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About TheNerdySecret

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Interests
    Gaming,technology , movie's , music

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  • Bio
    My name is Nathan ,18 year old guy that makes videos of himself playing videogames and talking over it.@Machinima_com Partner - http://www.TheNerdySecret.com
  1. TheNerdySecret

    20 Plus Million Dollars Later...

    Completely agree with this but when they start developing again i wouldn't mind some updates on what they are doing!
  2. TheNerdySecret

    [WIP] DayZ bulletin board

    Interesting thread, bumping this.
  3. TheNerdySecret

    What you think of the community in DayZ?

    Exactly what i am doing from now on.
  4. TheNerdySecret

    What you think of the community in DayZ?

    Yeah i now that you point it out it there was errors on my part as well. should have lowered that gun. Ah well lesson learned next time!
  5. TheNerdySecret

    What you think of the community in DayZ?

    I remember it having a larger range, in the mod. i might be wrong on that tho.
  6. TheNerdySecret

    What you think of the community in DayZ?

    Sorry for that, my bad!
  7. TheNerdySecret

    What you think of the community in DayZ?

    Nope, how will it go?
  8. TheNerdySecret

    What you think of the community in DayZ?

    as the title said please tell me what do you think of the current state of the community in DayZ i lost all hope in the community in this video i show why.
  9. TheNerdySecret

    Balota loot problem?

    You should be in my shoes i have been alive since the day the game came out, im shitting bricks when i hear any sound. I have a guns drinks and a full ammo case. I stress out every time i log in haha
  10. TheNerdySecret

    More reasonable combat log solution

    This still wont do anything if you just close the client. Either way it would be a good implementation.
  11. TheNerdySecret

    Soda Can Sound Bug

    Pretty common bug, this and the random zombie aggro sound is what makes me shit myself late at night.
  12. TheNerdySecret

    Chernarus Police Department

    Seems like a lot of people in this thread are pretty frustrated / mad. A lot of jimmies are rustled.
  13. TheNerdySecret

    No spawn/inlogg Zones

    I dont understand what you mean dude.
  14. TheNerdySecret

    Is this a good hardrive for a gaming pc

    Yeah ssd's are the way to go , also 240 gb seems very low to me, I would never take that as a primary hdd
  15. If you enjoyed the DayZ mod in general it will probably be worth it. It is also pretty cheap now and it will only go up in price from what i read on Reddit.