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About vert

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. vert

    New character same equipment??

    You can backup the steam installs and move them to another PC to install them on there. It needs to be a different CD key though or else it will still be your characters.
  2. I just had the same issue, just fyi. Running time :)
  3. With the new zombie spawns, a very loud rifle will attract many many zombies to said sniper now. Much more risky to use a loud scoped rifle rifle. Would be good to add even more zombies on the outskirts of towns though, this way a sniper would have more trouble sitting in the woods and picking people off.
  4. Any chance we could get some type of "revive kit" like a defib or something. I wouldn't mind if it has to be within like a minute of getting killed. Maybe make it so if you get looted, you can't get revived, but if you haven't been looted yet, you can get revived, but just go to the default starting equipment? Any thoughts/ideas on this?
  5. vert

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Rocket, would it be possible to make it so when you spawn ingame you are protected for 30 seconds or something(unless you fire your own gun)? Only reason I ask is because I joined the game yesterday and was presented with a gun pointed at my head, and then died :)
  6. vert

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    Yes, remove the bandit models. I don't want to be a bandit, but if a player shooting me misses first, I have to wait for them to hit me to shoot back...which is pretty damn dangerous :)
  7. vert

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Just make a server that has no friendly fire and call it a day.
  8. Would be nice if you got shot, even in the head, you would go unconscious no matter what for like, 30 seconds or until you bleed out or something. Just would give your buddy a chance to stick you with adrenaline or something and revive you so you don't have to run for 15-30 minutes just to get back together. Anyone else agree or is that taking away from the realism of headshot = instant dead?