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Everything posted by razgriz93@gmail.com

  1. razgriz93@gmail.com

    today i was enjoy happy surprise in my camp

    >Detroit.I wouldn't even need to call anyone anything in a city where they celebrate 48 hours without reported crimes to get mugged or worse. Also, knock knock wake up and smell the coffee. It's a video game. The guy probably had only a black character and he wasn't actually black. Also, for a test, I asked my course mate here in university what would happen if I called him blacky. Bear in mind that Shrub and this "Blacky" were sort of friends by the end. He said and here I quote "I'd call you whitey and have a giggle". Obviously translated. He also said that you should really take off that stick.
  2. razgriz93@gmail.com

    today i was enjoy happy surprise in my camp

    Oh no someone called someone else using a character with black skin "blacky" in a joking and friendly way call the stick-up-my-butt police.
  3. razgriz93@gmail.com

    possible back old aim shooting?, without aim shaking

    Bf3 had a terrible shooting mechanic and it's when the serie turned into cod with vehicles.I am also all for a system that punishes EMMELLGEE sniping and endorses a more close quarters approach to gunfights. Getting sniped = not fun. Dying in a CQC fight where you had at least chance to see the enemy = a lot less frustrating. Go back to cod with vehicles.
  4. razgriz93@gmail.com

    today i was enjoy happy surprise in my camp

    I am confused about the whole story as in the plot, not how it's written, which is understandable despite some broken parts. Talking about arrogant statements here.
  5. razgriz93@gmail.com

    Hoping for character resets!

    It is, but to a lesser extent. I wouldn't play as much if there were char wipes, mostly because I enjoy the survival aspect more than the pew pew aspect.
  6. razgriz93@gmail.com

    today i was enjoy happy surprise in my camp

    I am still overly confused.
  7. razgriz93@gmail.com

    Hoping for character resets!

    Bad idea, imho. Nobody would play the last 2-3 days before the wipe and who plays will just go for a deathmatch.
  8. razgriz93@gmail.com

    DayZOverpoch|Tanks|Jets|Full Militarized

    But why would you play a military mod on DayZ when you can play Wastelands instead?
  9. razgriz93@gmail.com

    So tents will be deleted on every Wednesday maintenance?

    Literally everywhere.
  10. razgriz93@gmail.com

    What Do You Consider To Be "Exploiting" In This Game?

    People loot empty servers and then come to mid populated ones for PVP having nearly no idea on how it works. I don't see the issues. They are walking piñatas.
  11. razgriz93@gmail.com

    AKM vs AK101 performance

    I dropped 1 player with 1 shot at very close range with the AKM, so I wouldn't know. At medium range 2 hits seem to be enough at least to knock people down. He had military equipment, so I doubt he wad full HP. But still, it seems more powerful to me compared to the AK101.
  12. razgriz93@gmail.com

    Handcuffs, Rope, Wire and the Enviroment.

    I glanced at the title and misread it as "Handcuffs, ra*e..." Thank god I was wrong.
  13. razgriz93@gmail.com

    DayZOverpoch|Tanks|Jets|Full Militarized

    No offense, but this looks really silly.
  14. razgriz93@gmail.com

    LongHorn pistol

    I found this thing in a police station. Is it worth keeping? Looks good to me, but I only fired it on Zeds for now.
  15. razgriz93@gmail.com

    'Better load your weapon bro'

    Dat panic drag tho. :D
  16. razgriz93@gmail.com

    LongHorn pistol

    Yeah, the axe is for the zombies. Literally no point on wasting ammos and give away your position. Especially with a loud ass gun which makes me remember of the Lee Enfield in the mod. And of course you stalk the prey, you wouldn't want to miss a shot.
  17. razgriz93@gmail.com

    LongHorn pistol

    Hmm that's a pity. Still, I guess he'd be severely wounded and basically unable to fight back. I guess it would be good for leg shots, so you have time to reload it, possibly. Thanks for the infos o7
  18. razgriz93@gmail.com

    LongHorn pistol

    Well yeah. I wasn't going to use it as a proper side arm, but I thought it would go well paired with my AKM. I noticed the accuracy and I was pleasantly surprised, but how about the stopping power? Is it going to drop a targer with 1 hit on upper torso?
  19. razgriz93@gmail.com

    SPOSN Tortilla Backpack

    7 cans of Peaches 7 cans of Rasputin Kvass 7 cans of Tactical Bacon 7 Apples The balanced meal backpack
  20. razgriz93@gmail.com

    how has the dry wells affected your gameplay

    I run around with a box full of Rasputin Kvass now.
  21. razgriz93@gmail.com

    sick mans punch too much power lesson

    This greatly confuses me.
  22. razgriz93@gmail.com

    0.51 Magazine Rarity

    All mags seem to be pretty rare, with the exception of the Makarov one.
  23. razgriz93@gmail.com

    wat i was leaned in dayz value lesson of die brave no living afraiid

    I uh Good job.
  24. Greetings everyone. Something very very awful just happened to me, search function didn't help much so I am asking you guys if this happened to you before. Basically, I was playing on a server, I reached Svetloriask following the railroad from west and suddenly the server stopped reponding. Well, more than else, everything stopped "happening". I couldn't open doors (wasn't even coming out the open door symbol thingy), swap weapons or do anything. Internet was just fine, so I DCd and tried joining another server. I picked a DE server something with a name at the end. 3 people, because I wanted to check my position and status before joining a more populated one. I was in the woods nearby, able to move and everything was ok. I took a few steps and I got kicked by the administrator. Saved the server IP for a report later, but that's beyond the point. I then decided to join a server with more or less 15 people, one of the "basic" servers. Had a waiting time of 300 seconds because of the kick, so I waited patiently. It remained stuck on "please wait" for a minute, then, a big, mean, flaming red sentence appeared in the bottom left corner, that said something like this "Unable to load profile. You character have been resetted and an administrator have been noticed. Please join another server to continue" I joined another server. Nothing. Char reset. Tears flowing. I point my accusation finger to my gear at the time. More than everything else, to the 8 yellow cases and 4 ammo boxes I had in my backpack, stored in conveniently organized blocks. A caseception. Anyone knows what happened? And, just out of curiosity, what are administrators been warned of?
  25. razgriz93@gmail.com

    Dead players turn to zombies?

    Dead infected are dead. Becoming infected after dying makes you a dead infected.