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About Eterion

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  1. Eterion


    tell ur friend to stop being an alt+f4ing faggot
  2. Are u kidding me? I find a backpack -> my skin changes since i havent killed anyone for 10 minutes=i lose my backpack i find new backpack -> my skin changes when i shoot someone and i lose it again. i find new backpack and 10 minutes pass since i havent shot anyone and i lose it again...
  3. Eterion


    its often one finds 6 satchel charges...
  4. The Alt+F4 has good and bad sides. i HATE when ppl log out during combat. But id rather loose out on a kill then getting wtfpwned by hackers with no means of escape. So unless this will be a completely 100% hacker free game when the stand alone comes i want the means to excape my otherwise certain death from someone i cant see or who teleports me into a deathmatch with every other player on the server..
  5. Eterion


    smells like a hacker, leaving supplies whilst having 20 dmr mags in backpack....
  6. Eterion

    DayZ wtf i going on? Ban hacker not me!!!

    this thread made me laugh so hard. Contacting lawyer for getting banned, you cant be more then 10 if you think that will do you any good whatsoever :)
  7. Eterion

    US 195, S6 Admin Abuse

    i smell bullshit
  8. Started off by logging in to stary with a friend who yells on skype that he found 4 tents, make my way over there and its only crap (aks,food,bandages and stuff) we then spot another tent away from the other ones and my friend goes to check it out. next thing i hear is him blasting away with hes FAL whilst yelling: god damn ghillie sniper laying next to the tent! the guy takes a hit or so but logs out (alt+f4 tard) we discuss our next course of action and figure that hes prolly gonna log on to another server, run to the tree line with the 3 deer stands and snipe us from there(or get some friends) so we take a long way around to that tree line. as we are x-running and checking all around us we spot a ghillie sniper(surprise surprise, its the same guy) going into some trees separated from anything else so we just stand behind some rocks aiming at the trees. takes around 2 minutes then we see the asshole coming out of the trees and both blast him. instadead sniper and we wait a while scanning around then go loot. friend picks up an AS50 to go along with hes FAL since i have a M107 allready, and i pick up a pair of nightvision googles and a GPS. Great night :) felt so good to kill that alt+f4ing piece of crap. this was on a NL server incase the asshole reads this :P
  9. check 4 hours and 6 minutes in and ull hear lirikk talking about jamal ( who just spawned 2 choppers )
  10. Just for the record, Jamal is not a random, hes a very well known hacker. he stalks lirikk and other streamers constantly spawning shit for them or killing them in retarded ways. Kinda think they might be telling the truth when i saw the name Jamal.