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Everything posted by howichrgelazer

  1. howichrgelazer

    Server hopping

    I thought there was a system implemented as of this time that caused loot to spawn based on the amount of time somebody has been in the area (and distance as well, I think). Which cuts down on loot hopping a bit.
  2. howichrgelazer

    Server Chat/VOIP Etiquette?

    Same here.
  3. howichrgelazer

    Server Difficulty Changes Not Saving

    It really comes down to whatever the mission is named. Mine is formatted by the devs like that: dayz_xxx.Chernarus So yours may differ. It's what is ever in the MPMissions folder.
  4. howichrgelazer

    Server Difficulty Changes Not Saving

    You can set the difficulty in the server.cfg // MISSION CYCLE (see below) class Missions { class DayZ { template = dayz_xxx.Chernarus difficulty = "veteran"; }; }; where template = Mission name (seems to be formated dayz_.Chernarus) The available difficulties for DayZ are: regular, veteran, expert
  5. I've noticed this with tents and barbed wire as well.
  6. Hey guys, I noticed server admins are changing their difficulty values and individual settings, so I think it's best for the players out there to have a genuine list of which server offer what aids. I'm starting a project to catalog the values of all the DayZ servers out there so potential players can find a server that best suits their needs. But to do that I need some help from other server admins. :cool: Here is the page: http://dayzdirectory.com/ If you are a server admin please visit this page to add your server: http://dayzdirectory.com/portal Hopefully you guys think this is a good idea. I couldn't find an easy way to see individual server variables from the server list in arma. Who knows, maybe I'm just a newb when it comes to that. ;) If you have any issues with the website feel free to PM me or post here in the thread. You can also contact me via email though my profile. I'm forcing accounts for the portal so I can restrict people who misuse it. Be sure to rep and bump this post if you like it! ------------------------------- Updates 5/23/2012 New domain implemented. Site is located on dayzdirectory.com - If you notice any bugs after the switch, please let me know. 5/20/2012 Issue should hopefully be resolved for now. 5/20/2012 Investigating a weird PHP bug. Disabling the links for the moment. 5/20/2012 I'm in the process of setting up a domain for this project. 5/19/2012 Portal has been created for easy addition and editing
  7. howichrgelazer

    Server Administration Reference for ArmA and DayZ

    Posted more information on beta. However not entirely happy with the wording right now, will need to go back in a little bit and clean up the section.
  8. Thank you guys. I've rolled the website over to a proper domain and will be adding another column in the near future. This will allow you to specify if your server is running the beta or not. If you guys want any other features to better the functionality of the website, I'm all ears.
  9. howichrgelazer

    Server Title Nomenclature

    Let's say you have 90-96 characters to work with before you start losing characters on the server list (depends on the client's resolution). Adding all those values starts making the server list unreadable under the current naming scheme. I would suggest the following naming scheme: DayZ - [|||] () dayzmod.com | Host: DayZ - Chicago 10 [CH=0|TP=0|NP=0|Beta 93040+] (v1.5.8.4) dayzmod.com | Host: RageCageGaming.com Which comes out to 96 characters. ----------------------------- The old naming scheme DayZ Zombie RPG - Chicago 10 [CH=0|TP=0|NP=0|Beta 93040+] (v1.5.8.4) dayzmod.com - hosted by RageCageGaming.com Which would come out to 111 characters.
  10. howichrgelazer

    FPS Sucks on DayZ Servers

    AFAIK it's not the server's fault, it's a known issue with the latest DayZ which rocket is fixing up. Just as others have stated in the thread.
  11. howichrgelazer

    best Beta version to use?

    Just wanted to point out that it's unnecessary to specify the TBB4 allocation flag when using a build above 1.60.87645. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_Custom_Memory_Allocator But yes, it looks like the latest one fixes VON for direct chat. I loaded up on our server and I am crossing my fingers. :)
  12. howichrgelazer

    Servers running 1.60 or 1.60.92612

    I don't use the monitor to run the server, although I do use it once a day to check updates for the hive (more of a manual process because I don't have a download link to the hive programs to check myself.) I'm launching the beta server manually with a batch file I created. You also need JayArma2Lib_New instead of JayArma2Lib. It's important to remove the dsound.dll from the beta server directory if you are using JayArma2Lib_New. I haven't noticed any problems yet with hive and the beta. The communication seems like it's transferring normal values like it was with the vanilla server. I had one hiccup with auth at one point not authenticating users, but a simple relaunch of hiveauth fixed it.
  13. howichrgelazer

