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Everything posted by john@thesmileyone.co.uk

  1. john@thesmileyone.co.uk

    I get the impression that the DayZ community isn't into zombies

    Dayz is pretty awesome with zombies that work properly... like the ones 2-3 years ago... not these ones that hear suppressed weapons, one shot you as they please, and generally get in the way of a good firefight. I for one would be all over a well populated, dayz with no zombies that was persistant - that is, you log out and back in with the same gear in the same health in the same place. Everyone says "oh you don't want zombies you have wasteland" well wasteland is NOT persistant!
  2. john@thesmileyone.co.uk

    Confess your sins here - The worst thing you've d

    I moved a friends tent from one place to the other. He had been raving about having a load of AS50's (back in the day of public hives) in a certain tent so when he logged off I put them all into a Ural, killed the tent, and set up a new one on opposite co-ordinates to the ones it was at :D
  3. john@thesmileyone.co.uk

    Dean - Sort it out man. Losing your way

    Anyone remember the Walking Dead guys flying helicopters or raiding peoples bases or going on killing spree's like TFU does? Can't base a game on a TV show, especially when the zeds are 4x as fast and 100x as intelligent :P Other than that, I agree!
  4. john@thesmileyone.co.uk

    Why its better to stay at

    Dayz updates - one step forward 10 steps back. My 17 day char just died from one zombie hit, full health knocked me out and then I couldnt stand up or move for some reason? 3 little arrows next to my bleeding blood vial? Also every time you kill one zed with an M9SD, three more spawn and aggro. FUCKING BS. This game is no longer fun to play.
  5. john@thesmileyone.co.uk

    To Everyone Complaining About 1.7.7

    Last night I shot a zombie in a field full of zombies outside zele, with an m9 SD. I missed him he aggro'd, THE WHOLE FIELD OF ZOMBIES AND THE WHOLE TOWN OF ZOMBIES also aggro'd and chased me through the north forest. In the dark. Pitch black. So unrealistic and makes the game boring because it is impossible to get to a town to resupply. The only way to resupply is to kill other players and take theirs, but you can't do that because zombies spawn everywhere within 25m of you, and once you kill them fresh respawns kill you. No fun anymore.
  6. I can't believe you allow people to play music through side chat. The APEX clan in your server are a bunch of retard's who do this all day and then quote bible references via txt side chat!
  7. john@thesmileyone.co.uk

    Specific camps?

    Free to help a bandit out? I am a lonewolf bandit and since the hive wipe have been struggling to find gear to aid me in killing clans etc. It does not help that loot cycling barracks doesnt seem to work any more, nor does it help that high value military installations spawn tin cans instead of DMR's. Therefore I was wondering if anyone could tell me of specific camps I can raid on public hive servers. For example : US49, 001,040 - 6 tents - ghilie suits - sniper gear. Feel free to pm me the above if you prefer ;) Many thanks.
  8. john@thesmileyone.co.uk

    Specific camps?

    Lazy yes, hacker no. What I am saying is that all the known tent locations seem empty. I haven't come across a tent city since 1.6.2!
  9. Just been playing on here...loot is hard to come by, hit zele and found a single can of beans, a compass and a british assault pack...took me all the way up to vybor to just find a lee enfield... hmm. My guys tell me they have a big base on there so I will be geared up in no time. I am a bandit ;)
  10. Sounds a bit meh tbh. What is there to do when you have all this gear, you cant kill players on the server and you cant take the gear to other servers?
  11. john@thesmileyone.co.uk

    How do you fight players in CQC?

    I like hit - run - hit guerilla warfare tactics with an AK or AKM etc. ie if I see someone, I wll get within 50m of them, shoot them once or twice on semi, and run away behind concealment, give them a few seconds then run back and finish them, they are normally bandaging at this point which makes it an easy kill. But I prefer 3-400m kills with an m16 acog or better yet an m14 red dot.
  12. john@thesmileyone.co.uk

    Humanity + Inventory glitches + Skin changes

    Not really: http://thesmileyone.co.uk/mia/arma2oa_2012_08_14_11_59_19_057.jpg
  13. john@thesmileyone.co.uk

    Humanity + Inventory glitches + Skin changes

    The backpack issue clones the backpack. For example change into ghillie with a coyote elite + as50 etc... you put your backpack on the floor and move away, change into ghillie to find you have an empty backpack. Drop this backpack and walk over to your old one and put it on, then you have a ghilli + coyote elite + as50 etc, and 2 feet away an empty coyote elite. This needs to be fixed as if you have a load of clothing you can dupe backpacks for your team.
  14. john@thesmileyone.co.uk

    What is Humanity?

    Bottom of debug monitor. Look at the screenshot I posted :)
  15. john@thesmileyone.co.uk

    What is Humanity?

