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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Just watched the gamebreaker interview, love the idea of opening up more constructive potential for players and thought of a few things that could work quite well in relation to structures, and a couple of randoms. So firstly, i'd suggest storage chests (which has probably already been suggested) but with the added mechanic of locks, and lock picking (which could be learnt? Or based upon humanity? Or just damn difficult to master? :P), perhaps with locks in mind, hatches for entrance ways to tunnels/bases. I'm thinking that with things like this, players may well think that what they've built is there's alone and "safe", would also make them more pissed when someone actually manages to get in and grab their gear. Bed's/blankets/sleeping bags etc. Perhaps something that could be implemented to compliment tunnels and bases, sleeping in order to heal a little blood perhaps, increase body temperature, maybe increase stamina (running speed?) alertness(not being so panicked around zombies). Easily reachable servers. I'm assuming with my limited knowledge that if building structures were implemented, it would be server specific, so you build something on a server and it stays only on that server, makes sense to me anyways. Now I don't know if there is an easier way to do this that i'm unaware of but I would suggest that picking up the same server each time is perhaps difficult? So i'd suggest some kind of way client side that enables players to save favorite servers in order to more easily access the servers they play most. So Rocket mentioned possibilities like machinery and electronics, so perhaps there could be more advanced traps to go along with bases. Perhaps more intricate electronic motion sensors with alarm could be found rarely in military areas, i'm thinking they could be used to set up perimeter systems for a base or perhaps just out and about? And then on the low tech side trip wires using string or something, which could GIVE A USE FOR EMPTY CANS as a warning system. Campers I'm sure would love it. With the addition of the hatchet and wood chopping, perhaps the use of branches for camouflage would be a good partner to this? I dunno, drag branches behind you making a lot of noise or "store it" (which doesn't seem all that realistic really) and then place them wherever you want them to hide hatches or you yourself (snipers). Only problem i've just thought of is that there isn't much in the way of shrubbery in game, so it would look pretty damn obvious if a lump of tree was sticking out the side of a hill. Shrubbery, a little more variation and coverage would certainly make for easier sneaking and has the added benefit of making my tree dragging idea make more sense... I reckon i'll stop there, see if anyone has anything to say about these ideas, if they're not all bad, I have plenty more to contribute.
  2. Also all depends on your personal style of play...
  3. LOL. ? But seriously, just leave it logged on whilst you go out if that's the problem?
  4. Yeah, for me "end game" that is, the point in which basic survival means have been met (i assume?) involves finding more tents for more gear, vehicles of any description, and heli's ofc. But if you really need an absolute end point, a point where you would normally get an achievement and such. then.. Mountain Dew
  5. I usually have 2 main weapons, mid-short and long ranged, and a sidearm. The trick I use is to take primary weapons that use the same type of ammo, it saves space and makes a switch easier. So at the present I'm using an M14 AIM with a DMR as a backup, and an M9 SD ofc :D
  6. So i've been on the servers that don't update quickly, don't restart regularly, don't spawn vehicles/revert vehicles after every server restart. So i'm looking for a server that has the things that all these others don't, preferably one that is tried and tested and isn't likely to go away any time soon. Any ideas? :-)
  7. So, in comparison what are the admin's limitations on a public hive server? Can they do anything like track players, spawn items? Better question... Is there a hack out there that can see where offline players are/where they have moved. I got found in the northern forests by a heli, there is no legitimate way they would have found/seen me and known my name (no name plates), and after killing me, my group rather large camp about 2km further north was emptied, suspicious lol.
  8. Hey guys just wondering if anyone feels charitable and would like to give me a Ghillie suit? Or some bandit camp somewhere I can raid for one ;-D
  9. Yea this guy has a point, the technology may have moved towards a more pc-like experience, with about half the arse-holes. But regardless... PC wins :D
  10. Lol right... I think i'd keep the as50 :P. Gotta be worth a couple of NVG's or something a weapon such as that..
  11. Then you may last the night? I'd have thought that if you weren't making any sounds a herd would have no reason to agro?
  12. Bump... Herds need to happen.. Imagine running through the forest and suddenly finding 20+ zombies just roaming through. Awesome idea.
