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Everything posted by Altze

  1. Altze

    Fun came Back

    This is why tags are bad :/ That and it's like having a wallhack sometimes :/
  2. Altze

    Heli Crash FAQ

    Crash sites can spawn just NE of Krasnostav. No parachutes from the dayz chopper
  3. I'm using the exact same headphones and don't have the issue. I know that's not entirely helpful but the only thing I can query is make sure headphones are set to default speakers in windows have drivers installed and set audio samples in arma highest. Sorry mate,.
  4. Altze

    How to down Heli with a lee enfield :)

    Actually I wasn't talking to you at all but viles. So chill out.
  5. Altze

    How to down Heli with a lee enfield :)

    A 'pro' who has shot down 25 heicopters but squeels like a boy when the pilot crashes it and proclaims he shot it down. He was squeeling far too much and too 'surprised' when it went down for someone to know so much. And to have been shooting at it for 5 minutes (what, three completely off target shots out of a 3 minute video... guess the other two minute videos are where all the awesome shooting was)... It's just someone who just can't take some criticism.
  6. Altze

    How to down Heli with a lee enfield :)

    *Correction. there WAS two helicopters on the first attempt of the first hive. Now there is only one on the second attempt. Just keep on arguing the same invalid and completely fictional points that exist only in your head viles. I'm sure it works at intellectual battles against 5 year olds.
  7. Altze

    How to down Heli with a lee enfield :)

    How can a private server be rubbish? It's like playing at a giant LAN. Everyone knows everyone a lot more than randoms on a server. None of the immature shit from the likes of sapro and viles. Unlike public servers where even if they are lucky to get a kick they'll come straight back. Unless you don't actually have enough acquaintances to start a community with enough people to play there is currently no reason not to. With which by some displays of behaviour in this thread it's obvious some wouldn't have more than one or two people put up with their attitudes. what? who said anything about not having to eat or drink or anything of the likes. There is two helicopters? woopdie doo! everything else remains the same except the lack of immature people like you.
  8. Altze

    How to down Heli with a lee enfield :)

    If the community decides to have 8000000 choppers to play with, it can. That's the beauty of private hives, we don't have to play with immature people like yourself. But fact is, when the server went up there was two helicopters. One on the roof of elektro hospital and one at rog por, both were damaged. (and those are both old spawns) We've actually since moved the server more local and a new hive and only one chopper has spawned on this hive. Secondly, private hive, private community, rules of how many of what are up to us, not you or the official spawn table numbers. But the greatest thing about a community that know each other...... Just as many people to play against but none like you, or teleporters or hackers.
  9. Altze

    How to down Heli with a lee enfield :)

    WHAT?! Go into the editor and spawn the UH1H you scrumpturkey. Now put an enfield round into it. It doesn't do diddlyshit. In fact M249 rounds don't do diddlyshittly. You didn't hit the pilot in that video. At 2:06 in your video give or take a few frames there, as you fire your sights are in lag pursuit of the chopper underneath the tail weld (between hull and tail assembly.) Even assuming the chopper was significantly less than 300m away (at which the enfield is zeroed) thereby meaning the bullet is travelling on the ascending trajectory (bullets in real life and simulated by ARMA actually fire in an arc like a cannon, this is just physics 101) then at that approximate distance from the Heli your shot would have landed at best center rearward and lower than center mass of the helicopter. Given travel time of the bullet and the forward motion of the helicopter I'd say you totally missed. Even at an approximate location (at best) of your shot, there is NO significant spots on the helicopter you could have possibly taken it down. Secondly, the helicopter with a damaged main rotor doesn't just stop responding to controls and go straight into the ground. In fact, to damage the helicopters rotor it will start spinning. If you damaged the engine and the helicopter had forward momentum that forward momentum can STILL be converted into vertical height to descend and land safely (this is just how ARMA physics is and you can practice emergency landings in the tutorial of Arma)... But I dunno, I've only flown the helicopter a bazillion times, broken it a bazillion times, crashed it a bazillion times, flown it with a damaged rotor a bazillion times etc. etc. That was definitely pilot error, not you.
  10. Altze

    How to down Heli with a lee enfield :)

