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Tyber (DayZ)

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About Tyber (DayZ)

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  1. Tyber (DayZ)

    how to raide a camp

    next day boom all tents are back after server reset T_T
  2. you know what i hate more than people who shoot on sight. Complaining Babies
  3. Tyber (DayZ)

    For Trade: Bus on SE 47

    not worth it vehicle disappearing every server restart even when you save them
  4. Tyber (DayZ)

    Lingor island trouble.

    Download the 1.4 version here http://www.icebreakr.info/lingor/download/?answer=1337 using the directions than download the patch here http://dayzlingor.tk/content.php Go down to the one in English and you must download the . 34 FULL and not the.33 to.34 patch than extract the files from the patch into your arma 2 operation arrowhead folder. And done! (what i did because i do not use torrents, was i downloaded the .33 full than used the .33 to the .34 patch and overwrite the files) Unfortunately all the servers that i play on take about 15 minutes for the waiting for character to create and loading, which is a very annoying.
  5. Tyber (DayZ)

    What's the status of tents right now?

    put my stuff in a glitched tent that had only a few items in it and all of my stuff got deleted 1 week old character freshspawn
  6. Tyber (DayZ)

    The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

    this post is idiotic read others to find the reasons why these things happen and why they should happen
  7. Tyber (DayZ)

    Trade,Hi i need a Sniper Rifle (M24,DMR or AS50)

    give you m107 10 mags near electro message me
  8. Tyber (DayZ)

    Worst Way You Ever Died

    forgot to walk down the barn stairs. Broke my leg down to 3k blood bandage no morphine,cant respawn, zombies coming in so i shoot bring about another 20 zombies i kill some of them than go unconscious and get eaten. What makes it even worse is my buddy was coming to meet up with me and all he found was my dead body and a lee enfield.
  9. Tyber (DayZ)

    Are Bear Traps part of DayZ?

    Hacks. Dont worry i cant even find bear traps in spawns only ever found 1 :(
  10. Tyber (DayZ)

    Saved a bandit, By shooting him in the back

    nice but i would have got a buddy online to bandage him for me and than drag him and turn him into a vehicle
  11. message me i got a group with around 10 people. Speak English and need to be mature age is 16+unless you can prove your not a asshole. Got a mumble server too.
  12. Tyber (DayZ)

    Something rather odd.

    when you play for a bit without logging off it goes away i think if not you might have to die.