out of the barracks windows?