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About mbcb

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  1. mbcb

    The Notorious Can Incident

    I don't get the whole broohaha... People do understand there is such a thing as Canned Muffins right? And who cares what the 'brand name' is. Famous Amos, Chef Boyardee and Bimbo are all crazy sounding names too, but they're real. Seriously people, we're playing a game about thousands of people turning into zombies that chase you and try to eat you, and yet a few goofy sounding brand names on cans make the game over the edge? Yeesh...
  2. Well, tried C++ 2008, made sure no client addons but dayZ and teh requiredBuild is set low. Also moved the Arma2server in the root folder, all with no luck. I'll give DayZ Control Center a shot. I'm sure I'm just doing something stupid or wrong. :)
  3. I've been trying to setup a DayZ server with a private hive for some friends and I to play on and I'm running into some issues. No matter what I do, when I connect to the server I first see an error message telling me "Something went wrong! disconnect and try again!" error message, then if I click on the screen I get "This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application. You cannot play on this server. If you are the server admin please contact DayZ staff."and it just hangs there. I've set up the server a few times, trying to use both pwnoz0r's setup and the stapo/lite dayz server setup on different occasions with the same results. Here are the exact steps I'm taking, maybe someone can see something I'm doing wrong. All this is being installed on a Win 7 x64 box. 1) Download Arma 2 and Arma 2 Op Arrowhead from Steam. 2) Copy Arma 2 folder to new location called "DayZ Server" 3) Copy Arma 2 Op Arrowhead folder contents into DayZ Server, overwriting anything that prompts me to. 4) Download and run the latest beta patch (102285). Since that patches the official game in my Steam folders, I grab the "Arma 2 Op Arrowhead\Expansion\beta" folder and copy it into "DayZ Server\Expansion" 5) Download and Install the Visual C++ 2010 SP1 distro and copy msvcr100.dll and msvcp100.dll into DayZ Server folder (kept getting an error that they were missing). 6) Download the DayZ server files (@server- - http://uk1.dayz.nu/latest/1.7.5/) and place all the files (@dayz, @hive, cfgdayz, keys and other files) into DayZ Server folder, overwritting as necessary. 7) Follow the directions and go through the process to install one of the following, overwriting files as necessary: - Stapo's Lite Dayz (https://github.com/Stapo/Lite-DayZ-Private-Server) - Pwnoz0r's Private Server (https://github.com/Pwnoz0r/DayZ-Private-Server) 8) Edit Dayz Server\cfgdayz\server.cfg to update password, server name, etc. 9) Launch DayZ server. 10) Lanch DayZ client (downloaded through Steam) on another machine with Arma 2 OA. 11) Go into multiplayer/server browser and I see the server listed. Join it with the correct PW. 12) DayZ loads and drops me to the Multiplayer Setup Screen. Choose a slot and hit OK. 13) DayZ loads some more and then drops me to the brown Briefing Screen. I hit continue. 14) I see a DayZ loading screen with a message that says, "Server responded, creating character' and a number starts counting up in the bottom right corner. When it hits 40 I get the "Something went wrong! disconnect and try again!' error message, then if I click on the screen I get "This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application. You cannot play on this server. If you are the server admin please contact DayZ staff." I'm not really sure where things are going off the rails as I think I'm doing everything correctly. Maybe it's the Steam version of DayZ? Maybe I did something out of order. Regardless, I need to make it dead simple for my players to setup and connect since some of them aren't the most tech savvy folks. Anyone have any thoughts whatsoever?
  4. Ah, I dunno. In a 'real' zombie apocalypse/survival situation, your chances of survival go up if you have more people. Unfortunately, there's no mechanic at all to reward people for teaming up/helping each other (which would be nice to add in somehow), so it's easier to just shoot someone and be done with it. Sadly, this makes the game almost like a solo game unless you go in with a large crew of friends. If that's the case, just make the game single player, add some human AI's and be done with it. When all of us 'sheep' that came in with the big influx of new players get sick of being headshot every time we spend half a day gathering gear and stop playing you guys aren't going to have anyone else to shoot at. :)
  5. And to take your analogy even further, if you have someone that doesn't like Sushi at all, do you sit them down and feed them Octopus and Eel? No, you start them on the easy stuff like Avocado or California Rolls and let them work their way up. :)
  6. Yeah, we're enjoying it. I'm not saying we'll enjoy it forever, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. But I can't imagine that the dev's originally thought that every server would become trigger happy death fests either. I'm sure they were thinking, some people would turn bad and go bandit, others would band together, etc, but it's just to the point where it's easier to shoot someone and not worry about getting shot yourself. I don't know where the hate is coming from either. Sorry we don't all like being running targets for you guys with sniper rifles :)
  7. Agreed. I definitely don't think any type of 'private' server should be connected to the hive in any way at all. Way too much chance for someone to hack their way into crazy gear and such to go maul a public server. A private server should be self contained and not connected to the online server lists or hive at all. And we might get bored on a private server, who knows. If that's the case, and we want some more excitement, well, we can jump on the public servers. But I know for a fact if the public server experience was the first experience with the game for most of our group, they'd not be interested in playing.
  8. Hehe, nice responses, not like I expected any different. :) We do actually enjoy it. Does that really have any effect on you and ruin your gameplay at all? I'm just saying that not everyone wants to play in a pvp deathmatch. I mean, I like Sushi, and I know some people that don't. I don't call them idiots for not liking sushi. Everyone has their own tastes.
  9. I know...I know...it's against the rules and all that jazz, yadda yadda, but it's saved DayZ/Arma 2 from being just another game in my pile of games that I played for a few days and never went back to. For all I know, I might get in trouble just for even posting this, but I think the game can be played and enjoyed by some of us even though we don't particularly enjoy the current 'public server' state . Let me explain. I originally picked up the game after I saw it on an episode of a podcast (Totally Rad Show) I watch. It looked right up my alley, so I got Arma 2/Operation Arrowhead, grabbed the updater and off I went. I didn't even try Arma 2, but the first night I went right into DayZ and had a blast! I picked an empty server to get a feel for the game, and while I died a few times, it was awesome. The atmosphere was perfect, creeping and crawling my way to some house with an open door, freezing and grimacing when I think I've been noticed and then that moment of panic when you've been spotted and have to jump up to run for your life. Just brilliant! The excitement I had when I found my first weapon, but still not feeling safe because I know the sound of a gunshot will bring more zombies than I can handle. DayZ is what I had always wished for when I played Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Dead Island, etc. My first thought was, "I need to tell the guys about this." We have a group of 6 or 7 of us that live in various parts of the country, but like to get together online to game. Once or twice a week, whoever is around will send out a few texts/IM's, see who is around and then hop online, jump on voice chat and play some games together. Depending on what everyone is interested in we'll play games like Company of Heroes, Supreme Commander L4D/L4D2, Payday, etc. We generally like playing stuff co-op against the AI. We enjoy that, and after having played DayZ, I was sure most of the guys would love it. The next day I jumped onto a more populated server and quickly began to realize that most players were killing everyone else on sight. This wasn't the 'survival' game I had thought I found on that empty server, this was CoD Black Ops Deathmatch with zombies thrown in. All with caveat of you'd waste two hours of crawling around and scrounging supplies only to take a sniper round in the face and have to start over. Now I'm not complaining, and I can understand why the players are doing killing others as soon as they spot them, but it suddenly turned this awesome game into something that I wasn't enjoying at all. I knew the other guys wouldn't be into playing on a populated public server and getting killed by zombies/other players ten times before we saw each other. I assumed I could just set up a server on my own for us to play on, but once I found out that wasn't 'officially' possible, I was sad. The game had such potential for all of us to have a great time playing, but it wasn't going to work. I had read there were ways to setup 'private' servers and after a bit of experimenting we got one up and running. I wasn't doing it to take anything away from other gamers and it's nothing special, but it's handled 5 or 6 of us at a time without a problem. It's not connected to the hive in any way, and that's fine by us. We don't want to cheat in any way and get stuff on the server and bring it to the public servers, we just want to enjoy the glory and fun of of the game, playing co-op and such without having to worry about bandits mugging our camps, stealing our stuff, or killing us every time we go into a city. I know some people enjoy the pvp aspect of the game, and that's awesome for them, but it's just not our cup of tea. I'm sure we're not the only ones out there that feel this way. Just about every MMO out there sets up pvp servers, and there's people that love that, but for every pvp server, there's probably 5-10 pve servers for people who'd rather play without pvp. I love the game and the potential of what it can become, but I don't enjoy playing on the public servers in their current state. Between all of us, we've spent about $200 on purchasing Arma 2, and while I know that doesn't help the DayZ folks at all, I do know all of us would buy a standalone version of DayZ if it catered to letting us setup small co-op servers for our own use. I think a lot more people would get into the game and buy/enjoy it if there was some single player and small/private server aspects built right into it. This way you can cater to both the pvp and pve crowd and everyone would enjoy the game.
  10. mbcb

