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Everything posted by Cromyth

  1. Cromyth

    Seriously what happened Rocket?

    ITT: People with aspergers praising Rocket on how good he is at video games and that it is alpha stage so you cannot complain and/or express how you feel about the game as of late (Only if negative).
  2. Cromyth

    The Church Bus Incident

  3. Cromyth

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    I don't understand why everyone is upset. Arma II, the game itself is about killing other players, now with this mod players can engage each other in terms of survival. Of course there are those that kill for sport, however they usually end up running low on ammunition, stirring up zombies or getting hunted by other players. If you're having so much trouble with people, get a group of friends and stick together. I personally travel alone or go to remote areas of the map where few travel just to see how long I last. I usually spot other players and lay low and wait for them to go away, mostly because I'm paranoid. It's a zombie apocalypse. You cannot expect everyone to trust each other. There will be backstabbings, there will be gangs that kill others, there will be ruthless bounty hunters. You cannot avoid the inevitable, all you can do is pray that you get the jump on them before they get the jump on you. I wouldn't necessarily blame CoD for the deathmatching. Personally, if I had to, I'd blame CSS and BF2:PR players, mostly because I am part of the community and it's something they'd do. Not sure where all the carebears are coming from though. Maybe Arma II City Life is more your speed.
  4. Cromyth

    Chem light placement

    Completely agree
  5. I enjoyed the days before bandit skins. If anything it made people band together a little bit longer and then the shooting would begin. Not everyone would shoot each other on sight. Thats carebear thinking and should be punished by a swift kick in the jimmies. My only concern with the ability to find skins and wear them is that people will kill you for said skins. Like if you manage to find a guille suit make sure no one ever sees you or theyll just kill for the skin unless the skin is permanent once you find it.
  6. http://www.teamfackin.com/moocow/dayz/map/
  7. Cromyth

    Blood Regeneration While Logged Out

    Go hunting, the cooked meat gives about 800 blood each which is quite nice. If you gut a cow you get 8 so 8*800=6400. That's half of your blood + some. That's why my main objective after I've died is to go to a major city and look for matches and a hunting knife. Usually I find both of those in a supermarket then I'm out of there.
  8. Cromyth

    Bandits Ultimate Goal - Nuclear Device

    Well people complain, people get angry, devs don't want their consumers angry, hence the complete and random deathmatching isn't a good thing.
  9. Cromyth

    Bandits Ultimate Goal - Nuclear Device

    And the best way how to make everyone bad is when they let that nuke explode' date=' they are guilty because they did not tried to disable it! :) [hr'] Regardless, devs are trying to cut back on the whole deathmatching thing. In a survival situation it isn't really worth it if you don't loot the bodies. Soon enough you'll be out of ammo/food/water
  10. Cromyth

    Bandits Ultimate Goal - Nuclear Device

    You are called a bandit, not a murderer. That is like deathmatching on the largest scale possible and ruins the entire premise of the game.
  11. Cromyth

    My Condolences

    Dear Survivors, I am deeply sorry for many of your losses. I am a bandit by trade, I act with honor, I do not hunt for sport. I'm afraid that some of my fellow bandit comrades have ruined the image of all bandits. I will not kill you on sight, however if you are deemed a threat, I will waste no time eliminating you. I'm a solitary player, I carefully study the movements of other bandits and survivors alike. I feel no sympathy for those I kill. If I witness a bandit kill a survivor for sport, I track them and take them out, as a form of respect for the deceased and other victims. In desperate times, I will however kill for benefit. You may end up being at the wrong place at the wrong time and I apologize. I must take care of myself over the well being of others. I do leave gifts for passersby though. I leave rounds, weapons even for those that truly need them. If I see you in the distance and if you spot me, I will drop to the ground and stay in cover. I will not harm you unless you fire upon me. I have come to the aid of countless survivors, providing them with transfusions, bandages, morphine and even food. Most of the time only to flee to the safety of the forest after doing so. I never travel in the open. I will prone from town to town if need be to avoid confrontation. I hope that survivors will one day recognize the bandit that kills for the thrill of the hunt and the bandit that kills out of necessity. Also, there is no such thing as "defensive" bandits. They are usually the heartless, honorless creatures that will shoot you in the back of the head and steal all of your belonging once they've brought you into a false sense of security. Be careful out there survivors. It's a harsh world we live in. Remember, I am always watching, always protecting, and always careful. I will lend a helping hand. The next time you hear a crack in the distance, it's me sniping a stalking bandit on your tail. Signed, Cromyth - The Robin Hood of bandits.
  12. Cromyth

    My Condolences

    This was in no way intended to offend survivors. I am simply stating that I am your guardian angel and your nightmare at the same time. I do not kill survivors from 500 meters away for sport. If i see you coming Ill lay low in the brush and wait for you to go by. Ive only been shot at once while I was surveying a crashed heli. It was a group of survivors so I shot 3 shots in their direction intending not to wound or kill and as they hide in cover i made my escape. Ive murdered 5 people in my current life with 24 hours of being alive. 3 were at the NW airfield and the other 2 was when the spawn locations were switched to the shore and i spawned as 2 survivors were running down the shore and me and began shooting. I avoid confrontation and do not like to kill but if it means a life or death situation i will kill. Such is survival. Never trust anyone.
  13. Cromyth

    The Ugly Truth

    This is the story of my life in Chernarus. I arrived in the morning, washed up on the shore of Chernogorsk. A city that appeared to be an industrial town with factories and smokestacks illuminating the horizon. There was a heavy mist covering the area. Through the mist I could see these, staggering, clumsy, bloodied zombies. It would only make sense, the blown up cars littering the road, the absence of any order, it all clicked. I slowly made my way from street to street, scouring the homes and offices for something of value. I then found the town hall in all it's glory. I walked inside and could not believe my eyes, guns, not just any guns, AKs, with kobra sights, ammo in abundance, I nearly cried. All decked out in my new gear I set out to leave the town without causing as much of a disturbance as possible. Suddenly I heard something call out from behind me, "Hey, Friendly!?" I could tell by the sound of this man's voice, he was scared. I look over my shoulder to see the man wearing an all black outfit and a baseball cap. He seemed to have honest intentions and I responded with a "Yeah." As soon as I said that I noticed movement in the corner of my eye. I saw two others wearing baseball caps. They raised their weapons at me, I look back at the man who called out, he had his weapon raised as well. I closed my eyes and accepted my fate. Then the sound I was waiting for, a bang. However I did not die. Rather one of the two men collapsed with blood pouring from his head, I was then shot in the chest and collapsed. The sound of gunfire filled the air. What had just happened? All of a sudden a man in camouflage wearing a balaclava was standing over me and I was on my feet. I looked behind him and I saw 3 other men wearing the same gear. In a deep voice with a thick Russian accent he said, "Stay away from this area, you're lucky we were leaving or else you would have been a dead man." "Who are you?" I asked. There was no response. I watched as his men looted the bodies of the three victims and ran out of the town. In the distance I could hear the roar of an engine and slowly, the sound faded.
  14. Cromyth

    Bandit = Hard mode.

    At night, bandit camo is great. I was lying down in the field at the NW airfield and 4 survivors ran right past me and didn't notice a thing. I didn't shoot them because they were running to their buddies at the air traffic control tower. There were like 12 of them. Wouldn't have ended well for me.
  15. Cromyth

    Your first time being a bandit.

    I have given up on humanity, I always get screwed over by other survivors so now, whenever I see someone I gladly pop them in the head and take their stuff.