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Everything posted by napata

  1. napata

    Noob in the North

    Im playing on a server full of what seem to be friendlys, but how friendly will they be if then see a better equiped friendly turning his back. Im going to camp in my little shelter until my party arrive. Then ill go hunting :) Im just glad to be alive lol
  2. napata

    Noob in the North

    Right so, as of now I have made it to a town, found my supply's, raided and airfield, and found a bus and christened it the PARTY BUS. I'm nice and cosy living the high life but now i have another issue. My group are all still down south, they are able to meet up but it will be a long time before they are able to get to me. I don't want to drive my bus down south as I know everyone will want my PARTY BUS. So it seems im stranded for a little while longer at least :(
  3. napata

    New Player Looking for a Clan.

    Ive been playing with people ive met in the game so far. Im friendly, and so are my group. If you want to join in either ass me on steam IRIEVOLTx my skype sean.lafferty93 or message me.
  4. I have just spent the past few hours with a friend trawling the coastline until we found a floating beacon of hope. A small boat, we got our jerry cans at the ready and filled it up only to realise that our new boat was no faster than walking, slower even. But no matter, we are survivors and made do with what we had. We deemed our new boat the PARTY BOAT and offerd lifts to friendlys around the cost all the while making our journey north. Sadly we beached our boat and for no reason whatsoever our passenger and newly inducted member of our little family dropped like a sack of bricks and broke his leg. We then travelled far into land to get supply's to save him, but sadly we were too late. We continued on and found ourselves a new boat named the Party Boat mk2 and set sail. Only to be chased by about 6 zombies who clearly were not afraid of getting wet. We ran out of fuel and ran once again, we then ran as far as we could all the while using our supply's up. after getting hit multiple times. Eventually we neared a forest that we decided to enter. While making our way towards where we hoped we would find a car, to pick up our group. While scanning the forest we noticed a tent, upon getting closer we found that there were another three behind it. As quietly as we could we took what we could, blood packs, guns, ammo, and the rest. We discovered that we had made it to Willow Lake, filled up our flasks and got ready to head off again. Until suddenly we freeze. Not a game freeze but our players. Apparently they knew we were coming and put super glue on the rock. So there we have it, we are currently sitting there, waiting to for our victims to return to their camp and do as they please. Moral or the story... Fuck rocks! The game has bugged and my screen is vibrating while I cant move. Happened to anyone else? Any way out?
  5. napata

    Bloody rocks again!

    0_0 I love you Arch! Take all my Beans!
  6. Use this http://dayzmod.com/?SixUpdater download and use the updater and then use the launcher to join. After the first time just use the launcher. Hope that helps
  7. napata

    where are the Best places to find guns?

    Guns can spawn in most places, however they are are rarer in some places that others. The best place would be to look in a fire station in a major town but they are also hot spots. So try deer stands, there perfect for finding the odd gun. Best tactic for me is to get a low end gun and then wait until a bandit attacks, then kill them and ill have a nice new gun :)
  8. napata

    Your First Life

    My first life was weird. Something went wrong, be it hackers, a glitch, incorrect settings, or this is normal and im just retarded. I spawned as a crow. I was flying around for a bit, then I got bored. I tried to figure out how to spawn as a human. I thought it was part of the game at first. Other people have been playing as cows and goats, even uploading videos as proof. I thought it was part of the game at first. Nope! turns out me and a few other players have spawned into the game at some point and ended up running around the map like a bunch of furrys.
  9. napata

    New Player Looking for a Clan.

    Ill add you now. Hopefully we can get a game later on.
  10. Hey, I play with 3 other people. Might be 4 now as we made a new friend today :) We arnt pro but know what we are doing so if you want to you can join up. My skype is on my profile. Add me if you like.
  11. napata

    Need help in Six Updater!!!

    I had some issues trying to get the game running at first so maybe I can help. Six updater is here http://dayzmod.com/?SixUpdater remember to use the updater and then join through the launcher (works fine for me). I placed the @dayz folder manualy(trying to do something that i dont think i even had to do but no matter), in Program Files, Steam, Steamaps, Common, Arma II CO, and then making the folder. Then go to steam, Combined Operations and properties. Then set launch options and enter -mod=@Dayz. I hope that helped, if not message me and we will try again :)
  12. napata

    Direct communication?

    You can change your chat channel with the "." button Direct chat has a limited range so thats probably your problem. the Side channel seems to be global but that isnt enabled in all servers. I have been able to use voice chat fine so far. Remember to hold down capslock when doing so. Also try not to use your mic over a global chat too much as it gets annoying and off putting.
  13. napata

    Half the fun

    In the time ive been playing this game I have run into my fair share of survivors. Some have been friendly, and we have even formed a group :) others not so much. My first time on Dayz consisted of me wondering around somewhere before bumping into a fellow player, he then proceeded to chase me off a bridge with an axe... Other times one of my party have been downed and randies have come to our aid and even teamed up. I see so many people whining about being killed by bandits and it really annoys me. Do you know this person? will there be any consequence for their actions? no. So they can do as they please, and show their true colours. But lets be honest, when your stalking another survivor, running for your life, looking for supply's, or even bumping into someone out of the blue. Thats when the game gets interesting. Thats when you have to make the call to either kill or trust them, thats half the fun
  14. napata

    New Player Looking for a Clan.

    Done, let me know when your online, we are playing now :)
  15. napata

    New Player Looking for a Clan.

    Hey, not really a clan but me and three other guys play together on dayz. By no means are we pro but we know what we are doing (most of the time). So if you want to party up let me know, safety in numbers and what not :) Also love the Yuru Yuri Display pic ^^
  16. napata

    Becoming a Goat

    Huh I didn't become a goat, and im new to DayZ so perhaps this is normal but when me and a friend of mine tried to join servers in the beginning we were spawned as crows. We were flying and could move up down left and right. Seemed cool for a bit but it got old rather quick lol