    It's a private hive and for some reason it uses the old spawns (before you probably even played and used maps). We're talking hospital roof spawns and hangar spawns, rog por spawns etc. Why? No idea, I'm not the one who runs the server but they were legitimately spawned. I was there two minutes after the server went up. But keep using your powers of awesome assumption buddy.
  11. Altze

    How to down Heli with a lee enfield :)

    I don't mean to be rude or burst your fun bubble but you didn't shoot it down. at 2:06 your aim is behind the chopper, even accounting for range with the trajectory if that chopper was less than 300m (Enfield zeroed at 300m) then you would have hit the hull or at best the middle of it. Nowhere near main rotor. Secondly, DMR and even M249 rounds bounce off the chopper and EIGHT boxes of m249 pounding at the helicopter is lucky to damage the chopper let alone bring it down. It looks more like the pilot ballsed up real bad or game crashed. I generally play on a private hive thesedays and its two main groups. Just last night our group with two helicopters had a huge fight against the other groups well armed guys. I can attest to magazines upon magazines of DMR bouncing off our helicopters as well as numerous M249 boxes bouncing off it. Of those two choppers in that war, both did take damage but not significant enough to bring it down. Fact is, you need anti-material rifles to bring them down effectively. (PS private hives with forum communities is the way to go until cheating is fixed (which it wont), screw hackers. Haven't seen one in ages that hasn't been dealt with swiftly (and then shunned from the community) since playing with a forum community and avoiding the public servers)
  12. It's a bug and it happens when you are in vehicles sometimes. (be thankful it didn't happen to you whilst piloting the UH1H with a full squad :/ ) You shouldn't be banned from it though. Pretty sure script restriction #55 is a pretty non-descript. erroneous message
  13. Altze

    Two helis on one server?

    I'm not sure about now cause I'm unsure all the spawn points are functioning correctly. But you could have >1 legit. heli per server previously. If the server never had a chopper seeded to it, it will never have a chopper (ever). It all depends on vehicle availability slots on the server etc. too
  14. Wish we had seen the thread earlier before spending hours getting a helicopter up on this server (with bugger all people on it at the time, except one extremely immature admin apparently) Result of having a helicopter you've built is the entire server being kicked + banned : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soWW9KtM07g Last few minutes of a 1hr 45+min video I have (from start of putting last jerry can in the uh1h to being kicked and banned). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4BdQgiCa3Q Didn't even kill the guy, hell we didn't even know he was there until he started firing wildly at the chopper. He was about to die to the three guys on the ground (don't think he even knew hat much) because he was so distracted trying to shoot me down in the chopper with a DMR. Blacklist the server imo.
  15. I think you mean to say You will die. And it will be due to hackers. Game is epic fail due to hacking and it really won't be long before the game spirals downward into decay due to it. I'm an avid fan and even I'm getting pretty effin' jack of it. Welcome to Earth, where the vast majority of anything that exists with an IQ over 80 is a c***
  16. Altze

    Helicopter Raid Practice Video

    I found keyboard to be easier for reverse circle strafing something to be honest (where you keep the nose of the chopper pointed at a target and pedal the tail around, effectively flying sideways and backwards but yet not moving all at the same time :- stunt Choppers do this with two helicopters and call it the Cobra if you youtube it to get what I mean.). The UH1H is just a bugged piece of shit imo. The pitch controls are stupidly too sensitive compared to roll, regardless of what control method or how low a sensitivity you use. You can fly just as accurately with KB. I lost our first DayZ chopper to poor server performance (framerate of 7fps on an i7 2600 GTX590 it was definitely server side plus bandicam recorded @ 30fps interestingly despite me only seeing every 7 frames) + lag.
  17. Altze

