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Everything posted by Creambomb

  1. Why kill people when you can just find their tents? There is zero challenge in the game with little to no effort involved in getting gear. Ontop of that, there's no point at all in tryign to survive.
  2. They're no-skill noob weapons that a lot of useless bandits love to have so they suck a little less. Yeah, I've had an AS50. I longer want one. Nor do I want them in the game. It lets little kids like yourself kill without risk, and you jsut love that.
  3. TL;DR - More fun! There is no challenge or excitement in PvE. Every time I respawn, I just run into town, loot everything I need and I'm set. All the best gear I've gotten has been from the massive amounts of tents there are, and the gear that is hoarded and duped in them. I have never found PvP useful to my gearing up, not a single time, because it's a troublesome and much less productive way of gearing up. When I have the gear I need, there's a very limited amount of things I can do. 1. PvP, killing for the sake of killing. 2. Avoid PvP, surviving for as long as possible. Why I'd want to do that I don't know. 3. Farm and hoard items like everyone else, like this is World of Dayzcraft. 4. Go batshit, training zombies and the like. The problem is that even as these choices excist, they're not fun at all. There is no challenge. There is no reason to actually do anything. There is no risk, making the rewards utterly trivial. What could be better? A great change would be to have a serious look at what weapons that can be used. As I've used rifles as the M107 and AS50 to kill people, I can attest to how unfair and boring it is. The removal or serious limitation of these or all sniper rifles would make for a more intense game that makes people get into close quarters situations. A greater amount of such situations would mean different player behavior and probably much more fun engagements with a bigger chance of fighting back. It would vastly increase the risk of engaging in PvP and perhaps lessen how often people are willing to engage in it. Along with such a change, you would have to solve the ALT+F4 situation. Giving a logout timer or simply not disconnecting a persons character right away on an ALT+F4 (making them killable several seconds after attempted shutdown escape) would also highly affect the way people engage in PvP. It would require caution and thought, the risk would be much greater and the willingness to fight back would also be greater. In other words: More fun! But ofcourse we have, last but not least, duping and item inflation. High grade military equipment is laughably accessible and great problem. The greater your weaponry and equipment, the greater your power. This goes hand in hand with removing sniper rifles or severely reducing their number. Less powerful weapons means more thought, caution and tactics has to go into your gameplay. Reducing the amount high grade military items and preventing duping along with hacking, would also equals MORE FUN! I have yet to touch the subject of fixign PvE though. That might be the easiest one to tackle, in all honesty. Different type zombies, wild animals and base building are things I've heard are being considered and they would be good additions. I'm not sure I could give any good input or advice for what could make PvE more interesting and a bigger part of the game. Maybe I'll do another thread on that some other time. This is what I believe would make Day-Z a much better experience. This is an alpha, and I know there will be a standalone, so this is what constructive criticism I could offer for the development. Some of these things might come off as really obvious, but I felt a need to express them regardless. Ofcourse, this is a forum and more opinions is what's good.
  4. wat Do I have to write angry stuff and QQ to get responces?
  5. Creambomb

    Another "I quit because..."

    I stopped playing because it's really really really boring and easy.
  6. So I just died. No biggie, if it weren't for the problem that it seemed extremely suspicious. I was playing on Denmark 2, I was very far up north east hunting tents. I tabbed out to have a look at the map. I had sat down next to a pine tree for some cover. When I log back in and start running again, a guy unloads at me from behind with a silenced weapon. High rate of fire, I can only assume it was a bizon. Literally right from behind me where I was sitting, the exact same spot. Pity I didn't just altF4 out because he was a poor shot and didn't kill me right away. I turned around to shoot back at him, I had an M14 so I should be able to do some serious damage, but I couldn't see him. Either he was a wearing a ghillie and sitting entirely inside the pine tree, or he simply wasn't visible. Ofcourse, I died. Did a hacker just teleport up behind me? Or did I have a case of extremely bad luck of someone logging in to my exact location, behind the same tree almost outside the map? Or did this guy have a tent nearby that he came down from? The latter seems very unlikely, because I had clear vision for atleast 150-200 meters all around, and I pride myself in being an ace at spotting tents and vehicles.
  7. Creambomb

    Still running across the map ?

    The running is the worst part. All that fucking running, endlessly through empty forests. Yeah, I'm tired of it. And I sure as fuck ain't gonna take a vehicle, that's like slapping a big "SHOOT ME PLX" on me.
  8. Creambomb


    I have -18k humanity and I have it. Well, I have a ghillie again but when I'm freshly spawned I have it.
  9. Where's the "Nothing at all" option? Because I bought 2 games to be able to play this mod. I'm not gonna pay over 10 bucks for ANOTHER game. If you could give a discount for people who bought ARMA2:CO that would be great. If not, then I could just as well buy War Z to get something fresh, bugfree and different so I don't have to pay twice to get the same game. Rocket says he wants it to go the Minecraft model. That will be impossible by now, because we've already had to purchase this game once, in a sense. I didn't have to buy Minecraft twice. And you're suggesting that we should have to pay for alpha, beta and finished product of the standalone separetly by the looks of this poll? Considering there is no option for not paying, that's all I can assume. That's just fucked up mate. I fucking hope that's not what you're suggesting. That'd be some greedy shit.
  10. I see you compensate for your small penis with a big signature image. That, and I have no idea why you have such difficulty reading. School must be terrible these days. If you went there.
  11. Creambomb

    Found a Hacker Box :0

    Guys, don't ruin it. Whoever actually falls for this deserves it.
  12. Creambomb

    Wtf seriously.

