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Everything posted by xxjessxx

  1. xxjessxx

    [DG] clan playing favorites?

    Omg you make another form just to cry! seriously dude how many form post are you going to make to cry about getting banned over your abusive language to the women on the server! get over it already!
  2. rayzel You but hurt much! must be considering you stalk every form that has 1037 on it! Get a life and get over us already! Thank you and have a nice life!
  3. this is pathetic that a hacker ( you yourself said you used hacked gun so you are a hacker) hacks the game then goes to the forms and cries about it when things don't go his way. Jack told you that the information you seeking will go to the devs and the devs only but seeing from all this but hurt crying your doing that you can't read or comprehend what is being said. I've also read the other post that you have written on the forms and it seems that you cry about every server that you play on. If you get that but hurt over a game please do yourself a favor before you stroke out and stop playing the game! Its just a game this isn't real life! If you want to make a complain about admin abuse on 1037 then do so on the admin abuse forms and stop bluffing! This issue been going on for many days now and you have yet to post that complaint! As for myself I play 1037 every night and find it to be a great server other then the hackers such as yourself. Now its time to put up or shut up because to be quite frank I doubt anything you say has truth to it nor do I doubt busy devs will find the time to look over one person complain see how no one else has complain about this server!
  4. Went to US #friendly server to play! when i got on the sever my self and a friend got kicked ( saying they kicked every one because of a cheater)! We went back in the sever to find [XTG]GracingBacon saying in game that if you are not on there teamspeak server that you would be kicked and you wasn't allowed to play on there sever if you wasn't on there teamspeak!