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Everything posted by howichrgelazer

  1. In the process of checking logs :)
  2. howichrgelazer

    US 10 Teleporting Hacker

    Looking into it now.
  3. Performed a little maintenance on the server so it was down for a few minutes longer than usual on this restart. It should be back up now. :)
  4. That's intentional. You can still see the ping if you view our DayZ server in the browser. Same deal with our other servers and the steam browser (TF2 & CS:GO) :)
  5. Chances are the server isn't using and enforcing beta 94209 or greater. [94206] Fixed: Disabled channels can be bypassed in briefing screen (https://dev-heaven.net/issues/33906)
  6. The server locks when there are X amount of people in the lobby. It is possible BEC glitched out and locked the server, but I've never seen it do that before. I do know that none of the server admins locked it. As for going prone, you really have to be careful of your surroundings, I've seen people clip into things and die instantly (it's even happened to myself on occasion).
  7. Yeah Nikiller, it is just a lobby idler thing BEC does. It will kick you out after a period of time of being idle to free up room. You weren't banned at all :)
  8. howichrgelazer

    "Wait for Host"

    If it's spamming Mission DayZ read from bank in the console make sure you have all the arma 2 assests copied into the arma 2 oa directory and that all dayz files are present.
  9. howichrgelazer

    spence0892 Ban Appeal

    cm. is right in stating what you triggered was a Game Hack, not a script. I looked up your GUID through our server logs and BE automatically banned you.
  10. howichrgelazer

    server outdated issue

    Oh, I see. I gotcha. Are you doing reqbuild 94444 in your config? Clients are 94444, the server version is 94445
  11. howichrgelazer

    NY22 - Where did you go?

    I know the DayZ staff has been working on renaming all the servers to US XXXX, this server may have been one of them. I would try PM'ing the admin or reaching them through another means if they don't see this post.
  12. howichrgelazer

    Loading into server... Music?

    I'm unaware of any stock ArmA option that allows that, unless it's a mod doing it. In which case it shouldn't be running alongside DayZ.
  13. howichrgelazer

    Server Not Showing in list

    Hrrrm, yeah I'm not seeing a game server on So I would double check everything is installed correctly, all the right ports are opened in the windows firewall as well as the router. Also make sure you've got the 2005, 2008, 2010 vcredists installed for your OS.
  14. howichrgelazer

    Server Not Showing in list

    Yeah I still haven't seen it come up. Does it say port 2302 on the console window?
  15. howichrgelazer

    Difference in servers from RPG to FPS?

    The engines and the requirements of those engines are different. I'm no game programmer or designer, so understand that I'm not an expert here (and I could very well be mistaken), but this is how I understand it. For example, with DayZ and Arma, you have a lot of clean up processes going on in the background (for spawning loot and such), the AI for zombies takes more of a toll than an NPC that stands stationary and distributes loot, plus you have updates for the locational hitboxes, the weapon firing, vehicle position updating, etc. It all comes down to the features of that game and the netcode. FPS can be pretty demanding when it comes to bullet registration and updates of that nature depending on how you slice it. So trying to get everything in as efficiently as possibly is important, but I'd assume to the extent of the scope of the project. The good news is, IIRC they mentioned that ArmA 3 servers were doing good with a large number of players. So I'm interested to see how it turns out.
  16. howichrgelazer

    Seattle 67 Dead?

    I know the DayZ staff has been working on renaming all the servers to US XXXX, this server may have been one of them. I would try PM'ing the amdin or reaching them through another means if they don't see this post.
  17. howichrgelazer

    Server Not Showing in list

    Okay, so I do not see it running. Make sure you have port forwarding done in your firewall on the machine and as well as your router if you have control of it. Also make sure the server started on the machine okay (ie. you see the arma 2 oa console running and it's not spamming reading DayZ mission from bank)
  18. howichrgelazer

    server outdated issue

    Do you have the vcredists installed on your server? If you're running an x64 OS you should install the following: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=14632 http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=29 possibly 2005 as well if you don't have it. You may have to update them after the install as well through windows updates.
  19. howichrgelazer

    Server Not Showing in list

    Providing an IP and port number would be more reliable to help us figure out what is going on. :)
  20. howichrgelazer

    Multiplay Server

    Depending on load and average FPS it is indeed a must to reboot every 4-8 hours to help performance. De-syncs will happen, but rebooting will keep it to a minimum (as well as the memory footprint). I'm not sure how the restart "triggers" work with multiplay though as I don't use them.
  21. howichrgelazer

    Displaying disconnects

    You can read the log as the server is running. :) You will more than likely get into trouble for altering the mission file to display the system channel.
  22. howichrgelazer

    Restrict server to beta users

    It is really important that you set the required build to the version that is posted on the beta patch website (ie 94444 for one of the recent one). The server version for beta 94444 is actually 94445. But, the client version is 94444. IIRC, the server version differs from the client version (usually a higher number) on each beta. So in this example, reqbuild should be set to 94444.
  23. exThread needs to be at 0 if you're doing cpucount 1. If cpucount is greater than 1, exthread should be set to 1. Anything higher for exThread is a waste for a server. Setting it to 1 allows for threaded file operations, the other options are for clients to help with rendering (which again, is pointless for a server). As for cpucount, you can use 6, but honestly I doubt you'll see any difference if you were to use let's say, 3 or 4. If you have the bandwidth, I would try running 2 servers with cpucount 3 on each. Otherwise just set it to cpucount 4 and use the other cores to host other game servers outside of arma. :) EDIT: Just to clarify, cpucount is for physical cores, not HT cores. So the max you could use is 6 afaik. Arma 2 is not really multithreaded in a sense. The main server operations will only be on one core. The other operations use use the additional threads. This is why it's important to have a beefy CPU with a high clockspeed and IPC.
  24. howichrgelazer

    Change timezone for server?

    Not reliably no. The only way to do it properly (to avoid getting in trouble) is to change your timezone while the server is not running.