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Everything posted by mazeash@mail.com

  1. I'm not surprised you expect to die often if you're recruiting at 13+. Fail.
  2. mazeash@mail.com

    All around difficulty getting DayZ to work

    You could try using Arma II Free if you are having CD key troubles, although really you're in the wrong forum, you're not at the "Day Z doesn't work" stage yet lol. Maybe try the actual Arma forum? Or wait for the standalone :-D
  3. Ok so i'm more of a lone wolf player usually, however for the past week i've been playing with some mates, stockpiling loot using tents, making ourselves a little camp site. Then last night I get a text saying that the server has been restarted and as a result, our tents our no more. This apparently is not the first time this has happened to these guys either (on different servers). Now i'm used to playing out of my coyote pack, so I am unversed in the ways of the tent, so just curious, is this a client-side problem? Does this happen on all servers as of the latest patch? Or is this just badly configured/managed servers and poor player choices?
  4. mazeash@mail.com

    Server restart = Server reset?

    no these servers are connected to the hive, characters remain intact and with their gear. Presumably i should just try a different server :-D. i suppose the more popular ones would be more reliable (hence their player count) but I was really hoping to avoid SUCH busy servers, i have a lot of loot which im quite protective of, and whilst i enjoy play conflicts, i dont enjoy players around every corner lol.
  5. mazeash@mail.com

    New Standalone Screenshots released

    Looking great so far, I think we all appreciate the sneak peak, even if it is particularly sneaky and peaky. I'm just hoping that loot will be spawning in/on things other than the floor in the standalone, i'm getting old and my calves don't enjoy the constant squatting :-D
  6. mazeash@mail.com

    Favorite Military Spawns.

    So i'm aware there aren't all that many spawn sites for the pro's to loot, but where do you choose in your time of Stanag need? I personally go for Stary Sobor as my good fortune seems to be tied to that place, Coyote packs, M9 SD etc. Still waiting on some NVG and a GPS though damn it...
  7. mazeash@mail.com

    Consolidated Weapons/Equipment suggestions

    Duel wielding (within reason). And when that's in, one handed crossbow's.
  8. mazeash@mail.com

    If you want a coyote backpack...

    Perhaps it makes a difference if you have interacted with items before dropping them? *shrugs*
  9. mazeash@mail.com

    Another noob on DayZ..Me

    I can offer a bit of advice, go it alone for a while, get a handle on how zombies act, players act, how to do things safely etc. Then when you do find a group you'll find you fit in better (and don't get used as the bait boy).
  10. mazeash@mail.com

    Betrayed. On tape.

  11. mazeash@mail.com

    Betrayed. On tape.

    Christ do you have cheese for brains? Why bother with the insults? Idle hands I expect... Give the guy a break! I for one love meeting people on servers who don't automatically shoot at first glance. It's often rewarding and it does get the nerves going. Also just because someone has a Ghillie and is decked out with loot doesn't mean they'll SOS. My personal strategy if I see people is to follow, hide, announce and talk whilst hidden until I can get a good measure on their intent. Doesn't always work out but then again the obvious characters like our friend "wr6133" can be spotted a mile away, a quick mic conversation usually end's up in a quick headshot. Scum..
  12. mazeash@mail.com

    Spawned inside of wall

    I suppose you could try going prone in the wall, logging out then back, see if it nudges you out lol.
  13. mazeash@mail.com

    DayZ at GamesCom

    Again, as with many alphas/betas people start to consider it a pre-requisite to be involved, it is in fact a privilege. People had similar complaints and grumbles with Minecraft, failing to consider that the WHOLE POINT of letting people play throughout the development cycle, though all the bugs, exploits and hacks is to allow the community to have some input and feel more involved in the process, it helps too that the game will be better for this. For this "Mod" to secure a booth at a games expo at such an early stage mechanically is very impressive, it's a mod for crying out loud, this is big news in an industry that has suffered on some fronts recently. What Rocket has pioneered here, that which we have already helped to mold, that which will continue to grow is a resounding success. I for one am proud to be part of it so early in the story. And on behalf of everyone who has played DayZ (even those who do nothing but compain) THANK YOU.
  14. Come on guys, we all know our mothers would love DayZ! if even 15,000 player's mothers purchased and partook, the milestone would be reached quick time! It's a good cause and you'd only be getting some unwanted clothing for christmas, put that money to good use! Encourage MILF mom support today! I realised reading this back I might have some issues... MILF
  15. mazeash@mail.com

    This mod needs major help..

