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Everything posted by mazeash@mail.com

  1. mazeash@mail.com

    experimental patch 0.30.113997

    The game is all Alpha, we are all testing it 'stable' or otherwise :)
  2. mazeash@mail.com

    Mine - Cave - Underground structure

    Sewer system would be pretty sweet with the right lighting and # of Z's :P
  3. mazeash@mail.com

    Lag only while playing dayz standalone

    Is it perhaps simply that you lost internet connection for a few minutes, which would give the appearance firstly that DayZ was lagging out, then as you alt tab out of DayZ, noticing TS logging out etc caused you to make the link? In general though, lag in DayZ is to be expected due to it's early stage of development and lack of optimization. You should have seen the problems people had with the mod!
  4. mazeash@mail.com

    Mine - Cave - Underground structure

    This system, not so dissimilar to the "Red Faction" system has been discussed much throughout the mods history as a potential feature both in the mod and in the SA. Rocket has mentioned in the past that this system or something underground in general, would be his preference over above ground structures. Mainly due to server load. Nothing concrete has been said regarding this as of yet (I think), but rest assured, this suggestion is already in consideration ;)
  5. mazeash@mail.com

    DayZ Hacks already happening

    Off topic bit:Lol, nearly every topic on the forum since SA is a combination of people saying 'it's an alpha' and people saying 'this problem that problam your problem mine'. Just imagine the headache for people like mods and dev's. Hats off to you sir's. On topic: Oh, erm, there's actually nothing else to say about this at this time, NOTHING.
  6. mazeash@mail.com

    A few things i need help with.

    1. Alpha, although it could be your system resources, graphics driver, Ram etc. But it could just be Alpha shizzle. 2. Alpha, IMO. 3. Alpha? It sounds like you're low on blood or 'health'. In the mod, the screen would lose colour as your blood level went down. The fact that it turned normal on inventory could be a bug. 3a. Yes there are blood bags, you need a bloodbag and tubing (I think) to use one. You of course need to get blood first (and of the right blood type, which a syringe can help determine). 3b. Food and water does replenish 'health', but I don't think it works the same as in the mod, but it will help yes.
  7. mazeash@mail.com

    DayZ Hacks already happening

    Am I the only one here who doesn't just automatically believe something said on reddit? Or that believes 3-4 pictures with hack overlays isn't proof? Lest us forget Survivor2299... Does anyone have some actual evidence of hacking? Even a first hand experience of it?
  8. Q: If someone is going to be robbed of all their items, why would they surrender? Is there any difference between being a fresh spawn and getting all your items stolen? This is currently the main design issue being dealt with. How to give a character who just lost all their items a sense of value. [source] I can think of a number of different 'perks' that could be applied to characters, based upon the total time alive/the different situations they have been in etc, which could answer this issue. So this first example is obvious enough when you think about it, but I thought of it only because of my personal background in Psychology. Effectively, desensitization. If you are in any situation which would provoke an emotional/physical/biological/psycho-biological effect often enough, you will most likely become desensitized to it on some level. This effect becomes especially apparent in repeated high intensity situations, and (although only certain historical events have come close) even more so when a person is faced with an ongoing, life changing/traumatic situation. Adapt or die is probably the most pertinent explanation within the games context. So if we take something like the 'fear/shock' system used in DayZ mod, and imagine that at the beginning of a characters life they are very highly prone to fear/shock as a result of confrontations with Z's, low food, blood or player encounters. Then consider the level or normality that would come as a result of these stressful situations, the fear/shock factor would be decreased. In DayZ SA, this could mean that a player may get a case of the shakes if found in a difficult situation and still a relatively new character, and this would gradually decrease in severity or occurrence; the player in effect becomes 'wiser'. This idea of time/situation-based developments in a characters ability to cope with Chernarus could be a door opener. Things like the speed/efficiency of loading or cleaning a weapon could (as it would) improve over time, dressing wounds could become slightly more effective depending on how often the character has been wounded, food preparation could become easier; with a characters first attempts at cooking a certain meal perhaps taking longer to cook safely and gradually becoming a little faster. I suppose these could be considered as skills, but as they aren't bound by xp points or levels, and are more reliant on characters' individual experiences they do (IMO) fall into a different category. Additionally, the potential for players to 'skill farm' to improve these effects would not be such an issue in this game, because the importance of items, player health and everything else is so high; who wants to waste all their food in one go, or risk being killed by Z's to reduce their proclivity to shit themselves? One other point that may have been overlooked is that older characters may well have inoculations for certain illnesses in game, that's got to be worth carrying on for I would say. On this same note, I can't say I've read anything pertaining to the way the illness system will work EXACTLY, but I'm going to go ahead and assume (hope) that there would be some less dangerous illness's around (flu for example) that would not necessarily kill a character, but may cause certain symptoms temporarily. The benefit of such illnesses would be that the character would (presumably) create anti-bodies that obviously stick around for some time after overcoming an illness, worth sticking around for too I think. Just some food for thought ;-)
  9. mazeash@mail.com

    Bringing a sense of value to players which lose their loot.

