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Everything posted by 123devon

  1. Hey! I'm looking for 1-2 people who are great at surviving and strategizing to team up with me and take on Chernarus. Only if serious, no one silly or ignorant. Prefer someone good at sniping.
  2. 123devon

    Going Lone Wolf for now on.

    It happens, I had to do the samething and now I am a fucking bandit smh but I would like to team up with you I have my own shit DMR, AK74U, steaks, blood pack, morphing etc. so I don't need anything just someone to team up with that is good at being organized don't want to play with noobs.
  3. I'll join if you are good at surviving because I am a beast and my partner have to be a beast too.
  4. Hey I'm willing to team up I'm a great sniper and surviver, just as long no one is a ignorant races just saying.
  5. 123devon

    Map help.

    I'm not great at reading maps at all, is there away you can loot a certain object that tells you where you are? If so where can I loot it? Even tho I might not be able to find my way to that specific area smh.
  6. Been looking for someone to team up with, I'm pretty great at surviving and coming up with strategies, just tired of being a loner and also getting killed in the game by bandits with snipers.
  7. we should team up, I'm a loner as well in the DayZ world.