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Everything posted by char77

  1. char77

    Small Tactical Group Looking For New Buddys

    Love the skype calls m8, so the ts will be up when i back?
  2. char77

    Looking for a partner EU

    i will play played day z for quite long but arma for ages and we can use teamspeak :)
  3. char77

    looking for people to play with!

    hey i will join and if u go on the unofficial teamspeak server they have group tabs e.g. group 1, group 2 etc........ so we can use tht to communicate. im 14 :)
  4. char77

    Looking For Team Members

    can i join im 14 :)
  5. u sure u dont want me to help wiv guarding it y u building?
  6. need any help? also wat teamspeak u guys on and is it still on uk 7?
  7. char77

    Recruiting DayZ

    done it :)
  8. char77

    Recruiting DayZ

    ahhhh thanks i still sent tht one lol
  9. char77

    Recruiting DayZ

    on application it says who can vouch for u do i just put no one??
  10. char77

    Recruiting DayZ

    ok btw nooby question is team speak free or do u pay?? im 14 but i wont scream and shit :)
  11. char77

    Recruiting DayZ

    how old u have to be? wat server and difficulty?
  12. i was just in cherno looking went past hotel no one there and couldnt find the fort, it is UK 7 right??