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Everything posted by woberfet

  1. woberfet

    cant join a server

    when i go onto arma 2 using the arma 2 launcher and try to join a server it does this validate thing then when it loads it goes straight back to the server list. Any idea why? and how to fix it? Thanks:P
  2. woberfet

    cant join a server

    wow thanks for your help guys once ive done reinstalling the game ill try and do both of your methods and see if it works! cheers.
  3. so ive spent all day trying to get this bloody game to work and its really starting to get on my nerves now so i hope someone can help me. When i try to get in a server it says "character2.pbo or dubbing.bbo" are not signed by a key accepted by this server. What does this mean? what do i do so i can kill some zombies for christ sake. Thanks.:@
  4. woberfet

    NEED HELP something about a key?

    nope i dont think i have.....and im gonna try that now what is it gonna do?