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Everything posted by Rnkd

  1. Did the server just fully reset tonight 7/25, Clean Slated? Admin started reset @ ~1:06 AM EST. Got 2 minute warning message. When I logged back in to check on everything, it had all dissapeared. Not just an unfortunate tent wipe, but tents completely dissapeared. Checked on several camps that I had discovered earlier and they were gone too, tents and all.
  2. Server: US106 (NJ3) Hosted By: TotalPunishmentGaming.com Date: July 18th, 2012 My friends and I decided to explore the north of the map on US106 (NJ3) last night, we logged on around 7:45pm EST. We decided to spread out, one at 004 EW, one at 008 EW and one at 012 EW and run directly west searching for camps. At 8pm EST the server came down for scheduled maintenance, this took about a minute and the server was back up again. So we continued on our journey. At around 9pm EST, I stumble across a huge camp at 057 NS, 008 EW. I alert my friends to clear the surrounding woods and group up. After not seeing anyone or any vehicles in the woods within 300m, we enter the camp at around 9:05pm EST. Jackpot, there was enough gear in the tents to fully deck out our squad. We start formulating a plan; however at 9:08pm EST the server comes down. The inevitable question was, “Do you think that was because of us?” However we remained optimistic and waited for the server to come up again. At this point I lose track of time, I had visited their website earlier to see what type of competition we would potentially be up against. With their TeamSpeak3 server information visible to the public, I could see that there were 2 small groups of 4 working together. From this I assumed that they were out in the field collecting items or camping objectives. After this first restart they had all moved to one channel and the number of people had jumped up to 12-16 in that channel. It was obvious that they were preparing for something. Facing the inevitability of people spawning in all around us when the servers came back online ~(7-10) mins later our mission changed focus to getting whatever we wanted and moving out as soon as possible. Any element of surprise was blown. Whether it was a player seeing us or an admin's birds eye, we had a feeling they were on to us. When the server came back up again it only lasted < 3 mins before it was offline again. I don’t really know the reason for this second restart. Was their plan not coordinated enough? Maybe they needed more time for players to jump to other servers to get closer, who knows. Maybe they were having legitimate technical issues. We were sure something fishy was going on and told our main group about what was happening to us. At this point our element of surprise was delayed by over 30 minutes. The server come back up after the second restart and we get back in to the game. Immediately we catch a TPG player inside the camp with an AS 50 on him. We pop him in the head and he goes down and alt f4’s, the body disappears. The tent with the 3 AS50’s has none; we can only assume the other two were in his pack. We engage another player to the north of the camp a couple shots were exchanged but nothing landed. At this point we begin moving out of the camp to the south. All rules for legitimate combat had been thrown out the window after the first two restarts. We run until they lose sight of us, reposition and log. We were very disheartened by the whole event. Delaying us by so long to get the jump on us, and restarting the server to prevent losing anything really just isn’t what a restart should be used for. Our reinforcements arrived and we decided to go take look at what was going on in the camp. When we approached the camp, there were 2 TPG members in the camp and a UAZ. We took out the UAZ so they had no escape and dispatched the 2 clan members. Turns out they had been busy bees, moving everything to a new location. The tents were mostly empty. After this event, the servers were restarted again with the specific purpose of restoring the UAZ destroyed in the raid. We know this thanks to some nifty Australian espionage. This evening(7/19), I once again legitimately found their new camp 012 NS, 057 EW. So they should be busy moving it again. No restarts this time though, just a bullet like it should have been in the first place. I don’t have screenshot of the original camp location or fraps of the on goings. My team mates were unfortunately banned from the server for hopping. Apparently logging back into the same place you were when the server went down is hopping servers. I just want to get the word out there that if you find a camp on US106 (NJ3), admins will do anything in their power to prevent you from playing the game in a legitimate fashion. I do wish to apologize to anyone who experience all those restarts last night.
  3. I have nothing to hide. We were not in your TS until long after the second restart, just purely to figure out what was going on, and yes we were unnanounce because we felt as if we had be treated unjustly. We stumbled upon your camp legitemately after over an hour of searching the north as stated. If there was indeed a teleporting hacker wouldn't have we suffered the same fate as the rest of the server? Whenever we got kicked off the server it conincided with the server timing out and restarting. When the servers came back up and we logged back in we were inside the camp where we were when the servers came down, within ~15m. I'm sorry if someone had hacked your camp location earlier but it doesn't give you the right to assume our guilt. And apparently you do care about your camp a lot as you mobilized the troops to move it so diligently. You restarted your server to save a fucking UAZ. Take one second to step back and look at it from our perspective. The event conincided too closely to be a coincidence. The fact that several of your group members had either move to or logged into locations around us after the second restart makes our movements just as justified as yours. Your buddy who alt f4'd with the AS 50's who conviniently logged in by that tent with them when the server came up, do your logs show that? Furthermore, When all our members decided to retreat and log, no combat was happening, none of your members were engaging us, we had already engaged and eliminated all members at the camp. You can present the information to make us look like the bad guys while selectively chosing to hide how your organization reacted to us, I have no control over that. I found your new camp today out of pure luck. I knew it would be somewhere on the west side of the map, I watched a guy go hunting for serveral minutes before attempting to enter. As far as requesting it to be hacked, I apologize that was not my intension. Stormed more like it. But I'm sure you've already moved it again. Nice parking job on the busses.