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Everything posted by discoamazing

  1. discoamazing

    High ping 1000<

    I'm having this same problem. My internet connection is just great. No other programs running (besides the usual, anyway) but for any server with more than 5 players my ping is guaranteed to be above 100. This is a stark contrast to my usual experience with Dayz, where I could expect pings in the 20-70ms range. It's been a month or so since the last time I played, so I can't give an exact time that the problem began, but I first observed it when I tried to load up the game yesterday for the first time since being away. The fact that Shadixx is having the same issue, in a similar time frame, suggests that there's something strange going on.
  2. discoamazing

    make zombies slower

    Absolutely slow down the zombies. This has nothing to with making the game less difficult, it's easy enough as it is, but right now the zombie speed is totally immersion breaking. They just don't act like you would expect "real" zombies to behave.
  3. discoamazing

    Melee weapons / Zombie kills and humanity

    Melee weapons are a must. I think its important that we have a way of protecting ourselves from zombie attacks without bringing the horde down on our heads.
  4. discoamazing

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    Yes. Scrap them absolutely. In a real zombie apocalypse, you couldn't tell that somebody was about to kill you just based on their outfit.
  5. discoamazing

    Zombie movement - the zig-zag shuffle.

    Yeah, the zombie movement as is doesn't really feel very "zombie-ish" right now.
  6. discoamazing

    Ideas pertaining to the zombies

    I'm with Sandy State Phantom, and the other posters in this thread: More zombies (lots more! Like, 1000+ per map) but make them slower. That's the essential nature of the zombie menace in fiction: They're slow, they're stupid, but there's so many of them that this doesn't matter. Also, humans need a stamina bar. That way, while the player can run (hopefully a lot) faster than the zombies, they'll eventually get tired, but the zombies won't.