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Everything posted by buxaroo

  1. Whenever I start up the Six launcher this is what I see: The server list appears for a millisecond, then disappears. Why is it doing this? I have all of the programs added to the firewall exception list. Is it a problem with my Netgear WGR614 anyone think? It sucks for Source games and especially for Gamespy-based server browsers for some reason (all other games work perfectly in MP, it's just this mod/ARMA2 and TF2), so wondering if anyone else has this router can tell me if it's working for them and what I could do about it? I need the router because I got rid of cable TV and using a Roku box to stream to the living room for family and can't afford another router at this time.
  2. Seriously? I am the only person with this problem? No one can help? I changed routers with another one I had in storage (LinkSys WRT54G), made sure I added the ports to port forwarding etc etc, same issue as if I had the other router. I have Windows Firewall off, I turned off my antivirus, same thing.