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Everything posted by milon2

  1. Soo i got banned yesterday from my favorite dayz server called "Official DayZ Origins #GX Zombiegeschnetzeltes, BBier und Weiber Active Admins .." cause i accidently had cheat engine on cause i tried something before in a game called "CubeWorld" and then i got banned luckily just from this Server but i wont change server cause all my friends play on it and wont change so my question Could you please forgive me and unban me from the server cause i really wanna play on it THANKS ! #The sever name is : Official Dayz Origins #GX Zombiegeschnetzeltes, Bier und Weiber | Active Admins | TS3 (1.7.6/103419) [4h Day/Night]Hosted @ GTXGaming.co.uk
  2. But the Server admins said i have to ask you
  3. Can you know please unban me cause i dont hack and just accidently had ce open thanks