    Item Spawn Questions

    Yeah, we've been looking all over the place for car tires and having a bear of a time with them. Yet strangely, every building I walk into there's a hatchet or two.
  11. Have two quick questions related to item spawns. 1) Do items at any point 'respawn'? If an area is raided/picked clean of medical supplies, weapons and car parts, will the items come back at some point, or is it once they're gone, they're gone for good? 2) Is there something strange with item/zombie spawning if you drive into an area that there aren't any players? It's like the zombies don't pop in till after we get out of a car, then some rooms will be empty of items, when a minute later there's crap in them...
  12. mbcb

    Auto Move/Run Key?

    Lazy? Seriously? I broke my leg the other day in game and had to crawl for 45 minutes to get to a hospital and find morphine. It had nothing to do with being lazy that holding the W key for 45 minutes sucked...
  13. Pleaaase put in a key binding that allows your character to 'auto' run/walk/crawl, whatever. Holding down the W key on long runs is awful. If you could implement some key that would just automatically keep running/walking/crawling until you hit another movement key, that'd be awesome.
  14. How does being good at the game have any impact on getting sniped across a city, or someone calling friendly and then shooting you in the face? Unless your definition of "Get Good" means to just start shooting everyone I see before they shoot me. Should I run up and teabag them after I shoot them too?
  15. I've played some more, and honestly just don't see me continuing to play on the public servers in their current state. I don't mind if I die due to a zombie, lack of food, water or heat, because that means I screwed up somewhere. But to killed because you walked around a corner and bumped into another player or got sniped half way across a city just saps all the enjoyment and motivation to even play the game. So, unless there comes an easy option to setup a private server, I think I'm done playing. That kind of sucks, because the potential for such a great game experience is right there. I know a lot of people enjoy the heavy duty pvp, but how fun will it be when all of us 'targets' are gone and it's only camped snipers left on the server? :)