    Helicopter Raid Practice Video

    Nice, not bad Here's mine including backflips under cherno silo etc. :P Checkout second video (at the end) for how quickly you should be able to land on a roof/small area at a minimum. 1st go using Ps3 controller: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEutuexTb-U 2nd vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMran4875zo
  18. Which is why you maek it so if you kill other low humanity players it will return faster. To those crying about "MAGIC" you are forgetting one thing that I mentioned earlier. Your entire experience and LEARNED BEHAVIOURS in Dayz is "magic". As I said previously people have become behaviourally conditioned to shoot on sight because previously they have been killed on sight repeatedly when attempting to make contact or backstabbed repeatedly etc. In real life there is no respawning, there is no previous experience of being killed repeatedly to learn by, the only experiences that can be learned by are those which do not kill you. The game is built on magic and impossible conditions due to respawning and detachment between player and character. The game will ALWAYS devolve because of behavioural conditioning when the rewards for one action greaty outweigh another, this is not psychological rocket science. The only way you could make the game avoid this, was if every time you died. YOUR memory of that characters life was erased with it. This is obviously completely impossible short of everyone playing whilst jacked on Flunitrazopam. Thus you need to implement something to balance the rewards or createconsequences (or both) if you want players to make the decision themselves. The reason I like the system suggested is it's very heavily borrowed from Ultima Online, which worked extremely well and had PKs fighting everyone (including people who would make groups just to go out and hunt PKs). People shouting magic need to stop and have a good think more about why the game is detached and broken from the realistic part of the human psyche which leads it to devolve into what it is and why it needs a system to replace that which it cannot replicate. Building bases practically already exists with tent camps. They'll just become underground or fortified or whatever. But hey either way I personally will PK/Bandit (But will continue to aid the unarmed) because that's just what I've done in MMOs/RPGs (PvP, not grief). But the game *does* need a system.
  19. Just fyi I do not know the original poster from a speck of paint on the wa.ll so..
  20. well i for one would PvP regardless and have low humanity. The current system is non existent. You cannot have this for a game. In real life there is incentive to not kill each other (skills, knowledge, company, security etc) secondly in real life if you die... Thats fucking it, there is no respawning and behavioural conditioning from previous experiences of 'well shit everyone seems to kill me so ill kill everyone!'. Game needs a system to replace that which it cannot replicate (skills, knowledge, security when you sleep etc etc etc). Anyone who cant see the current system is unrealistic is a few sandwhiches short of a picnic. the suggested notoriety system or something like it would not dampen those who want to kill. In fact it would create a divide, where those who want to be good have the added bonus of being able to kill those who are bad but also likely trust those who are also good. those who want to be bad are pretty much in current system now.. good guys will want you dead and well... Other bad guys will probably want to too. so you pvp experience wont change one iota if you choose to be bad..
  21. Ok lots of errors and missing. Commas in above post. Hard from mobile sorry
  22. Just make it a uo system. The lower someone's humanity the more you gain from killing them and vice versa. This gives incentive to people who want a rep as a badass to avoid, but likewise it gives incentive for people to be good and they can 'pk hunt' shit give people titles associated to their humanity too like ' Altze the scoundrel' The Dread Lord Altze' etc. As humanity lowers. good ones for positive humanity. Make tags and titles as visible range as heartbeat or slightly higher solves sniper issues. its a tried method of a system that works. No need to accept fights if u kill aggressor its likely they had -ve humanity so yours will go up in self defense not down. People arent going to shoot you once hoping you kill them when they have real high humanity to force yours down. And even if they did your one kill can be worked off by killing low humanity players or just slowly over time. Its a system that provides survivors to band together and pkers to free for all against themselves and likely other pks and that's the tradeoff you make. Shit survivors could take over towns with such a system and declare them 'xx humanity players safe' people could trade etc knowing the other persons reputation. Realism? Whatever the fuck... Total deathmatch is NOT realism, give reasons for people to band together (currently none outside friends) and they will. But this system offers all types of players a 'place' in the world.... Typed from mobile so forgive me
  23. If you have the notebook regardless of server type they could have an identifiable tag as such at a reasonably close range (just the same as the heartbeat is regardless of server type). (i.e. short enough you can't just snipe through bushes by using the tags etc.)
  24. If you decide to head to green mountain, just watch out for the ghosts brother ;)
  25. ^ Exactly how I perceived it too. No notebook and you're in the dark. It's a cool idea, as long as the notebook is linked to the hive and thus all players joining etc. Then its a very cool idea I actually think it's probably the best idea of possibly succeeding that anybody has ever suggested on these forums yet.