    I believe the douche has left the building...
  16. mazeash@mail.com

    Blood trails.

    Still, nice idea, would make tracking a real possibility... The hunt ftw!
  17. mazeash@mail.com

    Resident Evil Styled Inventory.

    Heaven forbid someone else has already suggested this, I have looked but there's always one lol. Whilst I do like the current system, especially the apparent emphasis on item and space management, one crossbow bolt, or a box of painkillers for example just wouldn't take up so much space. Thinking about this reminded me of the system used in the Resident Evil games, where you have a certain amount of space, and instead of having slots per say, you just have one big slot in which you can move around items and sort them in a certain way to maximize space. I really like the idea of this being incorporated into DayZ; Far from making the game easier, it could actually make it more challenging, if items are re-sized in relation to other items, it could become more difficult to collect and keep certain things, say Jerry cans or tents, but become easier for things that SHOULD take up less room like bullets, bolts, painkillers, bandages etc.. For those of you unfamiliar with the system in RE, here's a vid...
  18. mazeash@mail.com

    Resident Evil Styled Inventory.

    Oh yeah, totally agree with that lol. Ideally items would be sized proportionally to the bag, other items etc, in which case it would just be impossible to have such an arsenal at hand..
  19. mazeash@mail.com

    Underground Bases? Opens a whole new World of possibilities...

    During the aforementioned interview, Rocket suggests that they tried tinkering around with buildings above ground, but that the general consensus was that maps would become too "cluttered" by everyone's building projects. Which presumably would have a detrimental knock-on effect to server performance. BOTH would be the best idea surely? I mean, there may well be those that in a real life situation would decide to build an epic bunker, as there would be those (probably the majority) that would favor being above ground. Implementation would be an issue i'm sure though... IMO the first step would be to enable access to ALL buildings in game, I randomly went through "Msta" the other day, 2 barns and a deer stand, out of like 20 buildings were enterable, this isn't realistic lol...
  20. mazeash@mail.com

    Underground Bases? Opens a whole new World of possibilities...

    Yeah I only recently discovered this when I jumped from a straight up install of DayZ to a third party program. Although I've come to the conclusion that "DayZ Commander" is far superior to Six Launcher.
  21. mazeash@mail.com

    Group up "Tool"

    I'd say it's a good idea perhaps, for now. But part of me hopes that some point in the future there will be more customization options, making players more identifiable to friendly's.
  22. mazeash@mail.com

    Chernarus express

    I don't think AI trains, or trains at all would really work I mean, let's get our priorities right, zombie invasion happens who the hell thinks "Crap! i'd better go operate the train for everyone for the rest of time!". However, whats the name of those small platforms that run on a track when 2 people alternate pushing down on a lever? Now THEY would be a good idea.
  23. mazeash@mail.com

    Identifying a bandit

    Plus why would you be covered in scars and cuts IF YOU'RE THE ONE DOING ALL THE KILLING...
  24. mazeash@mail.com

    Underground Bases? Opens a whole new World of possibilities...

    what the hell are those things saying? I wanna say "My Chair"...
  25. Lol i'm just picturing sitting on a hill taking in the sun when i catch a glimpse of a man running past me, he is talking to his hand (Fred) and thinks he is being chased by a giant shit, which is actually a twig attached to his shoe. Now although that would make for a thrilling entertainment system in game, i'm not so sure i'd want to approach that guy and talk to him, id rather put him out of his misery...