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Everything posted by Beckett-

  1. Beckett-

    Bad version, server rejected connection?

    Too check your current version just open arma 2 without joining a server and it should be down at the bottom right hand corner 1.62.95***
  2. Beckett-

    Bad version, server rejected connection?

    getting the same issue even filtering only servers on the versions im running (95168) still getting this same issue... wtf is goin on?
  3. I'm new to the game and looking for some friendly people who are willing to help a noob out learning the ropes. I learn fast so it wont take me long... I'm US so playing in euro servers might be out of the question, but i'm willing to give it a shot. I'm currently pretty active playing pretty much every day. If you are looking for someone to play with or have a group I can join please pm me or leave a reply here. Happy hunting!
  4. cdew I applyed. watching the stream now. :)