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Everything posted by MajPayne21

  1. Bumping this topic up! We have some custom military-level loot buildings in hot spots like Berezino, the NE airfield, and Balota. Our admins are active and we occasionally host fun events for survivors and bandits alike! Find us in DayZ Commander or the ArmA2 server browser by filtering for 106. - ]TPG[ Major Payne
  2. MajPayne21

    Barbed Wire Rage Thread

    I would have ZERO problem with barbed wire if it didn't automatically regenerate with every server restart. The result of this is eventual barbed wire inflation since placed wire never disappears and new wire drops spawn with every restart. It's now to the point that you can't loot anything in Cherno without a toolbox and it takes you 10 minutes to get into a building which has triplicate barbed wire in front of its doors. If I could go on a removal rampage and take it ALL down and know that it was gone for good, that would be fine, because then any time I came across it, I could take it down. How many wire spawns are in Cherno at any given time? Maybe 6-10, so on any given server restart, the average troll is only going to be able to effectively wire up 2-3 buildings, depending on size and number of entrances. That's no big deal because it's managable to undo; but when wire reappears on the next restart after it's been removed, eventually the troll wiring up 2-3 buildings per restart has choked the entire city and has effectively done so FOREVER. Yet again, this is another mechanic where the trolls have the upper hand based on game design, just like shooting on sight and scripting. One guy finding an infinitely respawning resource (wire kits) can place a kit and have it last forever NO MATTER WHAT I DO. If I could spend a little time and combat it, then that's fine, but since I can't, the troll ALWAYS wins, and creating game mechanics that allow trolls to win no matter what legitimate players do is lame. Please, please, make barbed wire disappear when removed. For good. Then I won't ever complain about it again.
  3. And then after a full day of building a sweet structure, a hacker logs on and puts 12 satchels in it. My group had a heli and several vehicles in a camp, and someone logged in, teleported straight to the heli, and then tried to do a loop. At the top of the loop, he jumped out and nose-dived the chopper into our camp, blowing up everything in it. While that's "funny," I suppose, it really sucks that hours and days of legitimate effort can be undone by one jackass who thinks it's hilarious to ruin other people's play. I'm getting apathetic about trying to make anything even semi-permanent since idiot script kiddies can just undo everything at the drop of a hat. It seems like having a vehicle makes your camp more of a target for hackers than anything else. I haven't died to a legitimate player in weeks; it's either been invisible hackers with satchels or accidentally getting shot by a teammate.
  4. Run Steam as Administrator when you verify and when you run Arma 2 and OA independently once a piece.
  5. I have a quality-of-life suggestion regarding weapon swapping issues, specifically the hatchet. I love the hatchet, as it's a 1-hit zombie kill and it's silent, so it's great for axing that one zombie that aggro'd on me without firing a non-silenced weapon, but it's very difficult to swap TO the hatchet if I already have a primary weapon. The functionality already exists, via the "F" key, to swap between multiple "weapons," such as flares, frag and smoke grenades, and chemlights. I would really enjoy the ability to use the hatchet in a similar manner. If you have a hatchet on your toolbelt, I think it should be available in the cycling list by pressing F. That way there's no "add/remove from toolbelt" swapping that results in you dropping (and sometimes losing) your primary weapon and having to open your gear menu and wait a few seconds while a zombie eats you. I don't think it detracts from "realism" in the confines of the game, because if you had a hatchet attached to your pack or toolbelt, you could easily reach down and grab it without having to completely remove your pack. As a related aside, it would be WONDERFUL for us to be able to access a flashlight or military flashlight by similarly pressing "F" while our secondary weapon is out. I would even support the "L" key for flashlight working ALL the time just like "B" for binoculars works. You can put away your weapons and pull out your binocs without the gear menu by pushing B, so why not put away your weapons and pull out your light by pushing L? Obviously, for weapons with an attached light, L would just toggle the existing light. Apologies if this has been posted before.
  6. MajPayne21

    Im that bandit....

    I know you're just trolling (badly at that), but I just had to bite here: A game being both classing and revolutionizing is EXACTLY what puts it in the running for "greatest ever." Goldeneye IS one of, if not THE, best FPS games of all time. Were you even old enough to play GoldenEye when it was released?
  7. MajPayne21

    Death and Tents Question

    No, we have had numerous tents set up and none of them have ever despawned even after all possible owners had died at least once. I believe that the accurate information is that stating that tents will remain as long as they are interacted with at least every seven days. I have not seen a tent disappear permanently yet. EDIT: Nor has gear disappeared in any predictable fashion. We have had some tents that were saved very close to a restart not reflect their saved gear AFTER the restart, but we've never had a player death + restart wipe out the contents of a tent.
  8. MajPayne21

    The one thing i hate about Dayz

    ^ Nice keyboard, I have the same one.
  9. MajPayne21

    The one thing i hate about Dayz

    Unfortunately, it's a pretty narrow-minded viewpoint to say that because WoW is a "bad game" (which is entirely opinion anyway), it must have zero good features and that the re-use of anything in another game is bad. I guess chatboxes are also the hallmark of a "shitty game"? I would appreciate the inclusion of auto-run without some gimmick like Steam overlay or keyboard macros, because you do a LOT OF RUNNING in this game. I would enjoy a more dense map or more options for a larger number of military spawns. The Balota airfield and the Krasno airfield are just inadequate compared to the Stary camp or the NW airfield, so running to one of the two latter locations is pretty much top priority for a lot of players. I think a sprawling urban map would be awesome, where there are a large number of good loot spawns and they're spaced so that something interesting can be encountered relatively soon. Running Simulator 2012 really isn't much fun, and you're just a masochist if you want to do something boring for an hour or two just to get 15 minutes of entertaining action in a video game. I appreciate the open world, and I like the current map design, but it could be improved by not making a small handful of good loot spawns spaced out by 15-20 minutes of NOTHING but running in between.
  10. MajPayne21


