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Everything posted by Sceltus

  1. Hello all, I'm not going to talk about bandits so sit back and enjoy ;) I know it is a long read, so for your comfort I'll highlight the five main suggestions made in this piece. The most fun I have had en still have in this game is the start. When I start I'm in danger, I have no weapons, no food, no meds and no drinks. I need to orientate quickly, find a town and get some supplies! While gathering before finding my trusty hatchet (Yes I can finally defend myself!) I get hit once or twice by a zombie. I need to run while bleeding and lose lets say 2k blood. If I'm really unlucky I get hit some more and my blood is below 9k. Now as the lone wolf that I am I need a knife and matches, to get meat and some fresh blood. When I finally find these things I'm overjoyed! And if I'm lucky enough to get a good gun and a nice backpack in the mean time I almost jump in the air in celebration (warning OP may be exaggeration to get the story across). But.... And its a big one, this is where surviving ends... All I can do now is get better weapons, maybe a car or a helicopter, but nothing more. The problem is I can get everything I need in the wild and there is no danger in it for me. I love the danger, I want the danger!! It is of course ridiculous how easy it is to survive in the wild. I can drink all the water I come across without filtering it. I can heal all my wounds with ease and never get sick. And maybe the weirdest thing of all, I apparently am the best hunter in the world, because animals just stand there when I kill them. In real life (This isn't real life, it's a game!! >:( This is true, if it was real I wouldn't play it because I like living, but I think the more 'real' it gets, the more fun it is.) probably all of us would die if we got dropped in the wild for more than a week. The genious that I am (He calls himself a genius but look at all the grammar mistakes, can't even spell genius... OP is a ****) I came up with several points, which I think could improve the game immensely. First of all the hunting. Hunting should be harder, maybe cows will stand still when you approach them but most animal won't. Animals (and humans) have a fight or flight reflex when perceiving danger. This means they will either fight or flight, it's not called a stand-still-and-accept-death reflex for a reason. This means animals should either run away when they see you, or they should attack (on sight or when you hit them with an axe). This will mean that hunting is harder and either costs blood, when they attack, or bullets, when they flee. This will make survival in the wild a lot harder. The first point is directly linked with the second. Ammo drop needs to be lowered. Especially basic weapon ammo is way to easy to find, when I walk into town I'll find 10 makarov (fucking makarov I hoped for a map!!!) 8 .45 and unlimited slugs. By lowering ammo drop every shot becomes a hard decision. Do I shoot that goat before he runs? Do I clear out the zombies from afar, or sneak past them? Will I kill this survivor with my last clip? By lowering ammo drop, people will be forced to make more runs in town and can't stay in the forest forever, especially when they need bullets to hunt. The third point is about water. Water is often described as the most important resource on the world. Well in Dayz after 10 minutes it sure as hell isn't. You can refill your canteen at every water source and coke miraculously dehydrates. I don't know if you ever drank pond water, but that shit doesn't go down well. At the very least it should be necessary to cook water on a fire before drinking it. This will mean you need fire and a metal pan (or something similar) if you want to survive in the wild without going to town. The fourth point is about zombies. Because lets face it, we all started playing Dayz because we love the Zeds. The forests are save because no zombie goes there. This should change. With zombie spawns in the forests people will need to be more careful when wandering, the never safe feeling should be always in your mind! But linked with the first three suggestions this becomes even more fun (JAY!!! :D ). When you hunt an animal and either chase it or kill it with a shot, you now need to watch out for zombies around. When you encounter a zombie in the forest and need to shoot him, your precious ammo lessens. And when you are building a fire to purify your water you need to be sure no zombie sees it. Imagine water having to cook for 1 minute and you just lying there and praying furiously no zombie sees it, the joy!! Linked to this is a small note, fire needs to attract zombies from further away to increase the risks of cooking meat and water. The final suggestion is about sickness. Now I'm no health expert so I don't which diseases you can get in the forest, but I know there are a lot of them. By forcing people to find a hospital to gets meds or staying close to a fire and risking zeds to find them, surviving will get a lot harder and more challenging. Now I know this is a lot to read, but geuss what I'm not even done! :rolleyes: I'm also going to defend my case, by stating the two most common things I see on the forums. First Bandits are evil and need to be hanged (This view may or may not be the view of OP, OP is merely using this view as an example to defend his case). Second Dayz might seem easy after a while, but think back to the first time you played it, it is hard enough!! First the bandit story. I love a good bandit, and although I myself am more of a survivor, bandits are part of what makes Dayz great. But a lot of people hate pk'ers and evil bandits. Why would these suggestions get rid (or lessen) this 'problem'? First of I think pk'ers are mostly motivated by lack of anything else to do. After and hour you can survive forever and there are no goals anymore, so you start killing. By making surviving after the first hours more difficult, the challenge remains and the motivation to just survive remains. Second of all, by lowering ammo drop bandits have a harder time killing survivors and need the judge accordingly if killing is worth it. If you only have 2 clips why would you kill the freshly spawned noob? You won't. Now the Dayz is hard enough as it is. I will admit that Dayz is hard at the beginning and making it harder will scare of new players. This is something we don't want. Therefor I think that the starting difficulty should stay the same. But the suggestions I have giving do not drastically increase starting difficulty. The first few hours I played I never hunted of gathered water from a source and I didn't even find a weapon to use the ammo I did find :P . Also diseases should be a gradual thing and when you only live 30 minutes it won't affect you. Therefor these suggestions do not make the start of the game more difficult, but do make the hours after the first more difficult and challenging. Something I can only encourage. I hoped you all like my ideas and if you don't please tell me why. This is only a draft and I wrote it in one go, so a lot of this stuff probably needs improvement. I also realize some of these ideas have been posted on the forum already, but I hope never this complete. Greetings and good luck, Sceltus
  2. +1 This would improve the game immensely.
  3. Sceltus

    Pack noises when being opened

    I 100 % agree.