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Everything posted by itsmedc93

  1. I know this is a dumb question but I need help. When ever I play Dayz the grass sparkles. I know it sounds dumb but it actually does sparkle an glow. My question is how do I make it to were it doesn't do this? I have changed every video option from lowest to highest an nothing works. Sorry about having to post an ask I have searched and found nothing. Any help would and will be appreciated, thanks. http://img220.images...ncapture003.png This is the best I could at this moment. It wouldn't let me take a picture while playing full screen so I had to play in window mode. The grass doesn't seem to be glowing brightly because of windowed mode but trust me when in full view its really bright an annoying. If any body else has this problem I managed to fix it by disabling the antialiasing.
  2. itsmedc93

    Very stupid question...

    If any body else has this problem I managed to fix it by disabling the antialiasing. I thought I would update the thread incase some one might need it.
  3. itsmedc93

    Very stupid question...

    It is running way smoother right know, I checked for updates an my graphics needed one. The picture in this link is what I was trying to describe I got same issue. I put in the shortcut code also. Thanks for all the help guys but nothing is working. If anybody comes up with a fix please let me know I really want to play this game with no issues. If I come up with a fix ill post.
  4. itsmedc93

    Very stupid question...

    I already have this in my steam launch options Where at in the line should I add -winxp? "-mod=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\Common\ArmA 2;EXPANSION;ca" Or is the shortcut on my desktop?
  5. itsmedc93

    Very stupid question...

    K, thanks ill try it.
  6. itsmedc93

    Very stupid question...

    No I havent done a thing I just got the game yesterday and its been like this since.
  7. itsmedc93

    Very stupid question...

    http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/7290/ssscreencapture003.png This is the best I could at this moment. It wouldn't let me take a picture while playing full screen so I had to play in window mode. The grass doesn't seem to be glowing brightly because of windowed mode but trust me when in full view its really bright an annoying.
  8. itsmedc93

    Very stupid question...

    Im loading it back up to take the screenshot ill be back in a little bit.
  9. itsmedc93

    Very stupid question...

  10. itsmedc93

    Very stupid question...

    I already tried taking one it wouldn't work. Im looking at a program to take one.