    My humanity is MINUS 225,000. I gave a clan member all of my guns the other day as I was bored and this reduced my humanity to 215,000 which I was quite happy about. He prompty lost them all by trying to swim in the sea because I forgot to tell him about that haha so I helped him find them in the sea and my humanity went down a bit more. I am trying to get it into the positives, so I am going to camp the beaner areas and kill bandits who try to kill beaners. Its too risky trying to heal people as they normally take your secondary out of your backpack and shoot you with it. Edited:proof of humanity.
  16. john@thesmileyone.co.uk

    Which is best? MK48, FN Fal, M4A1 CCO SD, or M16A4 ACOG?

    the CCO SD is great for zombies not so great for pvp. M16 Acog with SD ammo is great for both, you should be able to switch the optics to the iron sights at the top by pressing / on numpad but it doesnt work for me. So be careful at close ranges. Burst fire works a treat. If your a sniper and have an as50 then the acog is awesome for mid range work and spotting people/zombies. at the moment i have a cco sd and an m240 because im not sniping.
  17. john@thesmileyone.co.uk

    Banned from DE4

    Battleeye:Banned after being called a cunt for killing an admin. Admin in question: TooTall. I did however lie about tking them, as afaik they couldnt check the logs, but he checked them right infront of me right before was banned (whilst riding a bike, so now i have broken legs no doubt). I just dont think its fair that I can get team killed my one of their regulars just hours before (who is then running round with my kit) but as soon as i tk an admin I get permabanned from the server! Got sick of them constantly calling me a hacker because I have better gear than them, and I been tk'd a few times by them aswell. Have given numerous members gear and helped them out for gear/blood transfusions/ riding 11km to give someone morphine - only for them to turn around and accuse me of "duping" when all the gear is gear that I have hoarded over months in tents all over the place. Yet they are still happy to personally use the gear they are suspicious about and ask for more when they die. The main admin is marker...he is sound I am hoping he sees this and can sort it out. Rocket: It seems your rules about meta gaming on the public hive are totally ignored by server admins. ##edited to include more detail.
  18. john@thesmileyone.co.uk

    Banned from DE4

    No it was not ever done, the only thing I did on Mangos server was kill their clan members, once on a different server (DE4) where they came to blow up the chopper because they couldnt fix it to fly it, and once on their server (killed Cascadia up in the North(was banned a day after this)). The whole "you cheat" shit is just the excuse they give when they ban people who kill them.
  19. john@thesmileyone.co.uk

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Incase anyone cant download the beta from the official mirror: http://thesmileyone.co.uk/mia/ARMA2_OA_Build_95913.zip
  20. john@thesmileyone.co.uk

    Banned from DE4

    I havent been on your mumble for over a year LOL, keep posting BS :) I havent cheated, you cant prove i have cheated, therefore i have not cheated :)
  21. john@thesmileyone.co.uk

    Cant find servers

    Installed and the latest beta patch and now when i search for servers none/few show up, if i search for UK with everything set on 0 and "Show" I get no servers. If I search for "blank" I get about 30 servers all DE servers, all locked. my clan is predominantly aussie so we use US servers so we can all play together, only no US servers show up, period. I can join if I go on gametracker and then type the IP and port into Remote, but cant use the server browser. Any ideas pleasE?
  22. john@thesmileyone.co.uk

    Makeshift Supressors (With 100% more believability!)

    Because there would just happen to be adapters lying around that would fit a lee enfield right? You know, that lee enfield that isnt threaded for a supressor.
  23. john@thesmileyone.co.uk

    Banned from DE4

    We are going round in circles here Mongo. If I had infact cheated and been banned legitamtly you would have posted up some kind of log. The fact you havent says it all (same for DE4). You arent even able to provide a log of where "I logged during combat" and was banned...because I didnt and because you banned me over a day after I was last online. And I dont mean "heres one i wrote in notepad.exe" earlier, but an actual log file. Where is it? It doesnt exist does it? Anyway thanks to your guy posting my guid and ip address in your forums I felt I had no choice but to report you officially, following the advice of the actual constructive people in this thread. I know you have moved the topic since, I expected that so I screenshotted it aswell. :)
  24. john@thesmileyone.co.uk

    Banned from DE4

    The fact you got my guid from marker and banned me at a time I wasnt even connected to your server makes ME lol. TFU hate yet me you follow me from game to game its sad when are you going to get a life and stop making threads about me on your forums?
  25. john@thesmileyone.co.uk

    Who Needs A Respawn When You Can Do This

    So if I am at NWAF and I shoot someone, they can quickly press the button and then log out, and when they spawn they will be 11km away on the coast free to bandage themselves? It would get seriously abused. Atleast when people alt f4 they appear in the same general area even if they server hop.