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About james27yocool

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. james27yocool

    help! cant join a server!

    Hey guys yesterday and today i have been trying to get this mod to work (im talking over like 5 hours of trying to get it to work) So, heres my problem whenever i try to join a DayZ server i get in click on ok and im stuck waiting for reciveing data and than when its like 90% it freezes and than kicks me out back into the server lists and in the background theres a black screen and in the middle there white letters saying "creating character" Any suggestions on what to do? this is really getting annoying
  2. james27yocool

    Online probs O.o

    Hey guys, i have a prob with mutliplayer O.o whenever i try to log into a dayz server i logg in click ok and wait, but then it goes to a reciveing data screen gets almost completed freezes, and then kicks me out and its been doing this with all the servers i go on. Any suggustions?