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About 0cube

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    On the Coast

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  1. 0cube


    Server Name: LU271 (Your) Timezone: GMT+1 Date/Time: approx 21:00 (9pm) Server Administrator('s): One or more of the [Heaven] guys What happened: Friend joined this server, said he was instantly BattlEye banned; I fired up fraps and connected to the server... Evidence/Proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9SFq6ANLqY&feature=plcp
  2. I lost connection there, 3 servers crashed within 5 secs of me connecting, never managed to run outta there.
  3. Me and a friend tried to join LU216 today and saw this message in the chat: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/595851247904862157/A144E3BDD3558991B682C4994274FE4D95F85606/ Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmB_PSNeJHQ&feature=plcp
  4. I can confirm Sloppzz being a "kicker", he did the same to me and a few buddies few days back.
  5. 0cube

    DE 239 ADMIN ABuse

    Have you even read the requirements to be allowed to host a DayZ server?
  6. 0cube

    LU209 admin abuse

    Maybe in order to capture the footage he provided as proof? God, people are so weird these days...
  7. 0cube

    LU193 Admin abuse

    I just hope it helps to get servers like these removed from the DayZ server browser
  8. So a few friends and me decided to join this server only to find that we were all kicked out a few seconds after we joined. I fired up fraps and started recording as i joined the server a few more times. - notice the admin leaves only one other guy, presumably his friend, in the server. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iY45fRWvcGc