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Everything posted by cereal7802

  1. cereal7802

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Check your e-mail, was a notice sent out to server admins with the link for the files.
  2. cereal7802

    US 834 Chicago

    Thank you for the report. i will check the logs and see what i find.
  3. cereal7802

    server restart steps

    Seems like a good idea. have yet to set it up on my server but i probably will be doing it since things keep having issues loading on start because people are impatient. as for the rules, below is the rule set for locking.
  4. cereal7802

    server restart steps

    You can lock it, just can't keep it locked with players in the server. meaning you can lock it shortly before restart to avoid people being partially loaded into the game before the server restarts, and i would imagine locking for the first minute and a half of the server starting with no players in it would be accepted as well.
  5. cereal7802

    Heli's not saving?

    restarts on my server happen every 6 hours. vehicles saved stay put past multiple resets without issues. One person has had the same Bus for nearly 2 weeks now. as for the bike always changing into a motorcycle and such, we had been able to save a bike for some time, but it did eventually turn into an ATV. This was crashed so no idea what would have happened beyond that.
  6. cereal7802

    Heli's not saving?

    We have not had any issues saving vehicles on my server aside from the random one changing to something else. The heli however will not save no matter what we do. it always ends up back at the island all banged up.
  7. it's not a problem of downloading them and displaying them. generally it works fine. the concern is as an admin, identifying where someone is from based on flags you can't identify. it's not a big deal to not know where someone is from but its already there, and fun to see. Perhaps something simple like a mouseover tool tip that shows a 2 char country code?
  8. cereal7802

    Server side ANTI HACK

  9. cereal7802

    Server not connected to hive

    check to see if you have another copy of the server running. sounds like there is a 64 man server already running on your normal port making the game have to find the next closest open port to run on.
  10. Might be good to show the username or guid line along with the script being run so you know who did the suspected action. in my log there are tons of the same item listed at different points in the log. generally its the same user doing things over and over again. name/guid would give a better reference point when looking into multiple log entries.
  11. cereal7802

    Server not being displayed

    Servers missing from the list seems to be the result of gamespy not listing them. i have seen similar issues with other games that use gamespy for server listing once they reach a certain list size. Regardless of the server browser you use, it will selectively list servers.
  12. People updating their servers manually is why everyone keeps saying six updater doesn't work. It works fine, but only updates to a certain release. if the server owner has manually updated to a newer release, anyone who uses six can't connect. as for the idea that six doesn't update quickly enough, i think they have plans for chaning how updates are added to the mirrors. perhaps this might speed things up somewhat. I also like the idea of waiting some sort of time after a new patch for the betas is released, so you don't have a new beta right after the six mirrors are updated. recently, the betas went through 2-3 versions within a few hours. doesn't make sense to update right away only to have a new version immediatly following. Maybe the best idea is to tie a dayz version to a specific beta? This should make troubleshooting issues in dayz easier as well as make updating less of a pain for server owners and players.