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Everything posted by howichrgelazer

  1. Even if I scrape the server information, I don't believe I can grab all the values that I'm compiling in this list, especially Time Reversal. :(
  2. It looks like it's named EU15. So you're good! :) By the way, I edited your server name a little bit. Don't need the "DayZ Zombie RPG - " part in there.
  3. Hey Profanwolf, I ended up adding a portal. So now you can add and edit the servers yourself. Makes it a lot easier on everybody involved. :)
  4. howichrgelazer

    3rd person with no nametags

    As far as I know. Nope. It's either on or off.
  5. howichrgelazer

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Just thought of some ideas that could happen in the future with a skin system like this. Maybe different skins have different available primary/secondary item slots? That would be pretty neat. Not saying they'd have to be enormously different, but it'd add a bit of depth. Oh, and they could possibly effect that temperature bar too. That would be interesting. :idea:
  6. howichrgelazer

    Great demand for 3dp:1 Ch:0 servers.

    Took me a minute to realize you were saying you want a server that has 3rd person on, and crosshairs off. Those abbreviations threw me for a loop. lol
  7. howichrgelazer

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Interesting. It makes more sense realistically and I'm happy to see how this plays out. It's going to make coming across other survivors that much more intense. How many different skins will be available for loot in the environment if you don't mind me asking? Even if it's a ballpark figure I'm curious to know how many options we'll have to be "unique snowflakes."
  8. howichrgelazer

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    Heh. :P Just speaking from experience on connecting when the server we host is full so far. Character loading is a whole different beast though, which has settled down a lot in the last 24 hours compared to a few days ago (props to the dev team for keeping on their toes). I haven't had to wait for more than 15 minutes for it to go 49/50. People usually come and go from servers quite frequently. All you need is one slot to free up.
  9. howichrgelazer

    3rd person with no nametags

    No need for a screenshot, just navigate to your working arma directory and follow the path I provided for you. :)
  10. howichrgelazer

    3rd person with no nametags

  11. howichrgelazer

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    I don't understand why some server admins have a problem with this line of thought. Honestly if a person is patient enough, chances are somebody will end up leaving a full server in <= 15 minutes. I usually take that time to look at a map and plan out my looting route for the day. Even if it's pegged full and for some reason you can't get in, the admin should be proud of it. It means you're running a reliable server and heck, you get to have your "hosted by" line shown off to the community in the server list.
  12. howichrgelazer

    Rocket : What is a " proper " server restart

    If a user comes across a vehicle and saves its state it should be there, even after server shutdowns and restarts. The monitor process they are rolling out has built in restarts every 6 hours by default (If I'm reading the value right). But yes #shutdown is probably the cleanest way of stopping the server, but I don't think it should affect vehicle saves.
  13. howichrgelazer

    A Concise Collection of Server Rules

    I like the rules you all have posted so far, but I don't know if it works having rules from all servers in one thread. That's technically what the individual server threads are for. But since it's here, I suppose I'll chip in. ;) Chicago 10 [Veteran] Server IP Address: Slots: 50 Thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=3258 Rules No racial or discriminative slurs No voice spam No exiting the server from PvP or other game exploits (ex. duplication of items) Admins will not kick to make room for community members Have fun! Please understand the difference of playing the game and personally assaulting another player. DayZ doesn't always end up a friendly game. However, once an issue transcends the game and becomes personal, measures will be taken to resolve the problem.
  14. howichrgelazer

    Do non-PK servers exist?

    No they do not. PK is an essential part of the DayZ experience. It would become so dull if I didn't have to keep questioning who I can trust and who I can't. Best thing to do when you spawn is to get off the coast, sneak around more and try not to fire your gun. Gunfire carries a long way, so people around you can find you easily through that.
  15. howichrgelazer

    If you host a server please do this!