    Apologies, I didn't do any searches before posting this, please don't feel as though I have plagiarized you :P. I read your post, and found it interesting, I think that the reason the general scope of idea's you gave were met with dislike because of that elephant in the room: skill system. Many people seem scared to conceptualise a DayZ where skills have a place. Whilst I totally agree with this point of view in terms of direct skill tree's and obvious gaps in skill levels, especially when these skills are achievable via farming or other less-than-appropriate means; I really do feel that this idea has some weight to it. Yes it is true, a character which has survived long enough to head north to NWA will have more power in terms of weaponry, so I too don't see why their other faculties can't improve over time. Also i'll stress again here as on reddit, it would have to be subtle, for the very reasons everyone is quick to point out. Let's take the shaky-shock system as an example here. It happens only in intense situations as it always has, and simply becomes a slight amount rarer over the course of a characters life. Not only is this avoiding giving long lived characters an OP boost, but it is such a subtle effect in general that it's presence would not mark a significant change in gameplay. There are many expansions to this concept of time-based character enhancements, which singularly may not mean much, but cumulatively could mean the difference between jumping off that roof or not. Edit: Also I noticed from your post that a lot of the skills you suggested were actually just that skills. I skimmed through and thought we were on the same page but I was going a different way. Fixing cars is a good example. So instead of fixing loads of cars, receiving feedback ranging from 'you aren't sure how to fit this piece' to 'you have learnt how to fix an engine!' the kind of system I propose is that it simply is a difficult procedure to fix a vehicle and the skill you gain is a real life skill, not in game. So when you're in a hostage situation, you say you can fix a car, it isn't dependent your character's experience and knowledge of fixing cars, but your real life knowledge. I do realise that there are some potential implementation problems with a system such as this, and indeed there would be wiki's a plenty, but it is, in theory at least, a nice notion. I am sure there must be ways in which a system like this could work, perhaps on a broader scale than would be ideal..
  10. mazeash@mail.com

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    New fix seems to have made better all those things people complained about, I did however notice that if my blood was below 12k, to the point where the screen loses some of its colour, it would jump between full blood colour and say half blood colour, very flashy and annoying lol. And I am sure that's probably already been mentioned but i'll be damned if i'm going to trawl through 17 pages of attacking/defending to find it!
  11. mazeash@mail.com

    Recording Hardware Advice

    You may as well overclock rather than fork out for an i7, it should do the job just fine. What kind of cooling do you have at present?
  12. mazeash@mail.com

    What the Standalone really needs.

    One of the key points of interest in DayZ was/is that there isn't any campaign, no set objectives and no context, you are as you would be at the beginning of an elder scrolls game, on the coast of Tamriel Chernarus. It's that way so that the players make their own experiences and story lines. But if you mean a more broad back story, which I think you do, yeah I can see the logic there. But it would only be the same old, tired, generic zombie apocalypse story anyway. An infection spreads, causes certain symptoms, Army intervenes, get's over whelmed, those that are left struggle for survival, we all know it, we've all seen it, and played it, a lot of us want something a little more original, that's where DayZ differed from all the others, that's another key part of it's success, and that's why it should be left to the players to create the content.
  13. mazeash@mail.com

    Dead army men

    I believe he is referring to the dead military Z's that just appear on the ground/aren't entities/aren't lootable. I would suggest that they will most likely not be in SA, considering the way Rocket expresses his views on pre-designed dioramas.
  14. mazeash@mail.com

    [SA] husbandry: consumables with time-dependent properties

    It's a nice idea, and it totally makes sense that you would be able to drink/eat only a certain amount of what you carry at a time, but considering as mentioned, the idea of having minimal - no HUD will likely be a part of SA, you wouldn't really be able to tell how much you should consume to keep you in that 'sweet spot'. Also, how far do things like this go? As much as I like the idea, things like this get to the point where it's just too much detail. Eating an item, one use and it's gone, easy to remember and simplistic, certain amounts at a time is a novel idea but do you then say you can't drink a little bit of a can of coke, as it cannot be resealed? Or do you hold the can in your hand until it's all gone? Does tinned food go foul if you leave some of it for too long? Etc, etc. I think Rocket's choice of 'authenticity' rather than 'realistic' was spot on.
  15. Rocket mentioned their considerations towards item weight at E3, there wasn't/isn't any clear yes or no to it, but I think that it could work out well. If you have more stuff on you, you would indeed move slower than fresh spawns. But I can't see it being very 'authentic' if new players simply are faster, there would need to be a reason, weight would fit. To be honest, I think that the difficulty of a new spawn in DayZ is and always has been part of it's appeal, it makes it all the more frustrating when you do die, and means you have to keep your guard up twice fold when you are a fresh spawn. It invokes an emotional response.
  16. mazeash@mail.com