  13. I guess the need is there to facilitate a 'mid game objective' where there isn't one, officially. I think it would be great if there were more focal points on the SA map, and judging from the screen shots there will be a new barracks somewhere (unless they just changed the one already at NWA). On a random note: I personally spent 4 hours last night running away from NWA and snaked towards Berezino trying to find a vehicle of any kind. I found none and statistically, I should have found at least 2. So I concluded that the server I had chosen didn't have vehicles admin-ed properly (public hive), made my way back to NWA found a rangefinder and logged off mildly encouraged... Sorry that was random but that rant was needed :-P
  14. The sooner you join active servers and run that gear losing risk, the sooner you'll discover the half of the game you've been missing lol. I've been a military weapon weilding, NVG stealthin' creature up until recently, the server I play (being night usually) is always quiet, I get my choice of loot and sites without a strong danger of being killed. And whilst i'm struggling to relent and place more risk on my character, I realized that I'm missing out on some of the tension, paranoia, confrontation, comradeship, betrayal and with all that: the satisfaction of victory that comes from playing on a busy server, putting the NVG's away and relying on my limited skills as a ninja as well as luck to guide me... Give it a shot (or maybe scout a tent and hide your most precious belongings before you begin lol.
  15. I've been in this situation similarly. I actually wanted an M16A4 ACOG for a long while, as a replacement. Got sick of having shortage of backpack space carrying that secondary so dumped the DMR. Never looked back, it works great at decent mid-long ranges and I can quite happily equip it in towns, or for CQC at a pinch. But if you want both I'd suggest the CCO SD as a decent opposite to the DMR, players will hear it just fine but it will knock em out quick and kill em' soon after, the advantages against Z's are obvious. Just make sure you stock up on that STANAG SD whenever you can.
  16. If you are using DayZ Commander or Six Launcher you DON'T need to download the @DayZ files manually. Uninstall, and reinstall again, run ArmA II once, and then run ArmA II OA once (this will create a player profile). Then go into DayZCommander, click on "install/update" and install the latest beta patch and DayZ files. Hope this helps!
  17. Should run it on high actually. Looks pretty nice, and if you're dead set on a laptop (like me) then this is pretty decent. So long as you don't mind the factory refurb.
  18. Yeah it's a decent system, but like others are saying, you can get more for your money. If you have this amount to spend on a system then keep note of what specs you're getting with this one, and dig around for a better deal (trust me you will find one better than that). Also, keep an eye out for windows 7 systems, which will now be cheaper since the release of windows 8. Keep us posted!
  19. I'm afraid you'll need to give more detail than that. Which program are you using to connect to servers? that would be a good start.
  20. Yeah it'll run minecraft, not on the highest settings but smoothly. I'd always suggest using "OptiFine" with minecraft on a random note.
  21. Aah, so there we go, the route of your problem, you installed a new OS, from past experience upgrading OS's on older systems always causes more problems than it solves. Ok so since installing windows 7 have you had a look at your drivers for your hardware? They will need different versions to those you used with XP. Although to be perfectly frank, I still think it's an overheating issue, not necessarily now as you have a large fan etc, but as a result of over heating before, you could have some major dust build up. Which could only effect certain bits of hardware, which wouldn't necessarily heat up the whole case, making your temp readings a moot point. In which case I suggest a hoover+brush attachment for a desktop or a pressurised air can for a laptop.
  22. Oh I just noticed you have some kind of game booster, yeah, delete that for starters. I'm gonna go on the assumption that its something to do with your install config or the servers you happen to be going on. Bit tricky to tell exactly what the prob is from this end. Is it a steam version or a retail version of arma + OA?
  23. ^ ^ ^ Yeah. You can get bare-bones desktops with VERY decent specs through ebay for like £200-£250.
  24. Worth pointing out that ArmA 2 is a good game in itself. You could download the free version of ArmA and then just buy OA seperately. Look around a bit you may find it pretty cheap (My copy was £10, which is like $16-17?). No one knows when it'll be released, but end of year, beginning of next is along the right lines.