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Everything posted by kyriel

  1. kyriel

    Gender switched back to male after death.

    Same thing happened to me. My penis grew back... :(
  2. 3rd Person: On Crosshairs: Off Handscan: Off
  3. Why I play a male character even though I'm a dudette: Because all the men are now female.
  4. kyriel

    1.6.0 Stuck as male

    double post
  5. kyriel

    1.6.0 Stuck as male

    Date/Time: May 27th, 2012 at 11am EST What happened: Where you were: I dont remember the first server I was on, but the 2nd one was "US1" What you were doing: I logged into a server, I dont recall the name of it. I selected female and I turned into a female. My friends woke up and we switched to US1. The server told me I was running the wrong version. So I logged out and downloaded/installed and logged into US1 server. Then, I was a male with no prompt to ask if I wanted to be male or female. *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: Chicago something (I know, not helpful) and then US1 *Your system specs: *Timeline of events before/after error: Logged into a chicago server. Was prompted if wanted male or female. selected female. logged in. killed zombies then killed by sniper. Logged out. 20 minutes later, logged into US1. Received message from server I was running the wrong version. Closed game. downloaded Ran game Logged into US1 Was a male. Received no prompt to ask if male or female (since ive already had a prompt)
  6. kyriel

    Gender errors

    You do if you had them on you when you logged out.
  7. kyriel

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Testing our patience?
  8. They're smart, for now. They'll be caught later.
  9. kyriel

    Car gear gone

    Our car was empty as well, I assumed people just took everything. Although it was a lot of stuff, and I just now seen this post. Oh well.
  10. I don't have any specifics but a pal of mine told me about the same problem. He logged in and fell off a mountain. Lol.
  11. kyriel


    I think I veto this idea.
  12. Yep. I logged into a server once, inside a church. When I loaded, there were 2 people there. I sat there and for a half second wondered if I should shoot them. But they both turned towards my direction and I logged the fuck out before they could figure out I was there. Hope I spooked them.
  13. I dont know, I'd never drink water out of a can that used to hold gas. Maybe I'm just a germophobe. :sleepy:
  14. Nobody's forcing you to play. Play during the day. Play on a daytime server. Problem solved?
  15. kyriel

    WTF a jet ?

  16. kyriel


    I do... :huh: Or maybe I'm just a ninja. Who knows.
  17. kyriel

    Best way to meet up with a friend?

    No, there's no "groups" in DayZ Your location only is on screen for about 1 to 2 seconds in the bottom right and it is up to you to track your own location from then on. It will say something like: "Chernarus Kemenka Day 0" So your location would be Kamenka, as Chernarus is the map. If you need to, there are maps of Chernarus, just google for one. rUafraid, you beat me by half a second and lol @ we both used Kamenka! :D
  18. kyriel

    Best way to meet up with a friend?

    Step 1) Get familiar with the map. Step 2) When you log in, it will tell you your location. Find out where each of you are, and either follow the coast to each other (highly likely to be PK'd on the way) or travel inland and meet in a less-popular location.
  19. kyriel


    Am I the only one who prefers night time?? :huh:
  20. kyriel

    Where do you get anti-biotics?

    I've actually never been sick yet, nor have I found any antibiotics. We were at war at the Cherno Hospital for hours last night, never saw any spawn. Doh.