    The real issue is that wire that is removed just respawns when the server is restarted next. There does not appear to be any "save" command like with tents/vehicles that updates the wire's status when it's removed. So, that lovely barbed wire you just took out so you can get in the fire station is just going to be back next time. This just results in barbed wire inflation, because every new piece of wire that goes down is permanent, and even noob-friendly good samaritans are only temporarily helping things. Who wants a permanent job taking down wire in Cherno every 6 hours when your server restarts? Not me.
  11. I'm curious if, as the title says, zombies can somehow get through sandbag fences. I've noticed in-game that the military/hospital camp near Balota is completely surrounded by wire and sandbag fences, and the zombies that spawn with the deerstands in there never seem to follow anyone out if they vault over the sandbag wall to escape. This leads me to believe that zombies are unable to pass through sandbags, aside from the all-too-common clipping through walls bug. The reason for the question is that there's already a nice sandbag and wire fortification along the railroad tracks relatively near the military camp in Cherno, and I was thinking of making a sandbag and wire fence for the rest of that area as a possible safe zone or base style area for some player interaction fun. If the sandbags keep zombies out, that would be even better! The area even has a covered structure to provide some cover from bandit snipers. Anyone know if zombies can get over sandbags aside from clipping through them unintentionally?
  12. MajPayne21

    Do crash sites spawn atm?

    Repairable and usable helicopters (hueys) that spawned in a few places were removed because their operation caused lag and desync issues with the servers. Helicopter crash sites are definitely still in the game. I found 2 of them yesterday. What I'm NOT sure about is whether their spawn behavior was changed. dayzdb.com's map used to have all the possible crash site locations on their map, and the server would have crash sites spawned at a small number of the possible locations, but as of last week sometime, the markers on their map are gone. It may be that crash site spawns are now more "random", so there isn't a system where the crashes spawn at a selected number of fixed locations, but instead spawn randomly in non-forest, non-building areas. However, the 2 sites I found yesterday were both at or near locations that I KNOW were previously noted as crash site spawns. Long story short, I don't know if they're spawning randomly anywhere now or if they still spawn by selecting a few spots from a list of fixed locations. Also, server restarts will cause new and different crash site spawns.
  13. If you truly believe that, then you'll understand that we were not restarting the server to deter you in any way. That's not the way we play, period. I was one of the clan members that got headshot in that camp by the third guy you called in. See it from our point of view: In the space of 2 hours, WHILE we were in the process of moving our camp, the following happened: Everyone on the server got teleported to Dagger at the location of our new camp, which was a clear hack/nuke attempt. Dag quickly restarted the server to prevent everyone from getting nuked. Then, after that, we continued the camp move after determining that we restarted the server fast enough to keep everyone from respawning on top of us. That's why one of your guys saw a glimpse of everyone piled on top of each other and then after the restart spawned in at his previous location. THEN, within 30 minutes of the hack attempt, two players (you guys), found our camp, which until then had been untouched for almost TWO WEEKS. You guys killed Flesh Gordon, the first player you encountered. He did NOT Alt+F4, he died, respawned, and stayed in the server. When our other players engaged you, you retreated and then disappeared. That's understandable due to the server's instability, whatever. We all assumed you were going to ghost to behind the camp on another server and/or were part of the hack attempt, but we continued trying to frantically get everything out of camp. THEN, after you guys were unseen for a few minutes, another member and I were loading up the UAZ when someone spawned in and sniped me in the head in the camp. I presume he had JUST spawned in because he shot me literally as we were planning on teamspeak to leave, but I had been fully visible in that part of camp for over 10 minutes moving gear. Then he destroyed the UAZ and killed the other member. I didn't see either of you guys again. I, nor any one of our other members, logged out during combat through that whole saga. We were not attempting to "game" the game, nor were we worried about anything but defending our camp against unknown (and disconnected/presumed ghosting) assailants and then leaving. We thought that there was no way our previously undiscovered camp was found less than an hour after a blantant hack attempt just by coincidence. The final server restart after I was headshot in camp was to update the banlist after the original hacker was determined. As an aside, it's awfully nice of you guys to include a little bit of retribution in your story by going ahead and posting coordinates of the camp for the public to view. In addition, another location of ours was broadcast on Reddit by some individuals who want "retribution" of their own for whatever reason. I'm not accusing you guys of hacking or of anything other than getting extremely lucky right AFTER we got hacked, but we did NOT bring the server down in any attempt to hinder you. So, go ahead and troll one of the server admins who is actually putting in a lot of effort to keep the server free of hackers. We're sorry your camp-hunting fun got ruined by being in very close proximity to a hack attempt (reasonably suspicious from our point of view because of how fast it happened at the time without knowing you were a separate group). After retreating from camp and logging out, do you guys absolutely deny that you were attempting to hop to another server, change your location, and come back in on a different side of camp?
  14. MajPayne21

    Updating Beta Patch Fix

    I am on the LATEST beta patch (95168), which updates ARMA from 1.61 to 1.62, so I suspect that backwards compatibility is lost in this version update. I guess it'll take a few days before all the servers settle out to the newest beta. I WAS on 95099 and did NOT have the uber-dark night, and I was using brightness 1.3 and gamma 1.5 in my options in order to be able to see well during day AND night. After updating to 95168, I do have the MUCH darker night. If I didn't have NVG, which I just found today, the game would be 100% unplayable at night again. I may try to play with brightness/gamma to see if I can get it working without NVG.