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39 Good

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About marcw1771ams@live.co.uk

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. marcw1771ams@live.co.uk

    Just saw Rocket again.

    I'm sure someone else has spotted this one,That haircut!
  2. marcw1771ams@live.co.uk

    Stress Test Invite

    Chernarus, currently.
  3. marcw1771ams@live.co.uk

    Stress Test Invite

    Hey guys working on creating a new private hive server and would love a few people to login and stress test it for me. Server currently limited to 20 players but will rise during stress testing. UK 317 - PRIVATE HIVE DAYZ ( [3DP:ON/CH:ON/WP:ON] Hosted By -[XV]- and MarcW1771ams Address:
  4. marcw1771ams@live.co.uk

    Namalsk Brensk Bridge

    Cheers mate its a pleasant moment when you get to pause and appreciate the scenery... then blow it up!
  5. marcw1771ams@live.co.uk

    Namalsk Brensk Bridge

    Pardon what?
  6. marcw1771ams@live.co.uk

    Namalsk Brensk Bridge

    Satchel Charges on Brensk Bridge, can someone tell me is this just a buggy hill, or some kind of shockwave from the explosion?
  7. marcw1771ams@live.co.uk

    Day Z Urban Legends

    The children do sound happy and not in any danger to warrant saving them, however they do somehow scare the crap out of me everytime!
  8. marcw1771ams@live.co.uk

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I dont see what the big deal is, its not like we dont have anything to play while we wait.
  9. marcw1771ams@live.co.uk

    Couple Of New Vids

    Arghh, how can I separate the lines?
  10. marcw1771ams@live.co.uk

    Couple Of New Vids

    Firstly another little Lol clip, anyone else noticed the Crabwalk yet? And My first little Playthrough of 1.7.3 including a Makarov shootout
  11. marcw1771ams@live.co.uk

    My First Roadkill

    Lol, I did die not to long after. I didnt pick up the mountain dew. But aparently volting a specific wall results in "insta-death"
  12. marcw1771ams@live.co.uk

    My First Roadkill

    Been playing DayZ for a fair while now and finally last night got my very first Roadkill, so needless to say i had to crop it up and upload the footage to the good old you tube,
  13. marcw1771ams@live.co.uk

    Day Z Videos

    A little lol reel, check out my chicken kill!
  14. marcw1771ams@live.co.uk

    Day Z Videos

    Me and the squad playing a little bit of Lingor Island.
  15. marcw1771ams@live.co.uk

    DayZ Memes
