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Everything posted by razgriz93@gmail.com

  1. razgriz93@gmail.com

    Idea for Classes

    Classes? Go play BF3.
  2. razgriz93@gmail.com

    The day in the life of an utter expert

    Please, make a single post. You are even more annoying. Thanks.
  3. razgriz93@gmail.com

    I think I found the rarest item in the game so far

  4. razgriz93@gmail.com


    You are me. Twice.
  5. razgriz93@gmail.com

    Mosin or M4? Consider upcoming changes to game

    I hit him on the shoulder while he was giving me the side. So yeah.
  6. razgriz93@gmail.com

    Mosin or M4? Consider upcoming changes to game

    I don't understand what you're on about. And, good luck finding all those mosins together.
  7. razgriz93@gmail.com

    2 Yellow lock boxes disappeared

    In the mod you used to lose stuff while swimming too and was NOT a bug.
  8. razgriz93@gmail.com

    Mosin or M4? Consider upcoming changes to game

    Hit a guy in the shoulder from the side at 200m. Not even unconscious, just bleeding. Mosin is NOT 1hk.
  9. razgriz93@gmail.com

    What to do when geared on DayZ for fun?

    The DayZ DB map is not extremely accurate when it comes to loot. I just explore stuff by myself and check out the new places. Oh, and shoot at groups of cocky players
  10. Hello everyone. Short story. 3 days ago I left Elektro and headed north. Where up north, no idea, just north. In those 3 days, playing on server with at least 15 people online, I had only 2 encounters. Plus a server hopper (I doubt someone would just disconnect and leave the game under the stairs of the control tower in the NEAF). 3 days, playing 3-4 hours a day. What's the problem? The average CODlike player has no incentive to leave the shore and head up north. At all. Balota is there, it's all you need. Loot should at least scale, the further from the shores, the better. In the balota tent thingy it should not be possible to find m4s, only pistols, modifications and a LOT of medical stuff (It's a medical camp, isn't it?). This is not a rant about people camping the Balota Airfield with their precious Mosin Nagant, it's more a rant about how empty and silent the north is. I remember how tense was to try and loot the NWAF in the mod in a server with even just 10-11 players. Nearly every time it ended up in a firefight. I know people already discussed on this topic, but I would like to hear your opinions on how the loot should be scaled and adapted to make the overall experience better, not just having Coast of Duty along the spawn zones and Loot Farming Simulator up north.
  11. razgriz93@gmail.com

    The amount of people up north is TOO DAMN LOW.

    Yellow raincoat and red helmet. All in or nothing.
  12. razgriz93@gmail.com

    The day in the life of an utter expert

    No thanks. Only glorious Beretta and Benelli for me.
  13. razgriz93@gmail.com

    im sure im not the only one (eating sounds)

    Zombie aggro changed into Schwarzenegger noises. I approve of this. P.s. eating noises feel really good to me. Chomp chomp.
  14. razgriz93@gmail.com

    The day in the life of an utter expert

  15. razgriz93@gmail.com

    The day in the life of an utter expert

    Math is an opinion for the gods of Elektro
  16. razgriz93@gmail.com

    .12 slugs useless at the moment?

    Spray with disinfectant. Eat. A healthy snack. (Unless it got fixed)
  17. razgriz93@gmail.com

    books and bayonets ?

    Talking about books. I can't find "The Art of War" anywhere and it pisses me off beyond measure.
  18. razgriz93@gmail.com

    Why not three hour dayz?

    I hope there will be foxes. So I can browse the forums directly in-game.
  19. razgriz93@gmail.com

    The amount of people up north is TOO DAMN LOW.

    It's not really about being owned. It's more about a discussion on what I think it's a problem. It IS true. Players up north aren't massive jerks, but still it feels so... Empty.
  20. razgriz93@gmail.com

    Mosin or M4? Consider upcoming changes to game

    Acog sshould be 4x magnification. In game it's like... 2x. At most.
  21. razgriz93@gmail.com

    Mosin or M4? Consider upcoming changes to game

    I use the m4. Bipod, acog and MagPul pristine mods make it suitable for engages at a decent distance.
  22. razgriz93@gmail.com

    Post Your Gear So Far

    I know that. It's a shame, but I needed moar space ;-;
  23. razgriz93@gmail.com

    The day in the life of an utter expert

    It's a news paper, if we really want to be precise. Unless you meant a new piece of paper which is silly.
  24. razgriz93@gmail.com


    Maybe the "skills" of the player should improve WHILE PLAYING. Like, cooking a lot could make prepared food better in regard of energy given. Stuff like that.