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About rsthoth

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. rsthoth

    Your Best DayZ Jokes?

    Knock knock, who's there? Kamenka bridge, Kamnkea bridge who? Kamenka bridge you just killed yourself on again because you spawned here again.
  2. rsthoth

    Remote control hackers?

    So you took hours/days to write scripts that already exist and are all over the place? 0/10
  3. rsthoth

    Worst Heli squad of all time

    Are you afraid of bandages or something?
  4. rsthoth


    I take off my robe and wizard hat.
  5. rsthoth

    looking for a crew :-)

    you can join mine, there's 4 of us, we typically just drive around the coast and shoot new spawns and try to avoid the cities. pm me
  6. rsthoth

    US 1 NY Private Server. Butthurt Admins.

    What does an admins dick taste like?
  7. This is now a jive turkey thread.
  8. So I get super geared up on a private hive since public hives have such major desynch issues and head to the coast to kill some jive turkeys. i get there and third person around the hanger and see him sitting in the corner. I back up, throw a grenade in, hit him, and he's still alive. so i walk around and put an entire clip into him and then run off into the hills behind balota, he was still alive so i assumed he was a godmode fag. I get about 1 minute into the treeline with military zombies everywhere and i go into shock drop to 3000 blood break my leg and start bleeding, and he's dead on the chat screen. So naturally i start shooting zombies, and more zombies come, and i try to bandage over and over again but i just keep rebleeding and eventually die. I used to play this game a few months ago all the time, and this stuff never happened, there was no major lag and desynch issues, when you shot someone in the head they died, they didn't have a call of dutyesque last stand to run and try to kill you with them, what happened the game is unplayable. Ontop of that I was on a server with no chain and 34 ping.
  9. rsthoth


    18+ looking for a partner, sitting in cherno at the moment. If you're cool and don't take the game too serious add me to skype hugefatnutss
  10. Are you implying all people of color say "yo" and take shirtless pictures? I find that racist and I'm very offended by that notion.
  11. I'm 23, looking for a sociable, mature and fun buddy to play with, I'm east coast USA. I don't want to run with a group, just one other person. I'm REALLY rusty, but I used to be really good probably have over 200 hours in this game. All I ask is that you know the geography, loot spawns, and guns. Also looking for someone who makes decisions together instead of trying to give orders, that shit is really annoying. I also prefer to stick around the coast (not necessarily on it) but don't mind sometimes running up to the airfield. Also, you can't take this game seriously. I hate dying as much as everyone else but bitching and moaning or trying to blame me because YOU died is stupid, just re spawn and move on, I can't stress enough how much I don't want to play with you if you take this game to serious, i'm here to laugh joke have fun and enjoy the game. I don't have a particular server, I like to hop onto different high population ones (not 60+ hacker bait ones). Also I have fraps and might record some videos for youtube. If you're skype avatar is you shirtless don't message me. if you sound/act/talk like a wigger, don't message me. If you use the word "yo", don't message me. If you don't have a sarcastic sense of humor, don't message me. PM me your real name, age, and prefered mic program (think I have them all).
  12. rsthoth

    The Story

    I stopped reading at asian/african american.
  13. The problem (atleast to me anyways) isn't the people who want to cheat, it's the people who want to grief.
  14. I spawned in unconscious, and the timer is not moving at all, I have tried moving servers etc but no luck. If someone could please kill me it would be greatly appreciated. I have no idea where I'm at but I'm along the coast I can see and hear the ocean while I'm in this coma.
  15. Buying any vehicle with 2+ seats, including motorcycle, preferably all green and topped off but may be willing to settle for something less, pm me what you want. Must be on USA server. Except ATV.