    Idea for factory roofs

    I see what you're getting at, but as far as I remember the larger factory buildings in say cherno or Berezino already have things like that, granted not many. I personally think it should just be more difficult to snipe from roofs, like giving the edges of flat roofs a little wall so you cannot go prone on them and still shoot.
  17. mazeash@mail.com

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    Well it strikes me as obvious that not everyone will experience the tenacity of infections so easily. There are calculated chances of getting one (or not). But I think it's safe to say that the majority find the infection rate a little high. I personally think its about right to be honest, if spawn piles worked properly at present then anti-biotics would be in good supply to counteract infections anyway. I really like the increase in difficulty when trying to lose Z's, makes them much more challenging, especially to the campers, which is great news all round.
  18. mazeash@mail.com

    Dayz 1.7.7

    Click the yes...
  19. mazeash@mail.com

    E3 Expo - June 2013 - Interviews and Gameplay

    People who cannot grasp the shocking concept that an un-released mid dev game wont look nice and pretty probably wont bother us after the alpha's release anyway, those that do will think it's a terrible full release and move along. So yay.
  20. mazeash@mail.com

    E3 Expo - June 2013 - Interviews and Gameplay

    People here really need to manage their expectations. Since dev's have started showing their games during the development process they have been inundated with negative feedback from their respective communities. Regarding DayZSA specifically, this footage is PRE-ALPHA, the alpha hasn't even been released yet, but Rocket etc thought 'wow what a great idea, goto E3, show off some of the things we have been working on so far, our community will appreciate that'. And yet, look what happens. It is an absolutely terrible trait to judge something before it's finished; you can criticize a pile of wood for being in the way or poorly cut sure, but that woo may end-up being a beautifully polished table (or w/e analogy you prefer). So as many before me have before, I shall do so again just for the sake of this topic explain what the stages of development mean: Pre-Alpha = At the drawing board, implementing fundamental mechanics. NOT AN OAK TABLE Alpha = Basic underpinnings of a playable game, basic controls and functionality. NOT A BEECH WARDROBE Beta = Work begins to move away from mechanics and systems and more towards graphics, sounds, additional features. NOT MAPLE DRAWERS Release = The game is at a point where it has most of the intended features in place, some bugs, exploitables and glitches remain, patches follow to address such issues. A WELL CRAFTED BED FRAME, MINUS THE WOOD POLISH. My God people, grasp this concept so we need not suffer your ignorant musings. Oh and to maintain the topic's integrity, I'm really liking the new inventory system, drag and drop has always been a great concept IMHO, I especially liked the dragging of items over from one pair of jeans to another, so much more intuitive than before. Also the Z's look like they want to give you a hug :D
  21. mazeash@mail.com


    It was a nice when it was first used, but the fact that he uses it for like EVERYONE decreases it's comedic value, if I ever saw him in game and knew it was him, i'd call him a bambi, then shoot him down. What a bambi..
  22. mazeash@mail.com

    Need Help with new rig

  23. mazeash@mail.com

    Getting Married

    *Waits for OP to deliver wedding photos*
  24. mazeash@mail.com

    Sleeping zeds

    The most dismal zombie film I've ever seen (Apocalypse of the Dead was it's English title) had but one good scene where about 30 zombies were laying down 'asleep' but somewhat aware, I thought it was a very original idea when I saw it. Although I think standing, grouped (like the creatures invented for the film version of I Am Legend) would be more disturbing in a darkened building.
  25. mazeash@mail.com

    Tired of KoS? Do something about it!

    Somehow I feel the OP has really wasted their time writing all that. This game has no definition, it's not meant to conform to a certain genre, PVP happens because some players want to shoot others, for whatever reasons, there are people who DON'T shoot too of course. I didn't read all that because it wont change the game and how people play, the game has evolved this way naturally and may evolve differently in the future, that's kind of the whole point of DayZ, as Rocket puts it, 'it is our story'. And also, does killing on site really make someone a 'kiddie'. Or am I not up on recent internet speak? Is 'kiddie' the new noob? Or are you actually implying that people who KoS are kids? Cause that's ridiculous in so many ways lol.