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Everything posted by acu20

  1. Hello, my name is ACU20 and im looking for 2-3 players to play with. Im currently near chernogorsk i have played Dayz for nearly a week now and im pretty tired in playing alone. I live in sweden wich is GMT 1+, my english is very good so i have no problem with english speaking players. But here's a problem wich alot of people think it's a bad idea to play with younger gamer. I am 14 years old im loyal to my friends and i never KOS if i dont have to. Im lookign for someone in the same age group (13-16) and it would make it alot more fun o play with friends. Steam: AngerMan3000 Skype: Chrillebadass Pretty bad names i know :P
  2. we're curently on the US 535 server. Seems that it's offline atm so we've switched to a european server...
  3. We'recurently four wich is agood sizd group but we're unable tofind eachother that's the problem! XD
  4. I got a skype friend request then something happened with skype so i couldn't accept :/
  5. I guess many turn away because im 14....why does everyonethinkyounger players are untrustworthy i know osme wich are complete assholes wich are young players but there are alot who dosen't scream into the mic and is bing completely annoying.
  6. Im in :P my IGN is ACU20 and my skype is Chrillebadass and my steam is AngerMan3000. Im a mature and higly tactical player and o hate the KOS policy...
  7. My IGN NICK is ACU20 and i might come on sometime so watch ure fire!!
  8. acu20

    Looking for a survivor to play with

    Im also looking for a DAyZ group with my friend my name on Steam is: AngerMan3000 and i think my friend verfumbo is also looking for a group ot play with.