    The game mode, while relevant, doesn't really tell the whole story of a server's setting. Server admins can set individual settings in the dayz profile regardless of what difficulty the server displays. (ex. Editing veteran settings in the profile) However, I do use the [Veteran] tag on our name so that people know before they connect, they won't have the luxuries of the regular settings. Plus I provide the full detail of individual settings in my server post for possible users. :)
  16. howichrgelazer

    Official disconnect thread

    Be aware, a player named Fireonice disconnected on my server when I snuck up behind him to pay him back for the death he gave me. Here's the story: I was out on a field outside electro killing a goat when a sniper took me out (fair enough). After I respawned I told side chat "Whoever killed me, take care of my gps, I named her Shela" This is the chat log that followed (taken from the server) The funny thing is, I ended up spawning in electro. Knowing how bandits work. Instead of waiting for him to show I went back to the scene of my first death. But this time, I went into the mountains. Sure enough he was there, in the same spot. I dropped a couple of maki shots into him but he ended up d/c'ing right before I emptied my clip. I ended up getting the most of my stuff back (he was honest about not looting my weapons). I'm out a GPS and a few M4 rounds, so I'm not miffed. But disconnecting when you're about to be taken out for sniping the same spot over and over, for shame. :-/
  17. EDIT: The devs are sorting out this issue for me. Thank you guys Hopefully a fellow server admin can shed some light on this, I'm completely lost. I asked around IRC, but it looks like a lot of people are out for the night, so I suppose I'll leave this here. I setup a limited account RDP access for dayzdevteam@gmail.com and some of the devs helped me out (I do thank them for their help :cool:). However, I've been unable to get the server going. The server launches and people can connect to it, however, everybody gets stuck at waiting for server response. If one waits long enough, they are placed into debug forest with no items. Chat works during this time and everybody can talk to each other. It's loading the DayZ mission, but it doesn't seem to be loading character data. I've restarted HiveAuth and Hive, and also preformed server reboots. The program connects to the database, but then it sits at waiting for client connection. I don't know if it's anything I can fix, if it's a master server overload, or something a dev needs to look into again. I'm just completely out of ideas at the moment. At first I thought it was the master server, but I notice I can connect to others just fine, so I wonder if it's something on my end.
  18. howichrgelazer

    Phishing Attempt - Server admins beware!

    He's legit, and is now an Op in the channel. He pulled up my server info without me needing to give it to him and reconfigured some things for me.
  19. howichrgelazer

    Phishing Attempt - Server admins beware!

    He's not a registered user no. I only see his hostname. He's using mibbit.
  20. howichrgelazer

    Running Hive Files

    Naw, that was the console stuff I was getting too. You may need a dev to look into it.
  21. howichrgelazer

    Running Hive Files

    If you started HiveAuth, then Hive, and the server launched successfully (without error) it could be a configuration issues the devs have to look into. Is your console getting spammed with DayZ loading messages when somebody joins the server? Also, to double check, try relaunch the hive programs or reboot your server and try again (if possible). I heard that fixes it sometimes. One more question, did you get a unique ID setup with the admins?
  22. howichrgelazer

    Running Hive Files

    Are you just using the standalone server? You need to have the game installed as well. Also make sure you run any DirectX setups and the Battleye setup.
  23. howichrgelazer

    Want to host a DayZ Server? Read in here.

    PM Sent with e-mail address. Thank you for checking into it, I really appreciate it. The RDP information should be in the third e-mail in the conversation thread.
  24. howichrgelazer

    Want to host a DayZ Server? Read in here.

    Hive issues. The server launches but I get console spam on it trying to load DayZ. Server remains in a constant waiting for host state. People can connect, but it goes nowhere. Hive connects to the db, but hangs on waiting for client connection. I've tried restarting the apps and rebooting the server, no dice.
  25. howichrgelazer

    Running Hive Files

    Also having this issue, I was discussing it in this thread with another user. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2508 I've sent an e-mail out and posted in the sticky for help. I was never linked a server guide so I can't troubleshoot it myself. I'm out of luck until the dev team member that was loading the mod on my box responds back. :P