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Everything posted by Jwjb2000

  1. Jwjb2000

    DayZ Stories

    I was playing on a private server where we have a civil war going on between 2 of the admins. On of them holds elecktro while the other owns cherno (who I support). One day I was running across Cherno with my 2 friends. We were going to steal food from them cause it was night. We had night vision goggles and we got into the house and we took food and weapons, ammo,medical supplies and fuel. We ran back to our car and cheesed it. Once we got back we were told that we had to go in an assault with 20 other guys. We walked to cherno cause there weren't enough cars. Once we got there we opened fire at them and charged. Most of us had regular suits but a squad had bandit camo and their leader had a ghillie. When I charged I was forced into a house where I a grenade exploded near me and made I was knocked unconscious. The squad that I talked about earlier they lost 4 of there men. So it was there squad leader, the second in command( the sic),And a noob. They found me bleeding. There sic is a medic and he patched me up and asked Cherno or Electro.i replied with what do you mean. He shoved a revolver in my face and asked: Who you with asshole? I said the name of the guy from cherno. He said to call him Tom, to call there leader mike and the noob James, they called themselves Delta squad. I asked about my squad the didn't know then out of nowhere a bullet hit next to toms head but he shifted before it hit. Then loads of bullets swarmed the window where James was. A bullet hit but little damage was done. I couldn't find my gun and I realised I was in the same house from the raid before I found a revolver and a lot of Ammo . There was a firefight out side the house. On our server we allow artillery but in very small areas. Our intel was off and our artillery bombed just out side and we got scared back in side. After it finished me and Delta ran outside into smoke to run into an alley. On the other street James walks strait into the open and gets shot in the chest by a sniper we I needed to get to him or he'll die. Tom gave me a high powered rifle with a scope. Mike made a distraction and I got a shot on the sniper. Tom then ran to James and gave him a blood trans and a bandage. We see a truck of our raiders come down the street with people screaming run away there were people running to get in. Turning the corner comes a horde of 50-60 Zeds running down the street. We ran as fast as we could we ran out of electro with our troops retreating and the electro supporters hiding. They are still there on the server spread on the main road in electro
  2. Same with Canadian servers don't worry bro
  3. Jwjb2000

    Hacker on US1557

    It's Jason he's a massive hacker and the creator of thunder dome
  4. Jwjb2000

    Is this Script a Hack?

    It spawns guards
  5. Jwjb2000

    DayZ Stories

    One time this private server was testing a mod I wrote out called the dayz social mod which basically adds 2 more things to HUD called the heart meter and the brain meter. And a choice between man and woman. The brain is like insanity level which is like if your alone long enough or see someone get killed you person will eventually go insane which will cause shakiness and passing out. The love meter adds. Kissing interactions and animations. With sex animations everything with love. If your Heart goes up so will your brain. To relieve insanity you give them a drug which I added in call phesoramate which is found in hospitals One day me and my irl girlfriend were walking down the road and saw an insane guy who was shaking pretty bad and had no control over his mouse which I added So me and my gf had son phes (which is short for phesoramate) and we gave it to him but we didn't realize he was a bandit so when he was sane he shot me with a bullet and I darted away with my gf and hid when violence starts your heart meter starts pumping and they want sex as a turn on. So after we shot the bandit I came back to my place and kissed her and after we had sex ( the animation lasts for 10 minutes and maybe we were gonna put the mod public but idk when the mod will go public. Its our clans private server on the map lingor island and we switch between lingor and chernogorsk
  6. Jwjb2000

    DayZ Stories

    On the server I'm known as the bandit killer and I'm known as a hero on the server So one day me and my sidekick who ppl call the death wish who's name is Anna (she's my girlfriend) and we look for bandits together and we kill them one day We had a target We rigged a truck in cherno with a trap sure enough some guys came I pull out an ak47 and Anna pulls out a high powered rifle to cover me and I approached with my ak and sprayed bullets at them killing and knocking the last one unconscious The target was killed whilst I was walking away a sniper took a shot and hit me in the leg so I crawled back to the truck and turns out they where in a clan and the rest of the clan came my girlfriend shot most of them but the sniper had saw the muzzle flash and I grabbed a sniper I found on a body the sniper aimed at Anna but I shot before he could shoot
  7. Jwjb2000

    DayZ Stories

    I was playing on the map lingor island with my full clan which is 18 people We met up in the northern island in a town ( I forget the name ) where we got ambushed by our enemy clan by 40+ people It was a bloodbath in my clan only me and my friend matt survived There were zombies everywhere. in the other clan they had taken 4 prisoners and lost about 20 ppl They loaded the prisoners in a truck and drove off turns out they were big enemies on the server and they took a lot of prisoners and hid them in a warehouse so we got about 90 enemy's of the clan and marched to the warehouse we first shot enfields at them to draw zombies to them we saved most of the prisoners but they took my girlfriend hostage while playing a hardcore server He had a revolver to her head I jumped in me vs 12 bandits i shot them with a high powered rifle while the hostage taker ran to the back room whith my girlfriend I told him to let her go he said to fuck off I leaned in and blew his brains out but he managed to shoot my gf in the back I fixed her up and took the hostage takers gear which was amazing We took some prisoners a boat 3 Helos 9 apvs and 4 military trucks We still rule the server
  8. Jwjb2000

    DayZ Stories

    Me and 2 people. (my girlfriend anna and my best friend Matt) we were pretty geared up and we were on a large server (50+ at the time) We had a clan ( 17 people in the clan) and we were held up in Electro in a large house. We had food, water, weapons and a helicopter. On day a bandit wandered in and shot anna with a makarov in the shoulder. I ran in and let out a mag of my akm on him and he goes down. I realized we didn't have meds or bandages. I let out a med aid plea and sure enough a guy came with blood bags, epi pens. Everything we needed. Anna passed out and he gave us meds. Another bandit came and shot 12 rounds in the air with his lee enfield Which attracted a lot of zeds. Our friend had an ak47 or something and he just sprayed it on them and the bandit. I dragged Anna in another room while I stood at the doorway not letting anything at her. Eventually our friend downed and Matt was covering Anna. We finished the zeds off and we walked over to our friend He said to kill him and save Anna I hesitated He told me to kill him and use his supplies to help Anna I shot him It was quick I saved Anna and me and our friend sat085 the dude who saved us came to join our clan That's a sign of kindness in a zombie apocalypse
  9. Me and a friend were walking through a remote forest when 20+ people jumped out and pointed there weapons at us. They said to give them our stuff. They only had pistols while I had an ak and my friend had an enfield. We opened fire and most of them didn't have any ammo and we won of course. People do a thing called fake raiding where they don't have ammo but make other people think they do
  10. Jwjb2000

    NZ 19 helicopter hackers and inventory stealers

    That guy did the same to me on the same server
  11. Jwjb2000

    Passing out every time I log in, wtf?

    Could be a bug. Or make sure your well fed before logging off