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Everything posted by howichrgelazer

  1. I will be investigating this issue.
  2. I'll investigate this incident. The ping limit is currently at 200ms. I can't make any guarantees on if that will raise in the future. I don't want to push it too high, as it can start to negatively effect performance.
  3. I will investigate these incidents.
  4. It's possible the player location got corrupted in some way. That would explain the safe spawn I think. As for the 3 people coming up on his location. Can't explain that. He could just be awfully unlucky. It's possible there was teleportation, but without information, I can't look into it. Logs will be investigated.
  5. Dealt with some of the situations posted about. Will have to do some more log digging for others.
  6. Just to chime in, I have been made aware of an incident on US 9 just 20 minutes ago. If anybody has any evidence, please let me know via PM.
  7. Which server did this happen on?
  8. I will look through the logs for this event.
  9. Easy on the quarrels in the public server thread. If you guys have issues to vent, feel free to take it to a PM conversation between you two or me. However, it sounds like both sides can work something out without having this escalate too far. B)
  10. Fixed again. Ugh. Yeah I'll get to that config tonight. EDIT: Hopefully this works better, I changed it.
  11. BEC must have glitched out. I got in rcon and fixed it. Thank you for reporting it to me. I need to change to the other style of locking for BEC (where it doesn't count players in lobby), maybe that one will be less buggy.
  12. howichrgelazer

    Server Tags Demystified: How To Find The Right Server

    Interesting idea. However, you could also sort by ping to get areas closest to you first. :) Perma-day is not allowed.
  13. It has been brought to my attention that there is another US 10 out there on the server list. Be sure you're connecting to US 10 Chicago. Alternatively you can filter for ragecage in your server list to keep it from showing up. I have contacted support in the meantime. This will be handled when possible.
  14. howichrgelazer

    Is this a hacking script? idk

    Understandable, and yeah. It's normal :)
  15. howichrgelazer

    how and where would i buy a server

    It honestly depends on who you buy it from. Google around, ask their sales departments. That's the best advice I can offer. I can't suggest any host in particular. It sounds like you shouldn't buy a dedicated server though, you may want to consider a slotted server instead. Judging by your post, you dont sound too confident on setting it up and managing it yourself.
  16. Glad to hear it. I've updated the servers to the latest beta and DayZ version. Cranked up the VON quality. Tell me how it goes guys.
  17. howichrgelazer

    US 10 Chicago -- Tents/Vehicles gone

    I made a post about this as well: http://dayzmod.com/f...220#entry456561 Your best bet is to keep your questions to the server discussion, I'm very good about responding in a fair amount of time. Plus there's a chance I may miss a secondary thread.
  18. The servers were hit with a DDoS before and after a beta update on the servers. There's a possibility that things didn't load from the hive properly. Keep in mind, tents and vehicles are stored in the master database. These are not stored locally on US 10 or US 870. I'll perform a restart on US 10 to see what comes back, but I can't be responsible if those objects don't come back. With this being an alpha, things like this can happen. I doubt a DDoS attack on our server would affect what was already saved on the hive though. Things attempted to be saved during the event, I could understand not getting through.
  19. Another DDoS event is taking place. Checking into things. The provider is already working on getting on top of it. Please hang in there. :) Edit: Things should be resolved by now.
  20. Haggard, Make sure you're running the latest beta: http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php (Or if you're using SixUpdater, make sure you enable the beta)
  21. If it's a global ban nohrt, you cannot reverse it. Only BattlEye can.
  22. Looks like a possible network issue with our box, already talking to the support team about the situation. (Looks like it's already calming down. Possibly DDoS)
  23. Servers has been updated to Beta 95310.
  24. If it is possible, could you describe the gun that was used? Was it a rifle or a machine gun?