    Rule #1 of Day-Z, don't get attached to your gear, you will die a lot. You probably got sniped. The ARMA 2 engine is rather glitchy and buggy in some regards though. Don't blame Day-Z for that.
  13. Yeah Dayz Commander for the win.
  14. Creambomb

    Play what you paid for

    That's a contradiction. If PvE is easy, why would killing others be the best way to gear up? That makes no sense mate. PvE easy = go kill people for gear? Think twice about it and how that sounds. Killing people for gear is a completely mute point. It is faster and easier to loot it yourself, by a long shot. Or simply stock up on food and drinks to go looking for tents. PvP has no point what so ever, unless you somehow manage to catch a ghillie sniper with everything on him and you just have an Enfield and some basic gear. But the chances of that are remote. It's more likely he finds you and you die.
  15. Hell yeah! Let's do this! Would be fun. I don't care if I lose my stuff, I'll just get new.
  16. Creambomb

    Dayz = PvP

    The problem isn't that there's mostly PvP. The problem is that there's only two things that can happen. 1. You die right away. 2. You log out. I have nothing against PvP, but I find it to often be unfair and never really involving any sort of firefight or fire exchange. If someone see's you first, you will die first. If you don't die, you will run away. Becaue your attack always has a serious advantage over you. He knows where you are, he got the jump, he has the initiative, he's concealed or you don't know where he is. The chances of you being able to successfully fight back and kill the attacker almost don't excist. It's happened once for me and a friend. Two enemies got the first shots on us, but it was on the road between Balota airfield and the medical camp there, so we had a good chance of fighting back. We had seen each other and they had been trying to set a trap for us as we approached them and their vehicle. My friend moved forward as bait and I sat back to spot and kill them, which I managed to do. That is the only time, the ONLY time, that I've actually had a fair fight. I haven't counted all the times me and my friends have died, but it's always been near instant death for either us or the people we shot at. And THAT, is not fun.
  17. He can't have been following me, I had only logged in 10 minutes before. I joined a high pop server for a good chance at finding tents. It all just seemed so extremely unlikely that he just happened to be there. But if he has a tent in that area, it would have to be up above the mountain where I couldn't see it. So if I can be arsed with running up there again, I know where to look. Yeah because it's just dumb not to do your best to avoid dying. Anyone that just stands there and lets himself die is stupid. The only reason I didn't was that I thought I had a good chance of taking him. But when I turned around I didn't see anyone. I respawned on a different server. In the span of 10 minutes I've found a ghillie, AK47 +3 mags, M1911 +6 mags, meds and all the food I need. It's not like it's hard. But I'm quite convinced this was a hacker, that's why I should've logged out.
  18. Quittin an alpha for the time being? Okay, sure, bye. You have some shitty friends.
  19. Creambomb

    Add Fishing?

    You know, this game is all about risk. If you do something as valuable as fishing would be, to actual get some food, you have to have that risk added to it. I really like this idea, but I'm unsure if they'd be able to add it to the mod. Maybe to the standalone.
  20. Creambomb

    FULL whisky bottles

    It's a common misconception that alcohol gives you warmth. It doesn't. Infact it does the opposite of that. Drinking alcohol while suffering from cold will greatly increase the risk of hypothermia. "Alcohol may make your skin feel warm, but this apparent heat wave is deceptive. A nip or two actually causes your blood vessels to dilate, moving warm blood closer to the surface of your skin, making you feel warmer temporarily. At the same time, however, those same veins pumping blood closer to the skin's surface cause you to lose core body heat — the heat you need to survive, especially if you're stuck in a snowdrift . This effect could lead to fatal hypothermia." http://dsc.discovery.com/fansites/mythbusters/db/food/alcohol-warms-up.html Now what it could do is make you pain resistant, or able to endure pain for a while. Perhaps temporarily kill hunger. That or just make you drunk.
  21. So I've noticed both the favorited servers I had through Dayzcommander have been replaced by two entirely different servers hosted by other people and I can no longer find the other two. Why has it done that?
  22. When you hold Alt to look around in all the other games you play.
  23. Creambomb

    Should the Mod be abandoned

    Abandon the mod completely. What's the point in wasting effort and time on it when you're making a stand-alone? You can't have your own game and another game that are doing the exact same thing, just that the other will do it a lot better.
  24. So I was just sniping outside Elektro. I shot a guy after I found he had a tent and he was running back and forth to it. The wierd thing is, I saw this survivor standing still some distance away next to another tent. I shot him, with an AS50, and nothing happened. I shot him again, nothing happened. Then my killer shows up and shoots me, albeit badly before he manages to hit me in the face. I died when I tried to approach my kill, fair game, someone else was either laying almost at my spot or just came there after hearing shots being fired. What was that survivor I shot twice with an AS50? A bugged corpse? A hacker dummy? So I respawn and I manage to get the respawn spot very close to where I died. I had respawned with a new skin, I noticed, since I had a hood/scarf around my face, but after a few minutes of running there was a Battleye error, the game glitched and all of a sudden I was in normal (black) survivor outfit. All of a sudden, I could see nametags as well, as I spotted someone in the distance. Those were NOT on just 10 minutes earlier. I find an enfield and I take it upon me to find my killer and get some revenge. That, and get all my gear back. I'm almost there and BAM he shots me at close range from behind me as I approach from far behind of where I knew he was. As I had approach it, I had seen in the distance, that he killed someone else, I also heard the shot, the shot of an AS50 (that he probably looted off of me). And it was NOT an AS50 that shot me the second time. Then the server crashes, I lose connection and the MS of the server goes to 10k and most of the players disconnect. Now, from 26, there's only 11 people on it and the ms is down to normal. There was also something else that I found very strange, zombies and players had this little halo around their heads. I could see these halo's through terrain and buildings. Was it a hacker that killed me the second time? What do you reckon happened? Why did I see halo's on everyone? All this transpired on the server DE 995.