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RazorPT (DayZ)

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Posts posted by RazorPT (DayZ)

  1. Your pc is more than good enough to run at decent fps, your CPU is definatly the weakest link and knowing that arma 2 is much more demanding on the CPU it does hurt performance a bit. Just try all of the performance threads going around, I've seen loads of them!

    Anyway if you try everything and you still can't get good fps hen it most likely is your CPU.

    I've been upgrading my pc for the last months as I was getting money so I could play dayZ, I got the gpu first (radeon 6850), installed it, and noticed almost no change at all in fps, the only thing that changed was that now I could bump up the graphics and the resolution without harming the fps (it would still remain around 25-10 fps) and then I got my all of the other parts left (i5-3550, asus mobo, 8gb ram ddr3) my fps changed from 25-10 to 50-80!

    So I hope my wall of text helped you out lol, keep in mind it probably isn't your hardware since I've heard people who have x4 phenoms and run the game just fine.

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  2. Indeed, it's an ideal location for holding ground. but i think being it night time and some people had no sense of direction threw some players off!!

    Yeah that was quite a problem, Imo the only problems with Fallujah is that it's hard to navigate because most of the times when you spawn it only tells you you're in "wilderness", which mean somewhere that doesn't have a name and therefore you can't figure out where you at with a map instantly, but after you get used to the map it's not hard at all (I could do it with just a couple of gameplay hours), and also not all building are enterable.

  3. Least you are learning to snipe SoMore... Did we actually meet during at the meetup at any point?? i know i was running about with Razor for a while, then i randomly crashed a chopper (not something im used to doing) Met with you guys at NW airfield... errr but thats about all i can remember

    I don't know why but apparently only you and me liked Fallujah derpy, I love it, I think the concept of the huge city and the overall feel of Fallujah is really good and the fact that the airfield is pretty much the only focal point for military loot makes it even better.
