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About Torakka

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  1. Torakka

    We really need a new item in the game

    Is it necro if you make love to a zed?
  2. Torakka

    Weapon Suggestion: Chainsaw

    Warning: Not suitable for people who take zombies too seriously.
  3. Torakka

    Weapon/Tool suggestion: Flare gun

    Actually flarerockets that could be found only at docks and lighthouses would be splendid. They would be rare, but they would allow non-grenadelauncher players to use aerial flares too.
  4. Torakka

    full whiskey bottles?

    maybe it could help against the effects of low bodyheat
  5. Torakka

    Sniper rifles.

    what would make sense is that they would wobble a lot more when firing while standing.... i mean the heavy ones.
  6. Torakka

    New vehicles

    Great idea, but surely far down the to-do-list however, a random ice cream truck playing yakety sax while having all the zeds following it would be rather epic
  7. I still feel this would be a rather good addition to chernarus.
  8. One does not simply let his thread fall....
  9. Torakka


    But they dont. If you have a passed out person and defib him, all you are going to get is a passed out person with a stopped heart.
  10. Torakka

    Blood Trails

    Maybe it could be made so that you could drink from a bleeding fellow human, losing your humanity but gaining fluids.
  11. My religion, Bullshitism, doesnt approve of the idea that humans need blood to survive. Also my sister's religion, Bulletism, doesnt believe in limited ammunition.
  12. Torakka

    Blood Trails

    Too hard to make considering the amount of profit gained from this. Maybe a bleeding player might provoke the zeds with the smell of blood, but thats about it.
  13. Torakka

    Rubber Bullets

    haha... no. but maybe a special arrow with paralyzer applied to it? This could turn a player into a drooling lump of loot. You could take his gear and relocate before he could move. Sure... this would be far far far down the list of "maybe-to-do"
  14. My religion doesnt allow the consumption of baked beans. This is because we worship mr. Bean.
  15. Torakka

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Basically, this is what happened after going to the mountain we shouldnt talk about.