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Everything posted by wallee

  1. wallee

    Fix for the artifacting.

    my scenecomplexity was on 500000 and now i cahnged it to 100000 and still not working and im stuck on balota airstrip! xD Recon this well get sorted soon within a week or so?
  2. Hey, add me on steam alexwalton9 i have been playing for a week or two now. like playing in groups, so fun! :D
  3. wallee

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    BIG SHOUT out to Snortan Saved my butt, gave me some morphone fixed me up and gave me blood! took literally 5 minutes and he had to go hospital to get some supplies, here very good and quick! Thank you very much Snortan !!! :) :) :)
  4. wallee

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Need help, currently on on outskirts of Cherno near crane, Help please, i had fallen off building broke leg and need blood. send me a pm :D pleeease!
  5. wallee

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Im on the outskirts of Cherno, kinda. well im up on this building and ended up fallign down breaking leg and needing blood i got back up ladder and am now stuck. if anyone can help please reply or send me a pm please. My steam name is alexwalton9 And ingame name is MClovin... PLEASE HELP :D:D
  6. wallee

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hey, Im just in chernogorsk at the minute and fell off this tall building, i broke a leg and all sorts and in need of some help =/ Here is where i am, hope it helps: If any of you can help me please send pm :) Thanks
  7. wallee

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hey, Im just in chernogorsk at the minute and fell off this tall building, i broke a leg and all sorts and in need of some help =/ Here is where i am, hope it helps: If any of you can help me please reply or send pm :) Thanks
  8. wallee

    Looking for players

    Just added you, my names alexwalton9. Been playing a few days so i know the basics well. I was going really well until i came across a clan¬¬ Ill be making my way to cherno & electro :)
  9. wallee

    Introduce yourselves

    Hey my names alex, my in game name is sean. Dunno why just auto named me. I like being in a team, been palying for about 3/4 days now and really got the hang of it. Im from the uk and im 18, if you want team feel free to add my steam, alexwalton9 and my skype is waltonownz
  10. Hey guys, i try to run it on max graphics it doesnt run very smoothly could this be because of my graphics card? here is a quick spec of my computer Windows 7 ultimate AMD phenom II X4 955 Processor (4 Cpus), ~3.2GHz 8192MB RAM ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series ASUS Xtreme Design motherboard - M4A89GTD PRO/USB3 OCZ agility 3 60GB SSD Its an old graphics card but worked well with crysis when it kinda first came out but dunno how well it would cope now. Thanks for any advice anyway :) Oh and sorry if i've put this in wrong thread bit.
  11. It played really well on call of duty etc but then this game, it doesnt really work all that well. Now i just need to get a graphics card that i know will fit the motherboard? im not all that good with computers. i just buy them already done :P
  12. wallee

    Broken leg? Splint it up!

    indeed, i was in a barn and found my first weapon and ended up falling a bit off the staircase resulting in broken leg. GREAT. i had no morphine but if this splint idea came on i would have been fine, had wood in the barn and some bandage :L Good idea pal
  13. wallee

    Solo Survival - Surviving Alone?

    i laughed so hard at this! your sooo funny :L
  14. wallee

    Looking For Team Members

    Hey pal, i myself am from the UK. 18, so if im too old no worries. Just started playing this game today and loved it! Would probably prefer going around in a group as id be a lot more confident in going better places or whatever! :). Ill add you tomorrow on steam (Y)
  15. new to this game, got it today :) just wondering if there are any clans, teams i can join when i play as roaming around on my own seems hard! Another question.. How do i talk to people on the server? when i press / to get chat up and speak no one ever replies. even when i change channel to global, direct etc. any ideas? :)