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About nathanbayfield@live.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. nathanbayfield@live.com

    Hackers on UK41

    snipes and Lawrence are the only names there I don't recognise as regulars on UK41
  2. nathanbayfield@live.com

    US 1088 Hosted by ZombieHords HACKING

    And how do you know it was the admin that was hacking?
  3. nathanbayfield@live.com

    What do you have to do to enable music to play through your mic?

    OP means if there's a way to route your system audio through to your Arma2 audio input. I think the game takes your default system settings. I too would like to know how this is done.
  4. nathanbayfield@live.com

    CA 1 banned for no reason

    xanhilationx you are obviously 12 years old. Please leave.
  5. nathanbayfield@live.com

    killed him with his own gun hhaha,

    I love how people like Jex here get so wound up over this shit. It's a GAME. He's having FUN. It was also pretty hilarious, why do people get so offended over betrayals?
  6. nathanbayfield@live.com

    Dear UK41 clan

    This... this is for you.
  7. nathanbayfield@live.com

    NL 13 admin abuse

    Kicked from lobby every time I join. Me and my friends. Trying to host a private server? / reserving spaces? My ping is well below 100.
  8. nathanbayfield@live.com

    UK41 bullshit DCing, server hopping bastards.

    aye, I saw that. Ban if you log in and out too much? that doesn't solve a fucking thing! all there needs to be is a timer and alt+F4 not actually DC'ing you from the hive. If this isn't fixed in the mod surely Rocket will be able to do something about it for the stand alone.
  9. @ Cherno apartments time of posting. 5 guys in the space of an hour get shot at by my party and DC SEVERAL TIMES to avoid death. we exit through the hills at the back and one guy reconnects and mows down our entire party. What is even the point anymore? The game is unplayable until Rocket adds in a timer for the disconnect. How hard can that be? ALSO every server is ADVERTISING disconnecting when you join. 'disconnecting will be punished'? REALLY? I haven't seen it punished once! Every new player is seeing that and going 'oh! i'll do that when I have good gear!' FUCK. will have video evidence of some of the DCs up soon.