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Everything posted by Aracnos

  1. Am I the only one who thinks the game is unplayable because my screen is filled with grey artifacts?
  2. Asking because I stopped playing because of it and would like to get rid of it.(tried mostly everything to fix it, didn't work)
  3. Aracnos

    I'm not actually Daffy Duck

    Acculy dolan
  4. I saw on this forum that the L85A2 usually has thermal scope and not night vision scope.Is it just an extremely rare variation or is it somehting else? Btw, I found it at a helicopter crash site
  5. So I had the heavenly luck to find a ghillie suit.When i equipped it my backpack dissapeared from my back but I supposed that it is just invisible(just as the wiki says).When I opened it I had lost my big coyote pack(24 slots) and a small coyote pack had replaced it. So is it just an unfortunate bug(lost my AK) or is this how ghillie suits work?
  6. Aracnos

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Once again these brave medics proved their effectiveness.My friend had broken his legs and I was low on blood so I contacted one from my zone.He managed to create a safe way for his patients to be healed without a big risk of being backstabed.Stay brave my friends! Cheers to SoulShaper2
  7. Aracnos

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Met up with Lynx at a deer stand with one more patient of his.He silently took out the zombiea around us and the proceeded to administer me the blood.He also gave me some painkillers.Best medical assistance team in DayZ so far :)
  8. So I read in a thread (on 4chans /v/ board) that if I changed a few things in the my documents/arma2/<profilename>/<profilename>.txt then the game ran much smoother.It was about changing ShadingQuality to 0 and mouseSmoothing to 1. Are these changes allowed and do they have any effect?
  9. Aracnos

    Weird launch problem

    So today I managed to install the mod and actually play the game (it's purely awesome) but there's one little thing that annoys me.The thing is if I launch OA via steam I can't join any day z server but when I use Six Launcher it works and and afterwards if I exit the server the in-game browser works as well.Is there any way to join servers directly via the game?