    Servers running 1.60 or 1.60.92612

    I haven't been able to play enough on our beta server to confirm our deny client side improvement (it's possible that it doesn't seeing as the FPS issue has to do with the mission). But moving to on the beta on the server end and enabling a required build in the config definitely helped out. It's an un-intended side effect though. When you set a required build only clients with that build and higher can get in, so you cut down on a lot of the connection spam. However, outside of the issue DayZ is having the beta patch does offer a couple performance changes and other bug fixes in general. Here's the change log: ftp://downloads.bistudio.com/arma2.com/update/beta/ARMA2_OA_Build_93040.log We decided to move to it to get the benefits of the direct chat bug fix (which we need to update because there is another fix in the latest 93040 patch). Plus the other improvements over 1.6 are icing on the cake. Plus they just fixed this issue - Fixed: switching backpack with dead unit in MP Which is something I ran into playing on our vanilla server. I missed out on a 24 slot backpack because of it :/
  14. howichrgelazer

    Volunteer Community Server Team

    I can assist as well, and thanks for sharing those config numbers with me mojo. It helped out.
  15. howichrgelazer

    Server Administration Reference for ArmA and DayZ

    Added your post Freeborne, and added a lot more information to the guide. Finally got around to it. Whew.
  16. howichrgelazer

    Servers crashing?

    Do you have access to your machine (in the form of RDP or VNC)? You may nab the problem if it sit around and watch it's behavior. Is it using monitor? Is it not? I noticed if monitor detects a file that doesn't check out, it can restart the whole server. Is it confirmed that the server is even crashing or could it be timing out and dropping clients due to bandwidth issues?
  17. howichrgelazer

    Servers crashing?

    No crashing going on here, our server's been at 50/50 for the last two hours after one of my daily restarts. Getting any specific errors when it crashes?
  18. Spiker is apart of Rage Cage Gaming, just to let you all know that we aren't about tooting our own horn. He's legit happy with how the server runs and was stoked when he heard the server we setup wasn't going to be easy mode. :) I'm also posting to say that I updated the OP with more information about us and the mumble server.
  19. howichrgelazer

    Great demand for 3dp:1 Ch:0 servers.

    Chicago 10 offers no 3rd person and no crosshair. Plus characters are cross server, so you're not restricted to one server. ;) The problem is server admins can change the values regardless of difficulty. So they may have it set to veteran, but then have certain values on or off in that veteran configuration.
  20. howichrgelazer

    Dayz Server Monitor...

    I would love you forever if you implemented this. My solution would have been a dynamically-generated proctored' date=' timed online exam with a minimum pass mark of 80% to ensure that not only are the server system requirements met, so is admin knowledge. [/quote'] Hahahahah, maybe that can be the captcha for registering an account ;) But yeah, I think it'd help the server team immensely if they had a help desk. There's too many different lines of communication as of right now. Two different e-mail addresses, an IRC channel, and the forums. We still have people asking if they can password servers or kick for reserves. If they were all in the help desk when they sign up to host a server, there's no arguing or debate. It's written clear as crystal. Plus you'd be able to keep track of RDP information and who is running monitor and who isn't. Makes it a lot easier to head off problems. I'd love to help make something like that happen.
  21. howichrgelazer

    Dayz Server Monitor...

    I wonder, rocket... Working with the process you guys have in place currently, maybe it may help to have somebody up some ticket system for server requests? Something like osTicket. That way you guys have a central source of documentation and every request is logged and clearly displayed. It might relieve stress on all the parties involved. The reason why I bring this up, is that during my stint of getting a server operational, it passed through three different server team members. All of which didn't entirely know where the last one ended up. I ended up having to re-install ArmA to help one of them out, so they could start fresh. Eventually the files were ripped out of my install directory and put on my user's desktop. I don't mind, but now I have to either re-install again or edit my registry to allow for beta patching if necessary in the future. As a server owner, I'd be willing to help contribute to a project like that, especially if it leads to easier methods of server setup/installation. I also have help desk experience, not with osTicket, but with Spiceworks at my current job. I'm sure configuration knowledge is transferable in some degree between systems.