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About ipkirl@hotmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ipkirl@hotmail.com

    Hacker was mad.

    Apparently the d*ck riding fanbois are out in numbers.
  2. ipkirl@hotmail.com

    Hacker was mad.

    You DO realize I have the right to bitch about anything I damn well please? You DO realize you are bitching about people bitching? I don't understand why retards don't get that. Thank you, come again peach!
  3. ipkirl@hotmail.com

    Hacker was mad.

    Sounds great but not one of us hit exit or respawn. Next please!
  4. ipkirl@hotmail.com

    Hacker was mad.

    I just had the same thing happen in US 1-55 East around 11 pm central. Message comes up in global chat Test 1 2 3 Test 1 2 3. I am on beach with a bunch of clones along with everyone else on server. Lost all my gear as well as the 3 other guys I was playing with. Not sure if hacker or server issues. Either way it blows but that's the price we pay for playing 1.) An Alpha 2.) A Bohemia Interactive game notoriously ridden with hackers and script kiddies in the past. What other choice do you have though, there really isn't anything else comparable on the market.
  5. ipkirl@hotmail.com

    Outsiders Clan|Origins Only

    Bump for DantheHero AKA Daddy for saving my a** all day today <3 much love brother!
  6. ipkirl@hotmail.com

    NVGs for any sniper or ghillie

    High, it says on Steam that you are now I'mHighPiez is that correct? Trying to contact you