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Everything posted by Xephin

  1. So i've played ArmA2 for a while and i've tried multiple tweaks and what not setting changes but it seems i get no noticable FPS change from any of them. Whether its from the config file or ingame. I'm currently using a ASUS Nvidia 560 GTX 6gb DDR2 RAM (unsure of the developer) AMD Phenom x4 9500 Quad-Core (2.2ghz) and Windows Vista (Before anyone says anything i've tried it on 7 with this setup and still no change) Any suggestions outside the whole (drop $200 on a new processor or ram)[Have to get a new Mobo before i can do that :(]
  2. My friend and I were on our way to Cherno, arguing over where the AKM i was going to give him went, the second we stopped arguing we noticed two survivors running along the road. We instantly proned and lit them up with double AK fire shooting at least 60 bullets. We then proceeded to Cherno where we found a guy with an empty shotgun trying to hold us up. We freshly load our ak's to show him we ain't empty and he instantly was all "friendly friendly" we are like okay "friendly...right" then right as he turns around we both pull out .45 revolvers and blast two holes in the back of his head boondock saints style xD i liked the shotgun though...i had ammo for it unlike him :P
  3. Name: Preston Scroggs Age: 17 In game name:Xephin Steam Id:Xephin (Im the one with a Starship Trooper pic) Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Rifleman, scavenger, sniper. W/e is really needed i will do my best to perform Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : Hoping to find a group base that reminds me of the old days in ArmA. Arma has always been about teamwork and cooperation and i feel that DayZ is no different. Maybe make a few friends on the way and have a memorable experience saving lives, scavenging and ending the bandit/zombie apocalyptic wasteland called Chenaraus What can you offer to the clan: I know common ambush sites that Bandits have used before, can navigate rather well. Excellent at sneaking around and not too bad of a shot. Friendly advice and a welcoming attitude that isn't about "Oh you tard not killing them noobs" or similar slander
  4. Xephin

    You most exciting DayZ moment?

    Ambushing 4 people on the road between the airfield and cherno with my friend XD nothing like having double Ak's light up the road
  5. Xephin

    I will never be a bandit. Survivor nice-guy stories

    Happened maybe an hour ago to me XD: Was in Cherno waiting for my friend to meet up with me so i can give him some gear and get back into surviving (he died recently from a sniper :'( ) was sitting in the Firetruck station using it as an OP with my trusty Lee-Enfield and god knows how much ammo. I hear gunshots from the church and instantly turn to face it, i see 2 survivors booking it out of the church being chased by a guy with a makarov. I thought to myself, this would be easy kills, but im not an asshole and they need help. The second the guy turns the corner with the gun and i fire and drop him with one lucky headshot. I tossed a flare down to the two new guys and told em via direct communi to come up. They did and i was generous enough to supply em both with a G17 and a M1911 with some mags. :D best part is they gave me coordinates to there camp and told me they had more Enfield ammo and i was welcome to it for saving them. Being a survivor rocks ^^ fuck bandits
  6. Xephin

    What do youy do if you see a player

    Depends, if its day and i can clearly see they are armed and if i found recently dead body in the area, i won't hesitate to shoot. At night, i hide and make them give up some stuff. If not, well hope to god they can run better then i can shoot